CBSE CTET Syllabus 2023: Download Syllabus PDF Here


    CBSE CTET Syllabus 2023 is released by CBSE. Central Teacher Eligibility Test is conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education for candidates with B.Ed. degree or diploma in elementary education. The syllabus for both papers are different. Students can download the CTET Dec 2021 Syllabus for Paper 1 and Paper 2 for free in pdf format. The candidate can go through the following article for detailed information regarding CTET Syllabus 2023.

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    CTET Syllabus


    CTET Syllabus 
    Paper Subject Topics
    Paper 1 Child Development and Pedagogy Concept of Child Development, Principles of Development, Influence of Heredity and Environment, Socialization Processes, Social World of the Child, Child with Special Needs, Pedagogy, Learning and Teaching, Multiple Intelligences, Constructivism, Inclusive Education
    Paper 1 Language I Language Comprehension, Language Development, Language Acquisition, Phonetics and Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Teaching of Language
    Paper 1 Language II Literature, Indian Literature, World Literature, Teaching of Literature
    Paper 2 Mathematics Number Systems, Arithmetic Operations, Fractions, Decimals, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability
    Paper 2 Science Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Teaching of Science
    Paper 2 Social Studies History, Geography, Civics, Economics, Teaching of Social Studies

    CBSE CTET Syllabus 2023

    CTET Child Development and Pedagogy syllabus

    1. Meaning and purposes of Assessment
    2. The right to Education Act 2009.
    3. Theories of learning and its implication
    4. Child Development.
    5. How Children learn and think.
    6. The Role of Heredity and environment
    7. Individual Differences.
    8. Teaching-learning process.

    Central Teacher Eligibility Test language-I syllabus

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    1. Comprehensive & Continuous Evaluation.
    2. Framing Questions Including Wh-questions.
    3. Teaching Learning Materials.
    4. Development of Language Skills, Teaching Learning Materials.
    5. Unseen Prose Passage.
    6. Principles of Teaching English.

    CBSE CTET Language-II Syllabus

    1. Basic knowledge of the English Sounds and their Phonetic Transcription.
    2. Unseen Poem.
    3. Modal Auxiliaries, Phrasal Verbs, and Idioms, Literary Terms.
    4. Principles of the Teaching English, Communicative Approach to English Language Teaching, Challenges of Teaching

    Central Board of Secondary Examination CTET Environmental Studies Syllabus

    1. Matter and Energy.
    2. Clothes and Habitats.
    3. Our Culture and Civilization.
    4. Concept & scope of Environment Studies.
    5. Approaches to presenting concepts.
    6. Scope and Relation to Science & Social Science.
    7. Living Beings.
    8. Personal Hygiene.
    9. Experimentation/Practical Work.

    Central TET Social Studies Syllabus

    1. Geography and Resources
    2. Geography and Resources of India
    3. Main Components of the Earth
    4. Indian Constitution and Democracy
    5. Indian Civilization, Culture, and Society
    6. Mauryan & Gupta Empires and Post-Gupta Period
    7. Pedagogical Issues – I
    8. Pedagogical Issues – II

    Central TET Syllabus- Mathematics & Science

    1. Area of Plane figures
    2. Indices
    3. Factors
    4. Interest
    5. Lines and Angles
    6. Graph
    7. Human body and health
    8. Force and Motion
    9. Light & Sound
    10. Chemical Substances

    Download CTET 2023 Syllabus Pdf

    CTET Exam Syllabus Books

    List of Recommended Books for Central Teacher Eligibility (CTET) Paper I and Paper-II.

    Subjects Books Name and Author’s Name


    A Complete Resource for CTET: English and Pedagogy Language 1 by Geeta Sahni


    CTET & TETs English Language & Pedagogy Paper I & II by Arihant Experts

    CTET Paper I Books

    Subjects Books Name and Author’s Name


    CTET & TETs for Class I-V Mathematics & Pedagogy by Arihant Experts

    Environmental Studies

    CTET & TETs Environmental Studies & Pedagogy Class I-V by Arihant Experts

    Child Development and Pedagogy

    (for both Paper I and Paper II)

    CTET & TETs Child Development & Pedagogy (Paper I & II) by Arihant Experts

    CTET Paper II Books

    Subjects Books Name and Author’s Name

    Child Development and Pedagogy (compulsory)

    (for both Paper I and II)

    A Complete Resource for CTET: Child Development and Pedagogy by Sandeep Kumar

    Science and Mathematics (for Science/Mathematics teachers)

    CTET Success Master Paper-II Teacher Selection for Class VI-VIII Maths & Science by Arihant Experts

    Social Studies/Social Science (for social science/social studies teachers)

    CTET Success Master Science Social/Studies Paper-II for Class VI-VIII by Arihant Experts

    CTET 2023 Exam Pattern

    The detailed vital regarding CTET Exam Pattern is given below.

    Candidates should observe CTET 2023 Paper Pattern before starting preparation. Because CTET Syllabus Paper 2 Social Studies and CTET Teacher Exam Pattern gives the weightage of questions. Individuals can know question paper details from TGT Question Pattern. The data gathered from the Central Teacher Eligibility Test Pattern is subject names, total questions and marks,  the type of questions in the test.

    CTET 2023 Exam Pattern Paper -I

    S.No Subjects for Paper-I Total No of Questions Total Marks
    1 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 MCQs 30
    2 Language I (compulsory) 30 MCQs 30
    3 Language II (compulsory) 30 MCQs 30
    4 Mathematics 30 MCQs 30
    5 Environmental Studies 30 MCQs 30
    Total 150 MCQ’s 150

    CTET 2023 Exam Pattern for Paper -II

    S.No Subjects for Paper-II Total No of Questions Total Marks
    1 Child Development and Pedagogy (compulsory) 30 MCQs 30
    2 Language I (compulsory) 30 MCQs 30
    3 Language II (compulsory) 30 MCQs 30
    4 Mathematics & Science (for Mathematics and Science teacher) 60 MCQs 60
    5 Social Studies/Social Science (for Social Studies/Social Science teacher) 60 MCQs 60
    Total 150 MCQs 150 2020,  ctet 2020 notification, CBSE CTET Syllabus 2020, ctet question paper, ctet result 2020, ctet 2018 online application, ctet admit card, ctet admit card 2018

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    Abhinandan Singh
    Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.



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