ICSE 10th Date Sheet 2025: Check Exam Schedule and Timetable


ICSE 10th Date Sheet 2025 has been released by the CISCE. The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) will conduct the ICSE Class 10 exams from February 18 to March 27, 2025. The exams will be held in offline mode at students’ respective schools. The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education is an examination conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, a private board of secondary education in India. The Council will also release a notification regarding the same. There are 2341 schools affiliated with the ICSE Examination in India and abroad.

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The date sheet is available on the official website of the CISCE, cisce.org. Students can download the date sheet in PDF format.

ICSE 10th Date Sheet 2025

The ICSE 10th Date Sheet 2025 has been released by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). The exams are scheduled to take place from February 18 to March 27, 2025. The exams will be conducted offline at students’ respective schools. The complete date sheet, including subject-wise exam dates and timings, is available on the official CISCE website, cisce.org. Students can download the date sheet in PDF format for detailed information.

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    • Start Date: February 18, 2025
    • End Date: March 27, 2025
    • Exam Timings: Exams will be held in a single session, either at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM, depending on the subject.
    • Exam Duration: 2 to 3 hours, depending on the subject.
    • Official CISCE Website: For detailed information and updates, visit CISCE Website.
    • Download Date Sheet: The full ICSE 10th Date Sheet 2025 is available for download on the CISCE website.

It is recommended to regularly check the official CISCE website for any updates or changes.

CISCE 10th 12th Time Table 2025

Candidates can download the CISCE Class 10th Timetable below and can go through the official link of CISCE board time table given in the section below. The students are advised to go through the Time table thoroughly. Every year ICSE Board Class 10th exam dates are released by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations.

ICSE Board Exam Date 2025
ICSE Events Dates 
Date of Examination (class 10th) February 18 to March 27, 2025
ISC Events
Examination Dates 12 February to 3 April 2025

ICSE 10th Date Sheet 2025

The ICSE Class 10 Board Exams 2025 will run from February 18 to March 27, starting with English Language and ending with Art Paper 4. Exams will be held offline at respective schools, with durations of 2 to 3 hours. The full timetable is available on the official CISCE website. Here is the complete ICSE Class 10 Date Sheet 2025 in table format:

ICSE 10th Date Sheet 2025
Date Time Subject Duration
Tuesday, February 18 11:00 AM English Language – English Paper 1 2 hrs
Thursday, February 20 11:00 AM Literature in English – English Paper 2 2 hrs
Friday, February 21 09:00 AM Art Paper 1 (Still Life) 3 hrs
Monday, February 24 09:00 AM Art Paper 2 (Nature Drawing/Painting) 3 hrs
Tuesday, February 25 11:00 AM Second Language (Various languages: Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, etc.) 3 hrs
Thursday, February 27 11:00 AM Mathematics 2 hrs 30 min
Friday, February 28 11:00 AM Art Paper 3 (Group 1 Composition) 3 hrs
Saturday, March 1 11:00 AM Economics (Group II Elective) 2 hrs
Monday, March 3 11:00 AM Hindi 3 hrs
Wednesday, March 5 11:00 AM History & Civics (H.C.G. Paper 1) 2 hrs
Friday, March 7 11:00 AM Geography (H.C.G. Paper 2) 2 hrs
Monday, March 10 11:00 AM Physics – Science Paper 1 2 hrs
Wednesday, March 12 11:00 AM Chemistry – Science Paper 2 2 hrs
Friday, March 14 11:00 AM Biology – Science Paper 3 2 hrs
Monday, March 17 11:00 AM Commercial Studies (Group II Elective) 2 hrs
Wednesday, March 19 11:00 AM Environmental Science (Group II Elective) 2 hrs
Thursday, March 27 11:00 AM Art Paper 4 (Applied Art) 3 hrs

This table includes the complete exam schedule for the ICSE Class 10 exams 2025. Let me know if you need further assistance!

How to download ICSE 10th Date Sheet 2025?

