BHU SCS 2023: Application Form, Eligibility Criteria


BHU SCS 2023 is also known as Banaras Hindu University Special Courses of Study 2023. This exam is conducted by BHU (Banaras Hindu University). This is a University Level entrance exam for admission into various Diploma and Certificate Courses under Special Courses of Study. Through this exam, candidates can get admission in the campuses of BHU i.e Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur. Candidates may go through the complete article for complete details regarding the BHU SCS 2023 Exam.

Admission Open 2023

  • Top University & Colleges Official Links, Application & Scholarship Forms. Apply Now

BHU SCS 2023 Status

  • The application form for the BHU SCS 2023 is now available online. The last date to apply is July 26, 2023.
  • The BHU SCS 2023 is a university-level entrance exam for admission to the Special Courses of Study (SCS) in various Diploma and Certificate Courses under Special Courses of Study.
  • The counselling for the BHU SCS 2023 will be held in August 2023. The exact dates will be announced soon.
  • The official website for the BHU SCS 2023 is

BHU SCS 2023 Exam Dates


The important dates of BHU SCS 2023 Important dates are given below:

Events Dates (tentative)
Application form releases May 2023
Application form last date May 2023
Admit card June 2023
BHU UET 2023 Entrance EXAM June 2023
Results July 2023
Counselling July 2023

BHU SCS 2023 Application Form

The details regarding the BHU SCS Application form are given below:

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  • BHU has built up its Entrance Test Portal with the Domain Name; and the good news is that the entire process of making an application for admission in various courses during the academic session 2020-21 will be made online.
  • Accordingly, applicants may note that Special Course of Study 2020 Information Bulletin and Application Form will not be sold (as there will be no offline mode) and the candidates desirous of admissions shall be required to register on the Entrance Test portal of BHU and fill up the application form online as per procedure provided on the Portal.
  • For further details, visit the BHU website ( or the entrance test portal of BHU (

BHU SCS 2023 Application Fee

The Candidate shall pay the following Application Processing Fee/Entrance Test fee

Category For Single Course For More than One Course
SC/ST candidates Rs.250/- Rs.100/-
Others candidates Rs.500/- Rs.200/-


Note: In case the candidate fills up the application form, for more than one course under Special Course of Study 2023, the Application Processing Fee/Entrance Test Fee payable by him/her for each subsequent application (after first application) shall be charged as per reduced rates mentioned in the table.

Mode of Payment of Application Processing/Test Fee

a) Online payment through credit card/ debit card through the payment gateway available on the Entrance test portal
b) Entrance Test Fee payment in Cash through “Challan” in any branch of HDFC Bank: After filling up the application form, its submission and selecting this mode for payment, the candidate can print the Challan from the entrance test portal.

  • The printout of challan will contain all necessary details of the candidate, bank account details of the Banaras Hindu University in which the entrance test fee will be deposited and the exact amount to be deposited.
  • The candidate will be required to visit any branch of the HDFC Bank of his/her choice where he/she will be required to deposit the requisite Fee amount to the Bank.
  • Therefore, the candidates are advised to give correct e-mail addresses/mobile phone numbers for correspondence.

BHU SCS 2023 Eligibility Criteria

There are several benefits associated with offering such type of courses by a recognized Institution i.e. BHU. Have a look at the courses offered in SCS, eligibility criteria and most important seat opening for each course:

Faculty of Arts Proficiency Certificate Course (4 Months) in the Bhojpuri Language


