HBSE Practical Exam Dates For Regular, Swayampathi & Open School – All Subject Details


Get all the detailed information on the HBSE Practical Exam Dates for regular, Swayampathi and Open School candidates. Learn what is being offered, how to reappear in a subject and avail of a Mercy Chance if needed! The HBSE board has released the practical exam dates for regular, Swayampathi and Open School candidates. The Board will appoint external examiners to conduct the practical exams for Senior Secondary Physics, Chemistry, and Biology subjects.

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Haryana School Education Board (HBSE), Bhiwani has released the practical examination dates for Regular, Swayampathi and Open School (Full Subject/Re-Appear/Mercy Chance) for Secondary and Senior Secondary Annual Examination February/March 2024.

HBSE Practical Exam Dates

The practical examination of Secondary/Senior Secondary (Academic) for regular candidates will be conducted from February 07 to February 15, 2024, and Secondary/Senior Secondary (Swayampathi) and Open School (Full Subject/Re-Appear/Mercy Chance) practical examinations will be held from April 01 to April 08, 2024.

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Understand the HBSE Exam Pattern for Regular and Private Candidates.

The HBSE exam pattern is different for regular and private candidates. For regular candidates, the exams consist of written tests and practical assessments based on each subject. However, for Swayampathi and Open School students, the exam has four components: a project report, assignment, practical/lab session, and final assessment paper. It’s important to understand the exam format in order to prepare effectively.

Prepare Yourself Well with Required Resources & Strategies

Preparing for the HBSE practical is not an easy task, but it can be manageable with one key resource: good study material. Make sure you gather all the necessary textbooks and other resources needed to help you get through your topics of study. Additionally, practice regularly on subject-specific questions. This will help you understand what kind of questions are asked in the practicals and how they should be answered. Finally, remember to strategize your preparation in order to make sure that you focus on those topics that are more relevant for a particular exam.

Learn When, Where & How to Reappear in HBSE Exams

If you fail in the practical portion of your HBSE exams, you still have a chance to reappear and redeem yourself. The dates for these reappearance exams are released shortly after the regular exam results become available. However, it is important to note that reappearance in any exam is subject to specific rules and regulations defined by the Board of School Education (HBSE). Therefore, make sure you visit the official website of HBSE in order to check out those details and get an idea of how to reappear if required.

Acquire Details on Grant of Mercy Chance (If Any) at HBSE

Acquiring details on grant of mercy chance (if any) at HBSE is very important if you or someone you know has failed in the practical portion of their HBSE board exams. If a student fails in any subject, including the practicals, he/she should go through the website and check out the details about application for Mercy Chance. The Mercy Chance rules are different for regular and Swayampathi open school candidates; therefore, it is important to check out all the information related to this before submitting your application.

Familiarize Yourself With Marking Scheme & Passing Criteria

Before appearing in the practical exam, it is essential that the student knows all the details of the marking scheme followed by HBSE. If a student is familiar with what percentage he/she needs to get in order to pass a certain subject then it will put them at ease during the exam. Additionally, students should also refer to sample papers/past question papers for an idea about the types of questions and concepts tested in the practical examinations. This helps prepare them better and increases chances of securing higher grades.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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