Written below are the basic steps to download the ICSE 10th exam schedule 2025. Follow these to download the pdf format.

  • Step 1 – Visit the official website of Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations i.e www.cisce.org
  • Step 2 – Secondly, click on the “ICSE (Class X) YEAR 2025 EXAMINATION INSTRUCTIONS AND TIMETABLE” in the topmost horizontal scroll bar.
  • Step 3 – A pdf file will display onscreen with instructions and time table of the examination.
  • Step 4 – Further, save the pdf file for future reference.
  • Step 5 –In addition, take the printout for future use.

Details mentioned on ICSE 10th Date Sheet 2025

ICSE class 10 time table consists of the following details. So, have a look at the points as listed below.

  • Exam Name
  • Board Name
  • Class
  • List of Subjects
  • Exam Date
  • Exam Timings
  • Important Instructions

ICSE 10th Exam 2025 Important Points

  • In addition to the time mentioned on the timetable, students will get an extra 15 minutes to read the question paper.
  • Students will receive the question paper at 10:45 am and they can start writing the exam from 11:00 am.
  • The candidates must not forget to carry their admit card in the exam hall else will not be allowed to sit for the exam.
  • Aspirants must not carry any unfair means with them.
  • Students will not be allowed to carry any electronic gadgets such as calculators, tablets, mobile phones inside the exam hall.

ICSE Class 10th Time Table 2025 JPEG

Students can check the exam date sheet of ICSE Class 10th in the below-given table

ICSE 10th Time Table 2025 
ICSE 10th Time Table 2025

ICSE 10th Date Sheet 2025 Highlights

Key details of ICSE Class 10th Examination are mentioned in the table below.

ICSE 10th Examination 2025 Basic Details
Name of Board Indian Certificate School Examination
Examination Name 10th Board Examination
Official site www.cisce.org

ICSE Board Exam Relevant Links

Class 10th Syllabus 2025

Class XII Syllabus 2025

Class XII Exam Routine 2025

ICSE Class 10th Model Paper 2025

CISCE Class 12th Model Paper 2025

www.cisce.org time table 2025, ICSE exam Schedule, ICSE board exam schedule, ICSE Exam 2025 Time Table, icse time table 2025 class 10, icse board exam time table 2025, icse 2025 exam schedule, icse board scheme 2025 class 10, www.cisce.org date sheet 2025, icse 10th time table 2025 download, icse 2025 routine, icse 2025 timetable class 10.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


  1. It cant be possible……in history only 1 day holiday….where there are need of more holodays these council people have given only few…and in hindi there is almost 11 holidaysss.plsss change this timetable..

  2. Plz tell me when is the final time table going to be out because this time table doesn’t seems to be possible as:
    1-History/Civics collides with holi
    2-it has stupid gaps and when needed they are not there
    -Vibhor Gupta MLS&C allahabad, UP

  3. Please start the birds examination for first week of march so that every single student may give there best because if the date may release in December 2017 so we all can be prepared for our boards but you all know that time for students is not sufficient and after listening that the boards may starts from February 2018 we all can’t give our best as we are average students. So I am highly organized that you all may took any conclusion for this
    Your obediently

  4. What is this? This is surely wrong. In few subjects,this much long gap and h.c.g. which is a very important subject,there only one day gap…….No this time table cannot be correct. Plss provide the correct time table as soon as possible……plss

  5. The council has shown no systematic arrangement. It is obvious that students are nervous at the Start of the paper. No leave granted for maths. It seems to be disappointing. Second most paper maths with no leave. Council should modify the time table for convenience of the students

  6. You have given only 2 days gap in English literature for science students while 6 days for commerce and 8 days for bio students and no gap for maths please change it .

  7. This cant be possible as how can there be no gap before such an important subject mathematics!!!
    And even before history civics and physics only one day?? These subjects require time. Please we need more gap between these subjects. Please change the time table or students will have to suffer with a lot of pressure ..This will affect their marks. Please!!