Passed +2 Examination or equivalent examination from a recognized Board/University Max.: 30 & Min.: 05
1-Year (2-Semester) PG Diploma in Bhojpuri and Janpadiya Adhyayan (Full Time) Bachelor degree (10+2+3) with minimum 50% marks any discipline of the University or any other recognized University Max:30
2-Year (4-Semester) PG Diploma in Bhojpuri and Janpadiya Adhyayan (Part-Time) Bachelor degree (10+2+3) with minimum 50% marks any discipline of the University or any other recognized University Max:30
2-Year (4-Semester) Diploma Course in Tourism Management (Part-Time) Passed +2 (Intermediate) or equivalent examination Max: 46 & Min:10
2-Yr (4-Sem) Diploma Course in Office Management & Business Communications (Part-Time) Passed +2 (Intermediate) or equivalent examination Max: 46 & Min:10
1- Year (2- Semester) Diploma in Indian Philosophy and Religion (Full Time) Graduation in any Discipline Max:30
1 Year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Hindi Journalism (Full Time) Bachelor’s Degree under at least 10+2+3 pattern with a minimum of 50% marks taken together Department of Journalism & Mass Communication Max: 20
1- Year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Journalism &  Mass Communication Bachelor’s Degree under at least 10+2+3 pattern with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate Max:30
1-Year (2-Semester) PG Diploma in Travel & Tourism Management (Full time) Bachelor’s Degree (10+2+3 pattern) with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate Max. 46 & Min. 10
1-Year (2-Semester) PG Diploma in Office Management & Corporate Secretaryship (Full time) Bachelor’s Degree (10+2+3 pattern) with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate Max. 46 & Min. 10
1 Year PG Diploma in Sports Journalism (Full Time) B.P.Ed./B.P.E., with 50% marks in aggregate Max. 15 & Min. 05
Faculty of Law 1 Year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Intellectual Property Laws (Part Time) Graduate Degree from a recognized Indian University or equivalent degree from Foreign University Max. 60 & Min. 30
1 Year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Environmental Law, Policy & Mgt. (Part-Time) Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University or equivalent degree from a Foreign University Max. 60 & Min. 20
1 Yr (2-Sem) PG Diploma in Forensic Science & Medical Jurisprudence (Part-Time) Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University or equivalent degree from a Foreign University Max. 60 & Min. 20
1 Year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Tax Management (Part-Time) Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University or equivalent degree from a Foreign University Max. 60 & Min. 20
1 Year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Mass Communication & Media Laws (Part-Time) Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University or equivalent degree from a Foreign University Max. 60 & Min. 20
1 Year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Corporate Governance (Part-Time) Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University or equivalent degree from a Foreign University Max. 60 & Min. 20
1 Year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Human Resource Management, Service and Industrial Law (Part-Time) Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University or equivalent degree from a Foreign University Max. 60 & Min. 20
1 Year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Information Technology Law (Part-Time) Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University or equivalent degree from a Foreign University Max. 60 & Min. 20
Faculty of Management Studies Certificate Program in Health Care Management (6-month 1-semester Part-Time)  Pursuing Graduate Degree from any recognized University and its affiliated degree colleges situated in Varanasi Max:30
Diploma in Microfinance and Entrepreneurship (one-year 2-sem Part-Time) Pursuing Graduate Degree from any recognized University and its affiliated degree colleges situated in Varanasi Max:30
Diploma in Leisure and Hospitality Mgt. (one-year 2-sem Part-Time) Pursuing Graduate Degree from any recognized University and its affiliated degree colleges situated in Varanasi Max:30
One Year (2-Semester) PG Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA) (Part-Time) Graduate Degree from a recognized Indian University or equivalent degree from Foreign University Max: 40+5
Faculty of Medicine 2-Years PG Diploma in Lab Technology (Full time) B. Sc. under 10+2+3 pattern, Botany/Zoology/Chemistry/ Biotechnology with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. Max. 15 & Min. 04
