Andhra Pradesh NMMS 2023: Application Form, Exam Date, Admit Card


Andhra Pradesh NMMS 2023 or National Means Cum Merit Scholarship exam is a state-level entrance test conducted by the Director of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh for class 8th students studying in State government, local body schools. Under this scheme, the students pursuing class 8th and for further studies will get a sum of Rs 12,000/- per annum. The student needs to qualify for the test with appropriate marks to avail of the scholarship. The NMMS exam was held on 3 December 2023. Candidates can get more details about the AP NMMS 2023 Application Form, eligibility, exam dates, admit card, rewards, and scholarship amount.

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Andhra Pradesh NMMS 2023 Scholarship

  • One lakh Scholarships: Under the NMMS Scholarship Scheme, 100,000 scholarships are given to those students who are very good in their studies and whose family income is less than Rs 1,50,000 per annum.
  • Amount of Scholarship:  The amount of scholarship will be Rs. 12000/- per annum @ Rs. 1000 per month.
  • Each state/UT has fixed the quota for granting scholarships to the students of class 7th and 8th according to the annexure. The plan will provide reservation to different categories of students as per State/UT norms; As different states/UTs have their own norms of reservation.
  • A separate examination shall be conducted by the State Governments/UT Administrations for the selection of scholars for the award of the National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarships in the States/UTs.

NMMS Andhra Pradesh 2023 Important Dates

Aspirants who want to apply for Gujarat NMMS Scholarship Exam, have to remember the last date of application in their mind. Check the dates of AP NMMS 2023 from the table given below:

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AP Scholarship 2023 Important Dates
Event Dates 
Application date First week of October 2023
Exam date 3 December 2023

NMMS Andhra Pradesh 2023 Application form 

  • Campaigners need to approach the headmaster of their separate seminaries as the operation should be routed via the academy. 
  • Those campaigners whose operations are filled can appear for the education selection test. 
  • An operation figure of Rs. 100/-for general/ OBC campaigners and Rs. 50/-for SC/ ST/ PH campaigners will also be applicable. 
  • Payment of the figure can be done through SBI Collect.

AP NMMS 2023 Eligibility Criteria

  • Students must belong to class 8th. i.e. in the class 8th exam, they should score at least  55% marks in order to be eligible for the scholarship test.
  • There is a relaxation of 5% marks for students belonging to the SC/ST category.
  • The family income of the student should not exceed 1.5 lakhs per annum.
  • Firstly, the scholarship has to be initiated for class 9th students, then after that, there will be a continuation for class 10th to 12th.
  • For continuation, a student must score more than or equal to 60% on the 10th board.
  • For continuation in class 12th, a student must score 55% marks in his 11th standard.
  • Students from Sainik school, KV’s or other private schools are not eligible to apply.

Documents required for AP NMMS 2023

  • Educational qualification.
  • Age proof of a candidate.
  • Aadhar card/Bonafide certificate from school.
  • Domicile residence proof.
  • Scholarship category.
  • Student name and other contact details.
  • Bank account details.

AP NMMS 2023 Exam Pattern

It’s important to collect information about test patterns for medication. We recommend the scholars to prepare as per the specified test pattern and syllabus. The brief information about the Andhra Pradesh NMMS test pattern is as below

  • The competent authority conducts the AP NMMS test through offline mode.
  • The test consists of two corridor i.e. MAT (Mental Capability Test) and SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test).
  • Total 90 questions will be there in the test.
  • Each question will carry 1 mark. For each correct answer, one mark is going to be granted.
  • All the questions are going to be objective in nature.
  • The test duration will be1.30 Hours.
  • Check the following table for information about the test pattern. 
AP NMMS 2023 Exam Pattern
Sections No. Of Questions Total Duration
Mental Ability 45 90 minutes
English 20
Hindi 25
90 marks
Mathematics 35 90 minutes
Social studies 35
Science 20
90 marks

NMMS Scholarship Exam Syllabus

The campaigners need to go through the specified syllabus for the medication of the test. The syllabus will be grounded on class 7th & 8th norms. NMMS AP syllabus main motifs are as below: 

Paper-I: Mental Ability Test (MAT)