  8. This isn’t done!!! Since class 1 we are getting holiday for Maths exam. We need at least 2 days of holidays man!! I think council wants us to fail in MATHS Exam ?

  9. datesheet is awesome…… we have so many days for maths prepration without any interruption or tension of any other subject …BEST OF LUCK FOR ALL….

  10. This time table is utter nonsense. Math exam with no leaves. We r not asking for 10 days time just 1 or 2 days r more than enough. The time table has to be changed to students convince. This is very disappointing. 5 days holiday for English lit. Horrible.
    Pls push math else where. This is a sincere request.
    Regards a student.

  11. this is rediculous…no leave for maths….plssss change the date sheet..as we all want 2 or 3 days gap pr majar subjects such as maths physics chemistry

  12. Plss chnge datesheet maths need practice….. Nd we have half day to prepare for it plss Council chnge it. U should also understand maths is not language subject it requires tym to solve

  13. What the hell is this……there is no gap in maths exam…. Plz change it…… This is the worst time table ever i have seen

  14. What the hell is this……there is no gap in maths exam…. Plz change it…… This is the worst time table ever i have seen… So plz change the date of maths paper

  15. Stupid timetable this is not a final time table bcz there is no gap in between English and math
    Plz plz plz change this time table

  16. Council u gotto change the date of Math as its a pretty challenging subject,the minimum time span is to be given to prepare.Plz reconsider the students and change the date

  17. Please. Change the date sheet or interchange the maths exam with other subject which have minimum 2 or3 days gap between as it is very difficult and imp. Subject for all of us and we don’t want to score bad marks

  18. I support you all guy’s
    No gap in maths
    1 day gap in Hindi and history
    If boards will reject our comments we will declare WW3

  19. Board take our comment seriously otherwise we will declare WW3
    It is a timetable which compels a student to say:-
    “When you try your best but you don’t succeed”
    It will probably ruin the status of the student
    I hope that everyone will support my suggestion
    Let’s reunite guy’s

  20. Have icse councill gone mad history hardly any gap to revise and no holiday before maths.Are they fool they cannot under stand the condition of average students .So not students friendly board.

  21. Dear sir/madam
    Kindly change the routine please. ..we don’t have any time for mathematics to practice…once again please change the routine

  22. Why are there no gaps in mathematics i request counsil to provide some gaps in mathematics and at least 2 gaps in history/civics and geography. And please decrease some gaps in english 2

  23. Council first go and learn how to make a datesheet . There is no gap for maths are you guys gone mad or what?
    Change it!!!this is rubbish!!

  24. according to me, this time table may be wrong and it it can be blunderer because time is almost no time for us to study for the next exams in the examinations times as there is no holiday for mathematics and somany exams have only 2-3 holidays only.so i am requesting the cisce board to change the timetable and thus help us to study freely

  25. How disgusting this timetable.
    No gap for maths????????
    change this stupid timetable otherwise all the students will be fail & can’t get better marks as they were expected

    • Council I am requesting u to change the time table pls n I hope dat u take all.our students request seriously n u work on it n mainly on math because there is no gap to study.. With whole heartedly a student of class 10

  26. Council I am requesting u to change the time table pls n I hope dat u take all.our students request seriously n u work on it n mainly on math because there is no gap to study.. With whole heartedly a student of class 10

  27. Woahhh!! I think everyone’s going to score 80/80 in math…..Infact I suppose everyone will score above 95% considering how good the timetable is 🙂

  28. Please council give us a gap in mathematics to revise is but actually a session from me is if we had practise maths thoroughly the whole year and we know how to solve and the method to solve tipical questions 1 day is enough for us to revise

  29. Plz sir kindly change our time table….this is not fair with is as we r the average student we need some time to prepare plz sir grant some holiday for mathematics……….as this is our 10th and if this can doesn’t go well then our 10 yrs timetable will be wasted

  30. I don’t know whether I will get good marks in maths and commercial study but this much I know that I’m going to face this with a sweet smile in my face and with my confidence

  31. Is waqt ap sab soch rahe honge ki main kitna pagal hoon , main ap sab ko jaganeki koshish kar raha hoon. Mere dosto daro maat bas dil say Kam lo aur dekho Kya hota hain.