2-Year PG Diploma in Dialysis Therapy (Full time) B.Sc. (Hons)/B.Sc. (10+2+3) with Zoology/ Chemistry/ Physics/ Biophysics/ Bio-Chemistry Max:08 & Min:02
2 Year PG Diploma in Medical Technology (Radiotherapy) (Full time) B.Sc. in Zoology/ Physics/ Bio-Physics/ Life Sciences/Chemistry/ Mathematics as one of the subjects with a minimum of 50% marks Max:06& Min:03
Faculty of Ayurveda Certificate Course in Ayurvedic Pain Mgt. (Foreign Students) Possesses a recognized Traditional/Modern Medical Degree or Diploma; Indian Students: A recognized Ayurvedacharya (BAMS) Degree Common Max: 03 & Min: 01
2-Year PG Diploma in Panchkarma Therapy (Full time) BAMS recognized by C.C.I.M. with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks Max:05
1-Year Certificate Course on Technical Assistant in Bal Panchkarma (Full time)  10+2 (Higher Secondary School)  05* (03 male; 02 Female, 01 Supernumerary)
2-Years PG Diploma Course in Kshar Karma (Full Time) Recognized Ayurvedacharya (BAMS) degree Max:03
2-Years PG Diploma in Neonatal and Child Care (PGDNC Ay.)(Full time) BAMS/ MBBS/ BUMS/ MD (Ay.)/ M.S. (Ay.) Max:04
2-Years PG Diploma Course in Vikiran & Chhaya (Full Time) Ayurvedacharya (BAMS) degree Max:03
2-year P.G. Diploma in Sangyaharan [DA(Ay)- Diploma in Anesthesiology-Ay.] Recognized Ayurvedacharya (BAMS) Degree Max:02 & Min: 01
2-year P.G. Diploma in Agni Karma & Jalauka Vacharan Recognized Ayurvedacharya (BAMS) Degree Max:05 & Min: 03
Faculty of Science 1 year (2 – Semester) PG Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS (Full Time) With 50% marks in graduation or 55% marks in Post-Graduation Max 25 & Min. 10
1-year (2-semester) PG Diploma in Population Studies Master’s degree of a recognized University (recognized by UGC) with at least 55% marks Max: 20 & Min:05
1-Year PG Diploma in Chromosomal Genetic & Molecular Diagnostic (PGDCGMD) (Full Time) Post-Graduation in any stream of Science/Agriculture Max: 15
1-Year Diploma course in Statistics and Computing) Statistics either at UG or PG level Max: 60
Faculty of Dental Science 2- Years Diploma Course in Dental Mechanic (Full Time) 10+2 with Science subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with 50% marks Max. 5 & Min. 4
2- Years Diploma Course in Dental Hygienist (Full Time) 10+2 with Science subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with 50% marks Max. 5 & Min. 4
Faculty of Social Science 1 Year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Counseling & Psychotherapy (Full time) Master’s Degree in Psychology/ Cognitive Sciences/ Applied Psychology/ Clinical Psychology/Psychiatric Nursing Max.401 & Min.103
1 Year P.G. Diploma Course in Conflict Management & Development (Full Time) Bachelor’s Degree under at least 10+2+3 pattern with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate Max. 46 & Min. 10
1-Year P.G. Diploma Course in Japanese Studies (Full Time) Bachelor’s Degree under at least 10+2+3 pattern with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate Max. 15 & Min. 05
1-year (2- Semester) PG Diploma in Business Economics (Full Time) Bachelor’s Degree under at least 10+2+3 pattern with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate Max. 50 & Min. 15
1-Year (2 Semester) P. G. Diploma in Gender & Women Studies Bachelor’s Degree under at least 10+2+3 pattern with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate Max:25
Faculty of Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vijnana 1-year Certificate Course in Karma Kanda (Part-Time) 10+2 with Sanskrit OR Madhyama Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur Max. 25 & Min. 10
2-year UG Diploma Course in Vastu Shastra Evam Jyotish (Part-Time) Madhyama, 10+2 OR Equivalent Examination Max. 50 & Min. 15
Faculty of Agriculture 1-Year (2 Semester) Diploma Course in Seed Technology (Full time) Passed 10+2 with Agriculture/Bio/Math Max. 30 & Min. 10
Faculty of Visual Arts 1 Year Part-Time Certificate Course in Painting Passed 10+2 Examination with 45% marks in aggregate Max. 15 & Min.05
1 Year Part-Time Certificate Course in Advertising Design Passed 10+2 Examination with 45% marks in aggregate Max. 15 & Min.05
One Year Part-time Certificate Course in Sculpture  Passed 10+2 examinations Max. 10
One Year Part-time Certificate Course in Pottery Ceramics Passed 10+2 examinations Max. 05
Six months Certificate Course in Dyeing & Printing (Full Time) Passed 10th OR 8th Standard for trainees belonging to Artisan Family Max. 25 & Min.10

