Career In Public Policy: Earn while Helping Your Community


Public policy is the means by which a government maintains order and addresses the needs of its citizens. Policies are made on behalf of the public to sort issues or problems that require attention. Policy-making is an ongoing process as the policies are continually re-assessed, revisited and revised. Its objectives are to narrate the plans and actions such as the achievement, the beneficiaries and the steps that need to be taken for their accomplishment.

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Public policy courses


These are just a few examples of public policy courses that are available. There are many other great programs available, so be sure to do your research and find the one that is right for you.

public policy courses
Course Institution Duration Coursework
Master of Public Policy (MPP) Harvard Kennedy School 2 years Core courses in economics, statistics, political science, and public policy; electives in specific policy areas
Master of Public Administration (MPA) Columbia University 2 years Core courses in economics, statistics, political science, and public administration; electives in specific policy areas
Master of Public Policy and Management (MPPM) University of California, Berkeley 2 years Core courses in economics, statistics, political science, and public policy; electives in specific policy areas
Master of Public Policy (MPP) London School of Economics 1 year Core courses in economics, statistics, political science, and public policy; electives in specific policy areas
Master of Public Policy (MPP) Sciences Po 1 year Core courses in economics, statistics, political science, and public policy; electives in specific policy areas

Career In Public Policy

Learning public policy helps to understand about the challenges that the country faces.

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Policy making also helps to disseminate the old welfare policies and programmes, and bring new policies and programmes by understanding the changing problems and issues of the citizens, their economy, environment, national and international issues etc. leading to a progressive move. 

Some of the Public Policies of the Central Government like MNREGA, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, National Drug Policies, National Water Policies, Higher Education Policies, Reservation Policies, National Mineral Policies, and Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana etc. are the examples of human development policies.

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Making a career in public policy opens up many options for scholars in areas such as Many private and government organisations, Civil Society and Public Policy institutes are involved in public policy research and development activities. It opens career opportunities as a trained policy maker in administration, management, government as well as various R&D organisations. A degree in Public policy equips one to work in many fields such as: 

Research and Development 

Many national and international organisations are involved in research and development activities. It is how a company works to obtain new knowledge that it might use to create new technology, products, services, or systems that it will either use or sell. It takes place in companies of all sizes and hence policy making research is a promising career. 


Since Public Policy is a sought after course universities and institutes train students into it. They also get appointed as lecturers and professors in various institutes to train the next group of people interested in this field. 

Government Sector 

A policy maker is very important in the government sector as they are the ones that make the political decisions and are responsible for the implementations of these decisions such as to accomplish welfare of the society. 

Management and Public Policy: 

Managers are the ones who make important decisions in any organisation. Studying public policy helps managers make policies in organisations such that the capability of the employee enhances. It also helps them understand how to manage the financial and human resource policies in their organisations. 

Public Administration

The public administrators are people who have knowledge of both people and policies. They understand political pressure as well as pressure of civil society, political parties, media and other peer groups. Understanding public policy enables the public administrators to execute their duties in a more precise manner. 

The scope of public policy making is not just limited to these as it is always expanding to other areas as well. There are many universities which offer degree programmes in Public Policy, few of which include most IIMs, ISB, Jamia Millia Islamia, Indian Institute of Public Administration, Centre for Public Policy Research, Jindal School of Government and Public Policy etc. 

Choosing this field as a great career option for anybody interested in being a changemaker.

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Career Opportunities with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Policy

If a candidate have degree in MPAP,  then he/she can grab public administration and public policy jobs in the following fields and industries:

  • Public policy administration
  • Project management
  • Public finance
  • Public policy consulting
  • Program evaluation
  • Nonprofit management
  • Community development
  • Government relations
  • City management
  • Leadership roles in government agencies

Read Deloitte Article on “The future of work in government” Here.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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