MJPTBCWREIS 2023: Application Form, Counselling Procedure


MJPTBCWREIS or Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society is the conducting body of the TSMJBC RJC and TSMJBC RDC. The exam takes place for admission into Intermediate courses in Residential Junior Colleges (RJC) and Degree courses in Residential Degree College (RDC) for Women. The result has also been announced. The process of an application takes place in an online mode. Candidates appearing for the exam must be aware of the process such as application, exam pattern, syllabus and more. 

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MJPTBCWREIS 2023 Admission  Status


Check the latest update regarding the MJPTBCWREIS 2023 for admission into Intermediate courses in Residential Junior Colleges (RJC) and Degree courses in Residential Degree College (RDC) for Women.

Particulars Events
MJPTBCWREIS 2023 Application Form   Soon
Exam  Soon
Result  Soon

MJPTBCWREIS 2023 Admission Important  Dates

Candidates applying for the MJPTBCWREIS 2023  admission for  TSMJBC RJC and TSMJBC RDC must be aware of the important dates of the events. Check the dates in the table given below.

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about MJPTBCWREIS 2023: Application Form, Counselling Procedure - Admissions

Events  Dates (tentative)
TSMJBC RJC and TSMJBC RDC   Admission Application form 23 April 2023
Last date of the submission of the TSMJBC RJC  and TSMJBC RDC  application form 07 July 2023
Availability of the admit card 21 July 2023
Exam Date  25 July 2023
Declaration of the result.  September 2023


The result will be out in an online mode at the official site. In order to view the result, candidates have to enter the Hall Ticket No. and Date of Birth. This is the final statement of the marks that tells the qualifying nature of the students. 

Steps To View The MJPTBCWREIS 2023  Result

  • Visit the official site of the MJPTBCWREIS i,e mjptbcwreis.telanganana.gov.in and mjptbcwreis.cgg.gov.in.
  • A home page of the site will appear on the screen.
  • Locate and click on the result link 
  • Enter the details required incorrect form
  • Result will appear in the pdf form
  • Download and take the print of the result. 

MJPTBCWREIS Selection Procedure

Selection of students shall be made based on the following:

  1. Merit in the Entrance Examination.
  2. Option exercised (i.e. option for college and option for Group)
  3. Rule of reservation. 
  4. Reservation under special category

In case of Tie- Breaking Situation For RJC

  • The higher marks secured by the candidate in Mathematics in the entrance test for MPC, MEC, CEC & HEC will be taken into consideration. 
  • The higher marks secured by the candidate in Biological Science in the entrance test for BiPC. 
  • Even though the tie persists, the higher marks were secured by the candidate in Physical Science for MPC and BiPC, Social Studies for MEC/CEC/HEC.
  • If the tie still persists, the higher marks secured by the candidate in English will be taken into consideration.
  • If the tie still persists, it will be decided by taking advanced age as criteria.
  • If the tie still persists, candidates belonging to the unrepresentative community shall be considered.

In case of Tie- Breaking Situation For RDC

If the candidates score the same marks then the order of the merit of the subjects in entrance examination is like this.

Tie- Breaking Situation For RDC
Subjects Orders of Consideration
B.Sc (MPC & MPCS) Maths, Physics & Chemistry
B.Sc. (BZC & BBC) Botany, Zoology & Chemistry
B.Sc. (MSCS) i) Maths, Physics & Chemistry for Inter MPC students 

ii) Maths, Economics & Commerce for Inter MEC students

B.Sc. (Data Science) i) Maths, Physics & Chemistry for Inter MPC students

ii) Maths, Economics & Commerce for Inter MEC students

B.A.(HEP & HPE) History, Economics & Civics
B.Com (General, Computers & Business Analytics) : Economics & Commerce
  • If the tie still persists, the higher marks secured by the candidate in English will be taken into consideration.
  • If the tie still persists, it will be decided by taking advanced age as criteria.
  • If still the tie persists, candidates belonging to the following communities (in that order) shall be given a higher rank: 
    • ST 
    • SC
    • BC (A)
    • BC (B)
    • BC (C)
    • BC (D)
    • BC (E) and
    • EBC

MJPTBCWREIS 2023  Application Form 

In order to participate in the admission process, candidates have to apply for the TSMJBC RJC and TSMJBC RDC as per their preference. Look into the procedure here:

  • One has to fill the registration Form online on the website of the Education Department.
  • Keep all the documents ready before filling the application form.
  • Have the scanned copy of the images in the prescribed format and size. 
  • Payment of the application fee in an online mode 
  • Must have the print of the application for future reference. 

How To Apply For MJPTBCWREIS 2023  Admission 2023?

The procedure of the application form is discussed below. 

Step 1: Pay The Application Fee

In the process of application, the first thing is to make the payment of the application fee. For the submission of application online shall pay a fee of Rs.200/- in an online mode. Candidates have to pay the payment through the Payment Gateway in the given time. At the payment gateway preliminary data such as . Name of the candidate, Date of Birth and Mobile No. etc has to be provided. (Submission of the fee is the confirmation of the fee received)

Step 2: Fill The Application Form 

On receipt of fee, the candidate shall be issued a Journal number with which he/she can proceed with submission of the application online through the website. 