BHU SCS 2023 Selection Procedure

Admissions shall be made strictly in order of merit which will be based on weighted marks in the qualifying Exam/other Examinations/written test/ interview/ any other criteria as per the decision of concerned Faculty/ Dept./Centre.[/su_quote]

(i) In case the merits are equal, the candidate having a higher percentage of marks at the qualifying exam will be preferred.

(ii) In case the aggregate percentages of marks at the qualifying exam are also equal then preference shall be given to a candidate who has higher marks in the concerned subject (if applicable).

(iii) In case the candidates have equal marks in the above-stated exams, then the candidate senior in age shall be given preference.

BHU SCS 2023 Call letter for Counselling

The admission will be given to all the candidates who will qualify in the entrance exam.

  • At the time of counselling, candidates will have to reach to the venue with required documents, failing which their admission will be cancelled.
  • Candidates must keep in mind that the call letter will be e-mailed to them at their email address and will also be informed via SMS regarding the same.

Documents Required at the time of Admission

Check the list of mandatory documents which has to carry to the campus while the counselling process.

  • Caste Certificate issued by the appropriate authority.
  • Character Certificate issued by the institution last attended.
  • Transfer Certificate and Migration Certificate
  • Matriculation or its equivalent certificate
  • Mark Sheets of the qualifying examination such as High School, Intermediate, Graduation, Post – Graduation.
  • Medical Certificate issued by the appropriate authority, if admission is taken under Physically Challenged Category.

Note –

  • Candidates must have in their possession all original documents at the time of admission failing which their admission shall not be considered.
  • However, Marksheet downloaded from the Website of the concerned examining body (subject to verification by the Admission Committee), confidential mark sheets or provisional results issued by the Registrar/ Controller of Examinations of the concerned University or Secretary of the concerned Board (in case qualifying examination is of Senior Secondary level) shall also be entertained at the time of admission

BHU SCS 2023 Reservation

Candidates can have a look at the seats distribution of BHU for candidates belonging to different categories from the table given below:-

Categories Percentage
Scheduled  Caste 15% seats
Scheduled 7.5% seats
Physically Challenged Candidates 5% seats
Other backward Classes 27 seats
Economically Weaker Section 10 seats

Various Courses provided through BHU SCS 2023

After qualifying BHU SCS entrance exam, candidates can take admission in following courses:

BHU SCS Various Courses
Course Duration Form
Certificate Program in Health Care Management 6-month 1-semester Part-Time
Proficiency Certificate Course in the Bhojpuri Language 4 Months
Diploma in
Microfinance and Entrepreneurship 1 year 2-semester Part-Time
Leisure and Hospitality Management 1 year 2-semester Part-Time
Dental Mechanic 2- years Full Time
Dental Hygienist 2- years Full Time
Seed Technology 1-Year (2 Semester) Full time
Tourism Management 2-Year (4-Semester) Part-Time
Office Management & Business Communications 2-Year (4-Semester) Part-Time
PG Diploma in
Bhojpuri and Janpadiya Adhyayan 2-Year (4-Semester) Part-Time
Hindi Journalism 1- Year (2- Semester) Full Time
Journalism and Mass Communication 1- Year (2- Semester)
Indian Philosophy and Religion 1-Year (2-semester) Full Time
Translation Skills for Varied Competencies 1-Year Full time
Forensic Science and Medical Jurisprudence 1 Year (2- Semester) Part-Time
Tax Management 1 Year (2- Semester) Part-Time
Mass Communication and Media Laws 1 Year (2- Semester) Part-Time
Human Resource Management, Service and Industrial Law 1 Year (2- Semester) Part-Time
Corporate Governance 1 Year (2- Semester) Part-Time
Business Administration (PGDBA) One Year (2-Semester) Part-Time
Health Care Management One-year Part-Time

BHU SCS 2023 Highlights

The candidates can check the BHU SCS 2023 summary in the given below table:

Exam Name Banaras Hindu University Special Courses of Study
Acronym BHU SCS
Conducting Body Banaras Hindu University
Level National
Official Website

Banaras Hindu University

The Banaras Hindu University (BHU) has established in the year 1980, and since then is considered as one of the prestigious university to pursue our studies as it provides a great platform for learning and creating a great future ahead.

The university is headed by the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Girish Chandra Tripathi and the vision of the university is to enhance and provide every possible opportunity to every deserving student who wants to study and designing courses to improve our education system and enable students with required skill sets. Therefore, BHU design many such like BHU SCS which are apart from normal courses they offered in Technical, Management, Pharmacy, Biotech etc.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.



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