CBSE Class 10 Notes 2024-25: PDF Download NCERT Maths, Science, English Study


CBSE Class 10 Notes pdf is available here for Science, Maths, Social Science, English, and other subjects. Students can download the CBSE notes for class 10 for free from the pdf links provided in this article. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts the annual board exam for students studying in class 10th. Therefore, the study notes for class 10 becomes important for the revision. CBSE class 10 Science notes are prepared as per the NCERT syllabus. The revision notes for CBSE class 10 are designed by expert teachers. These notes would guide the students and help them to prepare for the exams effectively. Read the article to download the CBSE notes for class 10 for all subjects.

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Looking for comprehensive study materials for CBSE Class 10 in 2024? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with our meticulously crafted CBSE Class 10 Notes, including important notes, revision notes, study notes, and even crash course notes. Our comprehensive resources are designed to help you excel in your exams and master the subjects effectively. Get ready to ace your CBSE Class 10 exams with our top-notch study materials!

CBSE Class 10 Notes 2024 PDF Download

Class 10 is an important stage in a student’s life as they have to appear for the Secondary Board Examination conducted by the CBSE. Students must prepare for the exam with the help of study notes. The study notes for Science, Maths, and Social Science are prepared as per the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE. One of the most important benefits of the study notes is that all the important points of each chapter are explained in a concise manner in one place. So the students can easily do the final last-minute revision easily before the exam. The study notes for class 10 are available in PDF format. Students have to click on the link and download the study notes for each chapter.

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Class 10 Science Notes

Science is an important subject for students who wish to pursue higher education in the field of Medical or Engineering. Therefore class 10th is an important stage from where the future of the students is decided. It is important for the students to score good marks in the class 10th board exam so that they can pursue higher studies. The study notes for class 10 Science is one important tool that will help the students to score better in the board exam. CBSE Class 10 Science Notes contains chapter-wise detailed explanations, along with illustrative examples, solved questions, as well sample questions for students from NCERT books. It is a good resource for exam preparation.

Students can download the chapter-wise CBSE class 10 Science Study Notes from the PDF links given below:

Class 10 Science Notes PDF
Chapter 2. Acids, Bases, and Salts Class 10 Notes Science
Chapter 3. Metals and Non-metals Class 10 Notes Science
Chapter 4. Carbon and its Compounds Class 10 Notes Science
Chapter 6. Life Processes Class 10 Notes Science
Chapter 7. Control & Coordination Class 10 Notes Science
Chapter 8. Diversity in Living Organisms Class 10 Notes Science
Chapter 9. Heredity and Evolution Class 10 Notes Science
Chapter 12. Electricity Class 10 Notes Science
Chapter 14. Sources of Energy Class 10 Notes Science
Chapter 15. Our Environment Class 10 Notes Science

CBSE Class 10 Notes for Maths

Mathematics is one of the most scoring subjects in which the students have to practice a little bit and score maximum marks. The CBSE notes for class 10 Maths will help the students to learn all the important formulas and theorems easily so that they can apply them at the time of solving the question. The study notes for class 10 Maths are based on the NCERT textbook. All the important concepts are explained in detail in the study notes. Therefore, the students are recommended to go through the study notes and important points during the revision.

Students can access CBSE Class 10 Maths notes from the table mentioned below:

Class 10 Maths Notes PDF
Chapter 1. Real Numbers Class 10 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 2. Polynomials Class 10 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 4. Quadratic Equations Class 10 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 6. Triangles Class 10 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 7. Coordinate Geometry Class 10 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 10. Circles Class 10 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 11. Constructions Class 10 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 14. Statistics Class 10 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 15. Probability Class 10 Notes Mathematics

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Notes

Social Science is also a compulsory subject that the students have to study for the class 10th board exam. Social Science is a combination of four subjects- History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. WE have provided the chapter-wise study notes of all these sub-parts of Social Science. The study note of CBSE Social Science will help the students to prepare easily for the exam. It will save a lot of time for the students. The syllabus of Social Science is vast. Therefore, it is recommended to take help from the study notes to save time and focus more on the important topics for the exam.