  • Visit the official website of MJPTBCWREIS 2023 i.e mjptbcwreis.telanganana.gov.in and mjptbcwreis.cgg.gov.in.
  • A home page of the site will appear on the screen
  • Click on the “ MJPTBCWREIS 2023 Application Form” as per the courses applying for.
  • Fill the details required and also have to opt for the Group for which they are applying for. 
  • Do the registration by entering the details required and create login

Step 3: Upload The Scanned Images

  • Upload the scanned copy of photograph in the prescribed format and size
  •  The photograph size should be  3.5 x 4.5cms 

Documents Required To Fill  MJPTBCWREIS 2023 Application Form

  • Previous Class Qualifying Marks.
  • Scanned passport-sized photograph in prescribed format
  • Valid Mobile no. and email id.
  • Bank details for the payment. 

Instructions For The Application Form 

  • Download the filled application form and take the print of it. The reference no. is there in the application form. This reference number is required to download the Hall Ticket. 
  • Have the print of the online application for further reference.
  • The candidate is solely responsible for the incorrect details in the application form. While filling the form, candidates are advised to be careful.  
  • Only the eligible candidates can apply for the entrance exam. SO check the eligibility carefully before applying for the exam. . 
  • The selected candidate has to produce the original certificates at the time of the verification. 
  • If the documents are not submitted at the proper time then the application will be rejected. So make a note of it and prepare the documents before moving to the admission process. 

MJPTBCWREIS 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Candidates have to fulfil the eligibility criteria in order to fill the application form. Not all candidates can participate in the process. So check into the criteria as per the courses applying for. 

TSMJBC RJC Eligibility Requirement

  • The students who have completed SSC (or) its equivalent course in 2020-21 alone are eligible to appear for the Entrance Test. 
  • Advanced Supplementary Candidates are not eligible for Admission. 
  •  25% of Seats will be reserved for the students who studied in MJPTBCW Residential Schools and BC Welfare Hostel Boarders. 
  •  Annual Income of the Parents/Guardian shall not exceed Rs.1,50,000/- in Rural areas and Rs.2,00,000/- in Urban Areas.

TSMJBC RDC Eligibility Requirement

  • Students appearing for the Senior Intermediate Examination in May-2023 conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education of Telangana or equivalent examination are ONLY eligible to appear for the test, subject to the other conditions. 
  • The students appearing for the Intermediate instant examination in 2023 are not eligible for admission. Hence they need not apply for the entrance test.
  • The students should have passed the qualifying examination in one and first attempt in IPE-May 2023 and secure 50% of marks on aggregate and 40% of marks in English subject. 
  • In the case of reserved category, 45% of marks on aggregate and 35% of marks in English subject.  
  • For B.A., (HEP & HPE) all the students are eligible irrespective of subjects studied in Intermediate and its equivalent course. But they have to take an Entrance Test in ENGLISH, HISTORY, ECONOMICS and CIVICS. 
  •  For B.Com., (General, Computers & Business Analytics) students of CEC or any other group are eligible as per university norms. But they have to take the Entrance Test in ENGLISH, ECONOMICS & COMMERCE. 
  •  For B.Sc., (MPC & MPCS) students of intermediate MPC & MBiPC, for B.Sc., (BZC & BBC) students of intermediate Bi.PC & MBiPC, are eligible to write examinations. 
  • For B.Sc., (MSCS) (Maths, Statistics & Computer Science) Inter MPC, MEC & MBiPC students are eligible to write entrance examinations.
  •  For B.Sc., (Data Science) (Maths, Statistics & Data Science) Inter MPC,MEC & MBiPC students are eligible to write entrance examinations. 
  •  BC/SC/ST/OBC women students are eligible for admission. 
  • Annual Income of the Parents/Guardian shall not exceed Rs.1,50,000/- Rural areas and Rs.2,00,000/- in Urban Areas.

MJPTBCWREIS 2023 Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Candidates appearing for the exam must be familiar with the latest exam pattern and syllabus. This helps the candidates to have knowledge about the total no. of questions asked in the exam, exam duration etc.

Exam Pattern

  • The question paper will be in MCQ format
  • Exam will take place for 2 hr 30 min
  • Questions will be in both English and Telugu medium. 
  • Answers should be marked in the OMR answer sheet.
  • There is 1 mark for the correct answer. 
  • There will be no negative marks for wrong answers.
  • The examination will be conducted for 150 marks in Total. There will be three optional subject papers for 40 marks each, in addition to English papers for 30 Marks(Except for B.Com General, Computers & Business Analytics). English paper is common to all
  • For B.Com General, Computers & Business Analytics courses the question paper will be in English, Economics & Commerce subjects. 50 marks for each subject.


Residential Junior College (RJC) Exam Pattern
Group  Subjects  Marks 
MPC English – Mathematics – Physical Science 150 Marks
BiPC English – Biological Science – Physical Science 150 Marks
MEC English – Mathematics- Social Studies 150 Marks
CEC English – Mathematics- Social Studies 150 Marks
HEC English – Mathematics- Social Studies 150 Marks



The examination will be conducted on the Intermediate syllabus (Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana, Hyderabad) for group subjects and English will be General English. 