  32. Comment: hey guys u all did not notice that maths is second and its after eng lang. so u all can prepare it very well and related to his its after eng text and has 5 days gap so who is telling u to study eng 4 full 5 days, study his the 1st 3 days and eng can b finished in the nxt 2 days………so don’t worry about the tt. its gud just study hard and u will b able to score gud marks. What matters is ur hardwork not the time.

  33. plz change the time table v wont holiday for maths,history and commerce its really a very stupid time table were an important subjects have no holidays …..plz understand the average students situation and give the time table…

  34. Absolute bullshit. Probably the worst time table ever made in like 10 years. Absolutely no concern and sympathy for the students.

  35. Please reschedule the date sheet for commerce stream it’s three consecutive exams…. kindly change your little change will help these children to perform better. Try to understand the pressure they go through .

  36. Plz change this date sheet bcz their was no any study leave between maths and syllabus is very hard.. Its my humble rqst that plz change this datesheet

  37. No leave for maths ….?
    There should be 2 day leave for history civics.
    There should be 2 day leave for physics as we are having 12 chapters and lot of numericals.
    The leave for maths ,physics and history civics should be managed by reducing 1-1 day leave of bio and eng 2 or maths should be the 1st paper.
    Please change this time table its my humbke request.

  38. Its a request to change dates for mathematics as it is totally unfair to have no holiday for revising 25 chapters ….so disappointing datesheet ..council plz change it …

  39. Does the council has any sense that they have planned the time table with irrelevant holidays for most of the subjects, especially maths that is without a single holiday.its my request to council to give holidays for Math if a student’s health is really worth to them.

  40. We are waiting for the new timetable as there is no holiday for some papers . There should be atleast two holiday for each subject to revise such a vast syllabus . Maths , Evs ,history civics. ….. needs to be changed . Also plz let us know why there r not sample paper for URDU on the site . plz give urdu sample paper for the last few years.

  41. The icse time table is against the students who are already burdened with a huge syllabus and with little or no gaps between the papers, how are they expected to revise and perform well. The children are under tremendous stress on account of this besides the north east poll dates clash with some of the papers in icse and isc board exams for e.g. the math paper for icse is scheduled for 27th, the day meghalaya and tripura go to polls, which can very easily be shifted to 31st march and all parents feel that the whole time table ought to be revised giving at least 2 to3 days gap between papers

  42. The icse time table is against the students who are already burdened with a huge syllabus and with little or no gaps between the papers, how are they expected to revise and perform well. The children are under tremendous stress on account of this besides the north east poll dates clash with some of the papers in icse and isc board exams for e.g. the math paper for icse is scheduled for 27th, the day meghalaya and tripura go to polls, which can very easily be shifted to 31st march and all parents feel that the whole time table ought to be revised giving at least 2 to3 days gap between papers

  43. I dont think so they will change the datesheet…its too late to change now…we have to face it…this time icse is very unfair to us..

  44. The Examination Dates collide with the Poll Dates and Holi. Moreover, the Examinations were postponed by 10 days, and they had at least 2 or 3 days gap between the Examinations, with 9 days break for Mathematics. This is so unjust!

  45. Plzzzz plzzzz change this timetable atleast we need 2days gap for maths and history otherwise it would be very difficult for us to revise 25 chapters in an evening.?????