CBSE Class 10 History Notes

History is an important subject in class 10 that deals with information about Our Past. The topics taught in History like Nationalism, French Revolution, Globalisation, Imperialism, that has impacted our society and are even relevant in our contemporary times. The syllabus of History is completely theoretical and students have to memorize a lot of important dates and events. So, they must take help from the class 10 CBSE History Notes to make their preparation easier. Students can access the notes for all these chapters from the table below:

Class 10 History Notes PDF

CBSE Class 10 Geography Notes

Geography is quite an interesting subject that the students will enjoy learning. The Class 10 Geography Textbook: Contemporary India II consists of a total of 7 chapters. These chapters are based on the topics like Nature and Natural Resources. Students are taught about the relationship between man and his environment. The study notes of class 10 Geography will help the students to understand these topics easily and learn them for the exam purpose. We have compiled the CBSE Notes Class 10 Geography of all the chapters in the table below.

Class 10 Geography Notes PDF
Chapter 8. Agriculture Class 10 Notes Social Science

Class 10 Political Science Notes

Political Science, also known as Civics, deals with some basic ideas, institutions, and rules of democracy. Students are taught about the functioning of the Government from local to national level. Studying Civics will help the students to evolve as responsible citizens of our country. The study notes of Class 10 Political Science contain a detailed description of all the important theories and concepts explained about Social and Political Life. Students can access the notes of all these chapters by clicking on the link below.

Class 10 Civics Notes PDF
Chapter 1. Power-sharing Class 10 Notes Social Science
Chapter 2. Federalism Class 10 Notes Social Science
Chapter 6. Political Parties Class 10 Notes Social Science

Class 10 Economics Notes CBSE

Economics study notes of class 10 contain a detailed description of the chapters like Understanding Economic Development in India, important economic terms like debit, credit, loan, etc. Students can study from the notes and do the revision of all the important topics before appearing for the exam. There are 5chapters in the class 10 Economics NCERT book. Students can download the study notes of Class 10 Economics from the PDF links given below:

Class 10 Economics Notes PDF
Chapter 4. Globalization Class 10 Notes Social Science

CBSE Class 10 English Notes

English is one of the important Language subjects in class 10. Students can easily score good marks in this subject if they have a command over Grammar and Vocabulary. Students must have good analytical skills so that they can easily comprehend the passage or poem and should be able to express their thoughts through a piece of writing. The study notes of class 10 English will help the students to learn about the basic summary of all the chapters. However, it is not enough for the exam. Students must develop their own understanding of any theme and they must put their own thoughts in the answers to display their creativity. Students can access CBSE Class 10 English notes from the table mentioned below:

Class 10 English Notes PDF
Chapter Drama – Julius Caesar Class 10 Notes English
Chapter Drama – The Dear Departed Class 10 Notes English
Chapter Fiction – A Shady Plot Class 10 Notes English
Chapter Fiction – Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger Class 10 Notes English
Chapter Fiction – Patol Babu, Film Star Class 10 Notes English
Chapter Fiction – The Letter Class 10 Notes English
Chapter Fiction – Virtually True Class 10 Notes English
Chapter Poetry – Mirror Class 10 Notes English
Chapter Poetry – Ozymandias Class 10 Notes English
Chapter Poetry – Snake Class 10 Notes English

Importantce of CBSE Class 10 Notes

  • Class 10 Notes are a useful resource for exam preparation as all the important topics are explained in one particular place.
  • Students can easily do the last-minute revision of all the important chapters before appearing for the exam.
  • The study notes are helpful for the students who want to score good marks in the exam. The study notes will save a lot of time for the students.
  • Class 10 CBSE Notes are easily comprehensible. Students can memorize all the important concepts easily with the help of study notes.

Other Important Links on CBSE Class 10

Important Links for CBSE Class 10
Class 10 NCERT Solutions
Class 10 Sample Paper
Class 10 NCERT Books
Class 10 Study Material
Class 10 Question Paper
Class 10 Exemplar
Class 10 Syllabus PDF

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