  1. Numerical Series
  2. Analogy
  3. Pattern Perception
  4. Classification
  5. Hidden Figures

Paper-II: Scholastic Aptitude Test

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. Mathematics
  5. Social Studies 

Andhra Pradesh NMMS 2023 Admit Card

NMMS Admit card via online mode. Campaigners have to visit the sanctioned website for downloading the admit card. It’s anticipated that the admit card will be placed online at least two weeks previous to the date of the test. Campaigners have to enter the enrollment number/ roll number and date of birth to download the admit card. The admit card will contain information like the seeker’s name, address, date of the test, the test venue, and test day instructions. Check all the particulars precisely and if there’s any distinction, report the same. However, also download the admit card and take a printout of the same, If everything is correct. Carry admit card on the day of test for appearing in the test. 

AP NMMS 2023 Preparation Tips

The scholars must study from the experts’ recommended books so as to qualify for the NMMS test 2021. The pertained books are handed below:

  • The NCERT books of complication VIII for Mathematics, wisdom, and Science. 
  • The books of class VII should also be ascertained by the scholars to understand the introductory generalities of the subjects. 
  • Incremental from the syllabus books, the scholars must buy the practice paper of the NMMS test handed by various publishers. 

The scholars are advised to break the former time’s question papers of NMMS test 2021 to score good marks in the test. Exercising the former time’s question paper will make them understand the test pattern of the NMMS test. 

AP NMMS 2023 Answer Key

The AP NMMS 2023 Key with question paper would be uploaded online on the sanctioned BSEAP website. Board of Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh has released the sanctioned AP NMMS 2023. Each correct answer will add 01 mark. Then in the test there was no negative marking.  

Andhra Pradesh NMMS Results

Andhra Pradesh NMMS 2021 Result are going to be declared online through the sanctioned website. Contenders need to pierce the concerned website to pierce the result. Enter roll number and date of birth to realize the result. The result will contain the seeker’s score or qualifying status. Keep a printout of the result with you. Good contenders got to follow the instructions as specified by the competent authority. Keep ready all the first documents which can be vindicated to determine the eligibility for this education scheme. just in case of any query, scholars can communicate on the helpline number handed by the authority. 

NMMS 2023 Cut-off Marks 

The final cut off marks will be prepared on the basis of the examination results. Only those aspirants are eligible for admission who clear the NMMS Cut Off 2023. The cut off will be available on the functionary point after the examination results are out. In order to pass the NMMS Education test scholars are needed to secure a minimum of 40 marks in each paper. For the reserved order campaigners, this cut-off will be 32 marks. 

Disbursement of Scholarship

  • A student can mileage just one under any scheme.
  • The awardees are going to be needed to open bank accounts rather in SBI, or any public sector bank or any listed bank which has core banking installation.
  • The State Governments/ UT Administrations shall typically shoot the proffers/ list of Heirs online on the Scholarship Portal. The Ministry will check the offer and permission finances from Annual Budget Provision for releasing them to SBI, the enforcing bank for the scheme for disbursal of literacy to scholars straightway into their bank accounts by electronic transfer.
  • The awardees should get a minimum of 55 marks in school IX and XI and 60 in school X for the continuance of education (relaxable by 5 for SC/ ST campaigners) incoming advanced classes.
  • SBI’ll ensure that the education is paid to awardees in one go (Rs. 12000) incontinently after getting the finances and therefore the lists from the Ministry.
  • SBI will instruct a number of its branches to coordinate with the State Department of Education in reference to the payment of NMMS literacy. 

Andhra Pradesh NMMS Highlights

AP NMMS 2023 Overview
Name of examination Andhra Pradesh National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Examination
Type of exam Class VIII Students
Exam level Matriculate
Conducting body Ministry of Human Resource Development
Frequency of Conduct Once a year
Mode of application Online
Mode of exam Offline
Duration of exam 3 hours 
Official website 

Other Important Links

NMMS 2023

Delhi NMMS Exam 2023

Kerala NMMS 2023

Jammu and Kashmir NMMS 2023

Goa NMMS 2023

Maharashtra NMMS 2023

Gujarat NMMS 2023

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