  46. For all those who r askin for more days of leave b4 math… Juz think abt it… If u start at 19th you can finish the whole math very well and the day b4 exam juz solve 3 math board paper… If you hv learnt math properly in those days you won’t need complete revising…Juz one or two sums frm each lesson…So chill its fair

  47. Oh my God too unfair date sheet no holiday in maths last year up to 10 were there truly non sense so much errors as on point of view of a student

  48. What the hell is this!! Can’t you understand a student’s pressure?! 1 day for maths!!! Are you serious? Can someone study 25 chapters of maths in just a day? Do you want us to not sleep the whole night? The council can be the cause of someone’s bad health I must say. You are not at all understanding. We all have got atleast 2 days of holiday for maths since standard 1. And do you think we can do history in just 1 day? Last year you gave 10 of holiday for maths. You are so fair!!! (Sarcastic) This is something called JUSTICE AND DON’T YOU THINK PEOPLE SHOULD LEARN HOW TO DO JUSTICE FROM YOU?!

  49. Dear sir/madam (council examiners)
    We being the ICSE candidates urgently request u to plss draft atleast 2 days holidays before the maths and history exams….plssss plssss we beg u…plss if u could kindly do this then it will be a great help for us….thanks u

  50. Respected sir/madam,
    We the candidates of icse standard 10 request you to please make some changes
    And give at least 2 days of holiday for maths we beg you please otherwise our results would be very bad

  51. Respected sir/madam, (help us)
    We the candidates of icse standard 10 request you to please make some changes
    And give at least 2 days of holiday for maths we beg you please otherwise our results would be very bad

  52. Ssly this is not a at all fair , we need time to prepare for maths , we r not professionals that we can revise all in one day , becuz we also need to rest , eat and sleep . If u may extend one day of last exam , then it will not disturb any other schedule or elections , but it will just make a difference in our marks, if u give one more day for maths then it would surely help us and that one day can make a big difference in our marks , even 1 mark is important for us . So it is a kind request that u look into this matter and give 2 days of maths . We would be grateful to u if u could solve this problem .”WE ARE NOT ROBOTS .”

    • plzzz I icse students request 2 u plzz make a holiday in maths and history how we can prepare for maths and history plzzz change the syllabus kindly change the dates of the exam of maths and history…… Plzz give 2 or 3 days to prepare it will change our result of board exam……..?. u r absltly right Niti hey!! This is nandini

  53. Sir /mam plzzz I icse students request 2 u plzz make a holiday in maths and history how we can prepare for maths and history plzzz change the syllabus kindly change the dates of the exam of maths and history…… We all r vry thankful to you✌️✌️

  54. We all students need a one day holiday before every exam if not possible at least for maths and physics and chemistry too….

  55. Sir/Mama
    We the students of ICSE board ,need atleast 2 or 3 days holiday for History and civis paper Of Social Science Subject and also in Maths!!!Plz Grant us holiday for it.. So that we can be well prepare for the exams and asNiti said that we need time to relax also.. So Plzz grant ua holidays

  56. plz try to make a change by giving holidays for hard subjects like maths, history we would not be able to study everything in less time

  57. There should be holidays given before such lengthy and tough subjects like commercial studies and mathematics respectively. There should be changes as it would be very difficult for us to go thorough with the subjects.

  58. I m a student of 10th and the commercial studies paper is lenthy and we children should get holiday before it and in maths also .. thank you

  59. Plz giva a holiday before maths….
    Marhs needs practice more and before exam time it takes more time for revise….
    Plz plz give holiday before maths…

  60. No,it is not correct time table becoz in maths any one can not do 35ch in one day,and at history/civics also plzz change timetable..and give us holidays for students becoz grace marks also cancelled what the hell!!!

  61. pls Give us 2more days for maths … it’s impossible to complete 35ch in two days….. sorry for the inconvenience…. we really need it….

  62. Plz give the 3days for core subjects and 2days for language and extended time for all subjects as 3 marks question is more and there is 5marks answer so plz agree this comment

  63. Hey Abhinandan,
    It’s really pathetic to give exam for ICSE board school’s students. But it’s really helpful because there are many 10th standard students of ICSE board, they don’t get the final exam date sheet.
    So, Thanks it really helps them. Student readies their paper properly according the exam date schedule.


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