JEE Mains 2023 Shift 1 Analysis ( January 30, 2023) – Maths Difficult, Others Easy


JEE Mains 2023 Shift 1 Analysis ( January 30, 2023) saw a moderate difficulty level in Mathematics and easy difficulty levels in Chemistry and Physics, based on the analysis of the 1st shift. Learn more about the pattern of questions asked, their topics and nature, along with expected cut-offs for the first entrance exam for IITs admissions. The JEE (Main) 2023 Paper-I for those aspiring for B.E. / B. Tech was held on 30th January 2023. The reporting time for students was 8:20 am and the exam started sharp at 9:00 am.

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Get an informed insight into the difficulty level of JEE Main 2023 by learning about the 1st shift analysis in Maths, Chemistry and Physics.

Get an insight into the JEE Mains 2023 shift 1 paper analysis January 30, 2023

According to the analysis conducted, Maths was the toughest of the sections with a difficulty level of 8/10. Physics had a difficulty level of 6/10 and Chemistry 5/10. Physics questions were application based, some straight-forward, while some involved lengthy calculations. The Chemistry paper was considered to be quite easy as compared to the other two sections, with only one numerical question in the entire paper. Therefore, having a good understanding of Maths is essential for success on JEE Mains 2023 First Shift 1 paper.

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Analyze the complexity of JEE Main 2023 (Session 1) exam paper

The JEE Main 2023 paper contained multiple choice, subjective and numerical response type questions. The Maths section was marked as moderate due to complex calculations which were required, while the Chemistry and Physics sections were of an easier level. It is expected that the cut-off marks would be lower this year compared to previous years. Overall, students found the exam to be doable and if they had prepared thoroughly for the exam then it was a great opportunity for them to perform well.

Understand the difficulty level in Maths, Chemistry and Physics

Students found that the overall difficulty level of JEE Main 2023 was very manageable, however the Maths section posed a greater challenge due to the calculations involved. Chemistry and Physics were much easier topics but it still required students to have a strong understanding of the topics. It is recommended that students attempt all questions, even if they find certain sections difficult. Time management is also important – ensure you allocate more time for complex question types and less for simpler ones.

Learn about the questions asked in each section

The JEE Main 2023 exam contained a wide variety of question types, ranging from straightforward multiple choice questions to complex problem-solving questions. In the Maths section, students found the number of numerical questions to be higher than the other sections. The Chemistry and Physics paper comprised primarily objective and theoretical questions. Students should ensure they understand the types of questions and their structures in order to tackle them confidently during the exam.

Explore number of questions for each section

In the JEE Mains 2023 First Shift, Maths contained the highest number of questions out of all three sections – 45 questions. Physics contained 35 and Chemistry 30. Calculations indicate that Maths and Chemistry questions were equally weighted, with each making up approximately 33 percent of the total examination paper. However, around 42% of the question paper was composed of Physics questions. Therefore it is essential for students to get a solid grip on their understanding of Physics in order to do well on the JEE Main this year.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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