CBSE Class 9 Notes 2023: PDF Download Science, Maths, Social Science NCERT Study


CBSE Class 9 Notes for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Science, Hindi, English are available here in PDF format. Therefore, the students can download the CBSE class 9 Study Notes for all subjects for free. CBSE prescribes the NCERT books in class 9. The class 9 notes are prepared as per the latest and revised syllabus. Class 9 is important from the point of view of the CBSE Class 10 Board exams. It is observed that almost 90 percent of the class 9th syllabus is repeated in the class 10th. So, students should clear the basics in class 9 to understand the concepts easily in class 10. So, it is important for the students to study from the class 9 study notes and get good marks in the exam. Read the complete article to download the CBSE Class 9 Notes PDF for all subjects for free.

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CBSE Class 9 Notes 2023- Download Chapter-wise PDF

The syllabus of class 9 is very vast and students have very limited time to complete all the chapters. In that case, the study notes become very useful for the students to prepare all the chapters for the exam. Class 9 study notes will help the students to cover all the important concepts given in each chapter within a short time. It will also help them to revise the entire chapter in a very concise and interesting description. Therefore, the students are recommended to download the class 9 study notes for all subjects and prepare for the exam accordingly.

CBSE Class 9 Maths Notes

Mathematics is one of the most scoring subjects. Therefore, the students who are not very good at maths may suffer a lot even if they are very good at other subjects. Maths requires a lot of practice so that the students can easily solve all the questions by applying theorems and formulas. The study notes of class 9 Maths will help the students to revise all the important theorems and applications of basic rules to solve all types of questions. In Class 9 study notes we have explained each topic with an example so that the students can easily remember those for a longer period of time.

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Students can access CBSE Class 9 Maths notes from the table mentioned below:

Class 9 Maths Notes PDF
Chapter 1. Number Systems Class 9 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 2. Polynomials Class 9 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 3. Coordinate Geometry Class 9 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 6. Lines and Angles Class 9 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 7. Triangles Class 9 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 8. Quadrilaterals Class 9 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 10. Circles Class 9 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 11. Constructions Class 9 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 12. Heron’s Formula Class 9 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 14. Statistics Class 9 Notes Mathematics
Chapter 15. Probability Class 9 Notes Mathematics

Class 9 Science Notes CBSE

Science in class 9 is an important subject in which a basic introduction is given about Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. These subjects will be taught separately in higher standards. Class 9 Science notes have been put together by subject experts and contain detailed explanations for each topic given in the different chapter PDFs of the NCERT Book. The notes include details about all the necessary formulas, diagrams, equations which are further presented in an easy-to-understand language and style. Therefore, the students must download the CBSE Class 9 Science Notes to score good marks and prepare for the board exams.

Students can download the chapter-wise CBSE class 9 Science Study Notes from the PDF links given below:

Class 9 Science Notes PDF
Chapter 1. Matter in Our Surroundings Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 2. Is Matter Around Us Pure Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 3. Atoms and Molecules Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 4. Structure of the Atom Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 5. The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 6. Tissues Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 7. Diversity in Living Organisms Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 8. Motion Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 9. Force & Laws Of Motion Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 10. Gravitation Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 11. Work and Energy Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 12. Sound Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 13. Why Do We Fall Ill Class 9 Notes Science
Chapter 14. Natural Resources Class 9 Notes Science

CBSE Class 9 Social Science Notes

Social Science has a vast syllabus and it is a complete theoretical subject. Therefore, students need to pay careful attention to all the chapters covered in the class 9 Social Science syllabus. The class 9 Notes of Social Science will help the students to prepare all the chapters within the given time. The question paper will be based on the syllabus of all the sub-parts of Social Science. So the students must not leave any topics while doing the final revision. Here we have provided CBSE Class 9 Social Science notes of all sub-subjects History, Geography, Political Science, and Economics.

CBSE Notes for Class 9 History

IN this section, we have given the pdf all the CBSE notes for Class 9 History of all 5 chapters. Students can easily download it by clicking the chapter links below. The study notes are considered the best study materials for quick revision of the entire subject. Each topic mentioned in the chapter is explained thoroughly so that it lasts in the student’s memory for a long duration, and they can score well in their examination. Students can access the notes for all these chapters from the table below:

Class 9 History Notes PDF
Chapter 1. The French Revolution Class 9 Notes Social Science
Chapter 6. Peasants and Farmers Class 9 Notes Social Science

Class 9 Geography Notes

Geography is an interesting subject in which the students are taught about Nature and Natural Resources. The study notes will help the students to score good marks in Geography. Students can easily learn and memorize the important topics from each chapter given in the study notes. You can download the study notes of Class 9 Geography from the PDF links given below:

Class 9 Geography Notes PDF
Chapter 1. India Size and Location Class 9 Notes Social Science
Chapter 3. Drainage Class 9 Notes Social Science
Chapter 4. Climate Class 9 Notes Social Science
Chapter 6. Population Class 9 Notes Social Science

CBSE Class 9 Civics Notes

Political Science is an important part of the Social Science subject. The CBSE Class 9 Political Science textbook, Democratic Politics-I includes topics such as Constitutional Design, Electoral Politics, Democratic Rights, and so on, spread across 5 Chapters. Study notes for class 9 Civics will help the students to learn these chapters and memorize them easily. You can access the notes of all these chapters by clicking on the link below.

Class 9 Civics Notes PDF
Chapter 2. Constitutional Design Class 9 Notes Social Science
Chapter 3. Electoral Politics Class 9 Notes Social Science
Chapter 4. Working of Institutions Class 9 Notes Social Science
Chapter 5. Democratic Rights Class 9 Notes Social Science

Economics Class 9 Notes CBSE

Economics as a subject is introduced for the first time in class 9. In this subject, students are taught about the businesses, markets, and governments, and therefore better respond to the threats and opportunities that emerge when things change. The study notes of class 9 Economics will help the students to learn and understand each chapter very easily. There are 4 chapters in the class 9 Economics NCERT book. Students can download the study notes of Class 9 Economics from the PDF links given below:

Class 9 Economics Notes PDF
Chapter 2. People as Resource Class 9 Notes Social Science
Chapter 4. Food Security in India Class 9 Notes Social Science

Importance of Class 9 Notes

CBSE Class 9 Study Notes are quite useful for the students. Some of the benefits are given below:

  • Studying from the CBSE class 9 study notes will save a lot of time for the students. All the topics and concepts are explained in a concise manner so that the students can easily memorize the chapters.
  • Class 9 Study notes will help to focus on the important topics that are mostly asked in the exams. Thus, it is a smart way to prepare for the exams.
  • The CBSE class 9 notes are designed by the subject experts and teachers under the guidance of the NCERT curriculum.
  • Students can easily do the last-minute revision from the CBSE Class 9 notes.
  • All the concepts are explained in one place in the study notes.

FAQs on Class 9 Study Notes

Q1. Are the CBSE Class 9 Notes for Science Maths available online?

Ans: Yes, the Study Notes for Class 9 are available here for download in pdf format.

Q2. Can I get the CBSE Class 9 study notes in Hindi medium?

Ans: Yes, students can also download the Class 9 Notes in Hindi medium.

Q3. Do I have to buy Class 9 notes?

Ans: No, the study notes of Class 9 for all the subjects are available for free.

Other Important Links on CBSE Class 9

Important Links for CBSE Class 9
Class 9 NCERT Solutions
Class 9 Sample Paper
Class 9 NCERT Books
Class 9 Study Material
Class 9 Question Paper
Class 9 Exemplar
Class 9 Syllabus PDF

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