Did Rescheduling CLAT 2023 Affect the Results?


In light of the events of the past year, CLAT 2023 was rescheduled. With the changes made to the date, has it had any discernible affect on the results?

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1.Increased Pressure on Test Takers: Moving the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2023 to a later date has resulted in students feeling significantly more pressure when it comes to preparing for the test. It has also caused a panicked scramble amongst those who are already facing application form deadlines.

2. Extended Admissions Cycle: With the cancellations and postponements, the admissions cycle will be extended by almost a year from what was originally anticipated. Applicants should factor this into their decision-making process when deciding which universities they are interested in and how long their applications might take to complete.

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3. Greater Difficulty for Students: The rescheduling also means that students must prepare for the CLAT 2023 exam with fewer resources such as mock tests and sample questions, making it even more challenging to succeed on the exam than before

4. Longer Waiting Periods: As applications may now take longer than usual to be processed, applicants will have to exercise patience until they receive final decisions on their admission status

5. Potential Impact on Eligibility Criteria: Some universities have postponed the cut-off date for CLAT 2023 scores while others may revise or relax eligibility criteria which could open up admission opportunities even further

6. Difficulties Faced By Prospective Students Abroad: Those who are unlikely to be able travel back due prior commitments would face difficulties in being able to sit for the backlog exams around that time

7. Long Term Effects of Delay: There is also risk of losing out on a whole academic year’s worth of learning opportunities if essay topics remain unresolved or lectures are delayed or cancelled due to the impact of Covid-19

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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