MJPTBCWREIS 2023 Admit Card

The concerned authority releases the TSMJBC RJC and TSMJBC RDC in an online mode at the official site. The registered candidates can easily access the admit card by providing the login details. It is important for the candidates to have the admit card in the printed form to attend the exam. No one will be allowed to enter the examination hall without the admit card. Thus it is an identity of the person to appear for the exam. 

Steps To View The MJPTBCWREIS 2023  Admit Card 

  • Visit the official site of the MJPTBCWREIS i,e mjptbcwreis.telanganana.gov.in and mjptbcwreis.cgg.gov.in.
  • A home page of the site will appear on the screen.
  • Locate and click on the admit card link 
  • Enter the details required incorrect form
  • An admit card will appear in the pdf form
  • Download and take the print of the admit card. 

MJPTBCWREIS Reservation Policy

Reservation For RDC: 

(1). SC: 15%, ST: 6%, BCs: 74% (BC-A:20%, BC-B:28%, BC-C:3%, BC-D:19%, BC- E:4%), EBC:2%, Orphans:3%.

(2) 3% of seats will be filled with differently-abled persons within the quota.

Reservation For RJC:

(1)BCs: 75% (BC-A:18%, BC-B:26%, BC-C:3%, BC-D:18% and BC-E:10%), SC: 15%, ST: 5%, EBC(OC):2%, Orphans:3%. 

(2) 3% of seats will be filled with differently abled persons within the quota

MJPTBCWREIS 2023 Counselling

After the declaration of the result, the selected candidates have to participate in the counselling process. Admissions will be carried out by counselling by a committee constituted by the Secretary at District level. The approved list will be intimated to the students and displayed in the College Notice Board and in the website. But before that candidates have to participate in the counselling process. 

Candidates must have the original documents at the time of verification. If anyone at any time fails to have the original document then the admission will be cancelled for him/her. Check the documents below.  

List Of Certificates Candidates Must Have While Verification 

  • Certificates to be submitted by the candidate at the time of admission
  • Original Hall Ticket issued for entrance test. 
  • Transfer Certificate 
  • SSC Marks Memo 
  • Original Study and Conduct Certificate from IV to X 
  • Original Caste Certificate issued by Tahsildar 
  • Original Income Certificate issued by Tahsildar (Latest) 
  • Original Physical fitness Certificate issued by a Doctor not below the rank of Asst. Civil Surgeon. 
  • Passport Size Photos – 4 
  • 3 sets of Xerox copies of all the above certificates. 
  • Caution deposit of Rs.1,000/- & maintenance charges of Rs.1000/- to be paid

Courses Offered From RDC

Residential Degree College (RDC) Courses
Course Subjects to be taken for RDC CET
B.Sc., (MPC) English, Maths, Physics & Chemistry
B.Sc., (MSCS) (EM) English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry for MPC Students English, Maths, Economics & Commerce for MEC students
B.Sc., (BZC) (EM)  English, Botany, Zoology & Chemistry
B.Sc., (BBC)(EM)  English, Botany, Zoology & Chemistry
B.Sc., (MPCS )( EM English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry
B.Sc., (Data Science) (EM) English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry for MPC students English, Maths, Economics & Commerce for MEC students
B.A. (HPE) (EM) English, History, Economics & Civics
B.A. (HEP) (EM) English, History, Economics & Civics
B.Com.(General) (EM English, Economics & Commerce
B.Com.,(Computers) (EM) English, Economics & Commerce
B.Com.,(Business Analytics) English, Economics & Commerce

MJPTBCWREIS Admission 2023 Overview

Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society Admission Overview
Exam Name TSMJBC RJC and TSMJBC RDC 2023
Conducting Body Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society 
Selection Entrance Exam, Merit List
Mode of Application Online mode
Exam Mode Offline mode
Application Fee Mode Online mode
Official Website mjptbcwreis.telanganana.gov.in and mjptbcwreis.cgg.gov.in.

MJPTBCWREIS 2023 Admission FAQs

Ques 1: Who can apply for MJPTBCWREIS 2023 ?

Ans: Those who have completed the Senior secondary exam.

Ques 2:  What is the frequency of the MJPTBCWREIS exam?

Ans: Once in a year. 

Ques 3: What is the mode of the MJPTBCWREIS exam admission application form?

Ans: Online mode 

Ques 4: What is the mode of the MJPTBCWREIS exam application fee payment?

Ans: Online mode via net banking/ debit card/credit card. 

Ques 5. Is there any negative marking in the MJPTBCWREIS exam?

Ans. No, there is no negative marking.

Ques 6. What are the total marks in the MJPTBCWREIS exam?

Ans. Total Mark= 150 marks.

Que 7. Through MJPTBCWREIS  what are the courses one can apply?

Ans: Residential Junior Colleges (RJC) and Degree courses in Residential Degree College (RDC) for Women

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