CBSE Class 12 Physics Exam Paper 2020: Download Here


CBSE class 12 Physics Exam Paper 2020 has been conducted successfully by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on 02 March 2020. Physics is one of the major papers for Class 12 Science stream students. The Physics exam started at 10.30 AM and concluded at 1.30 PM. The exam was conducted at various exam centres across the country and abroad. Candidates can download the CBSE 12th class exam paper from this page. For complete details regarding the CBSE Class 12 Physics Exam Paper 2020, students may check the given article.

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CBSE Class 12 Physics Syllabus


The questions asked in the Physics paper were from the syllabus as given below:

  • Unit–I Electrostatics
  • Unit-II Current Electricity
  • Unit-III Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
  • Unit-IV Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
  • Unit–V Electromagnetic Waves
  • Unit–VI Optics
  • Unit–VII Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
  • Unit–VIII Atoms and Nuclei
  • Unit–IX Electronic Devices

CBSE Class 12 Physics Exam Pattern

The CBSE Class 12 Physics theory question paper was of 70 marks and three hours duration. The Physics question paper was divided into four sections – Section A, Section B, Section C and Section D. All questions were compulsory, however, there were internal choices in two questions of one mark each, two questions of two marks, one question of three marks and three questions of five marks weightage.
Chapter-wise weightage of marks
Unit/Chapter Marks
Electrostatics 8
Current electricity 8
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism 8
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents 8
Electromagnetic Waves 3
Optics 10
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 4
Atoms and Nuclei 6
Electronic Devices 8

NOTE: Click here to download CBSE class 12th Physics Exam Paper 2020 PDF

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CBSE Class 12 Physics Exam Feedback of Students

Most of the students found the CBSE class 12 Physics paper very difficult. The feedback of students who appeared for the Physics examination today is provided below:

Akansha Mohile, St. Palloti School, Nagpur: I would say that today’s paper was of medium difficulty level. Physics is the toughest subject so the paper was as we had expected. Most of us were able to finish on time and nothing was asked which is not in the prescribed syllabus.

Fatema Dawood, CPS Katol, Nagpur: The paper was simply deadly. It is not fair to give us one day to prepare for Physics and then even give such a difficult question paper. At least CBSE checkers should ease up on the checking and be lenient with it.

Insiya Dawawala, Centre Point School, Katol Road, Nagpur: The questions were very tricky and it was a very difficult paper. CBSE should have given more time to prepare for such a tough subject. We were given only one day. We are all extremely disappointed.


Central Board of School Education is a national level education board in India for the public as well as private schools. It is controlled and managed by the Union Government of India. Around 20, 299 schools are affiliated to CBSE in India. Also, 220 schools in 28 foreign countries are affiliated to CBSE.

In case of any doubts or queries, you may ask us in the comment section.

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