CBSE Class 9 Syllabus 2025: Download Science, Maths, English, Hindi Detailed Syllabus PDF


CBSE Class 9 Syllabus 2024 for Maths, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi subjects is available here in pdf format. Students can download the CBSE class 9th syllabus of all subjects for free. CBSE prescribes the NCERT textbooks in class 9th. Therefore, students can check the NCERT class 9th syllabus before appearing for the exams. The board has reduced the CBSE syllabus for class 9th from the current academic session. So the students can get the latest revised syllabus of class 9 from the pdf links given here. The syllabus is an important aspect of any exam. Students must revise the class 9th syllabus thoroughly in order to get good marks in the exam. Read the article, to get more details of how to download the CBSE Class 9 Syllabus, class notes, sample papers, question bank, etc.

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CBSE Class 9 Syllabus 2024 PDF- Download Here


CBSE is an important board that conducts the annual board examinations for students. It prescribes the course and curriculum as per the NCERT textbooks. In class 9, students must study hard as they will have to sit for the annual board exam in the next year. Before preparing for the exam, it is necessary that the students must revise the entire syllabus properly. The students must also check any amendments made to the syllabus. If there is any reduction or addition in the course, students must be updated about it. So it is necessary to check this article regularly to get the latest updates about the CBSE Class 9 syllabus for Maths, Science, English, Hindi.

How to Download CBSE Class 9 Syllabus 2024?

Students can access the syllabus of class 9th through online mode. The CBSE has given the pdf links to download the detailed syllabus for all subjects. However, candidates can follow the steps given below to download the syllabus of class 9th online:

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about CBSE Class 9 Syllabus 2025: Download Science, Maths, English, Hindi Detailed Syllabus PDF - Admissions

  • Step 1: Initially, the students must visit the CBSE official website –
  • Step 2: Click on the link given ” Curriculum” & then on  “Revised Curriculum for the Academic Year 2021-22”.
  • Step 3: Thereafter click on subject-wise revised Class 9th syllabus pdf 2022.
  • Step 4: Download the same & start preparing for the exam.
  • Step 5: Students can save the pdf file of the syllabus and study from it anytime.

CBSE Class 9th Maths Syllabus 2024

Mathematics is an interesting subject that requires regular practice. In class 9th students are introduced to the basic concepts of Maths that will be useful for higher studies. The students must download the complete syllabus of class 9th Maths and prepare for the exam. As per the latest revised syllabus, the following topics are included in class 9th Maths:

CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Maths 


Unit Name



Number Systems






Coordinate Geometry









Statistics & Probability


CBSE Class 9 Syllabus for Science

Science is a theory as well as a practical subject. Its applications are used in our everyday lives. Therefore, students must check the latest syllabus of Science and prepare for the exam accordingly. As per the NCERT curriculum, the following topics are included in class 9th Syllabus:

Syllabus for Class 9 Science






Matter – Its Nature and Behaviour

Nature of Matter –

  • Colloids and suspensions

  • Homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures

  • Elements, compounds, and mixtures

Particle Nature and Basic Units –

  • Law of Constant Proportions

  • Molecules and atoms

  • Mole concept

  • Molecular and atomic masse

Structure of Atoms –

  • Valency

  • Protons, electrons and neutrons

  • Isotopes and Isobars

  • Chemical formula and common compounds



Organization in the Living World

Tissues, Organs, Organ System, Organism –

  • Structure and functions of plant and animal tissues

  • Four types of tissues in plants

  • Meristematic and Permanent tissues in plants

Biological Diversity –

  • Basis of classification

  • Diversity of plants and animals

  • A major group of animals (Non-chordates up to phyla and chordates up to classes)

  • Major groups of plants (Bacteria, Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms)

Health and Diseases –

  • Pulse Polio programmes

  • Diseases caused by microbes and their prevention

  • Infectious and Non-Infectious diseases

  • Treatment and prevention



Motion, Force, and Work

Motion –

  • Acceleration, distance-time and velocity-time graphs for uniform motion and uniformly accelerated motion

  • Uniform and non-uniform motion along a straight line

  • Elementary idea of uniform circular motion

  • Derivation of equations of motion by graphical method

  • Distance, displacement and velocity

Force and Newton’s Laws –

  • Force and Motion

  • Action and Reaction forces

  • Inertia of a body

  • Newton’s Laws of Motion

  • Inertia and mass

  • Momentum

  • Elementary idea of conservation of Momentum

  • Force and Acceleration

Gravitation –

  • Acceleration due to Gravity

  • Universal Law of Gravitation

  • Gravity

  • Free fall

  • Mass and Weight

Floatation –

  • Thrust and Pressure, Archimedes’ Principle

  • Elementary idea of Relative Density

  • Buoyancy

Work, Energy and Power –

  • Work done by a force, energy, power

  • Law of Conservation of Energy

  • Kinetic and Potential energy

Sound –

  • Nature of sound and its propagation in various media, speed of sound, range of hearing in humans

  • Reflection of sound

  • Ultrasound

  • Echo and Sonar



Our Environment

Physical Resources –

  • Air, water and soil

  • Pollution of air, water and soil

Bio-Geo Chemical Cycles in Nature –

  • Water

  • Oxygen

  • Carbon

  • Nitrogen



Food: Food Production

  • Plant and animal breeding and selection for quality improvement and management

  • Organic farming

  • Use of fertilizers and manures

  • Protection from pests and diseases




CBSE Class 9 English Syllabus 2024

English is an important language subject in which there are questions from Literature and Grammar. CBSE Class 9 English Language and Literature syllabus here, which can be downloaded in PDF format. CBSE syllabus for class 9 English for 2020-2021 contains all the important topics of the language and literature part. The students must check the CBSE class 9th English syllabus and prepare for the exam as per the revised syllabus. The important topics in the English textbook are given below:

CBSE Syllabus for English Term I
Question-based on the following kinds of unseen passages to assess inference, evaluation,
vocabulary, analysis, and interpretation:
1. Discursive passage (400-450 words)
2. Case-based factual passage (with visual input/ statistical data/ chart etc. 300-350
Formal letter based on a given situation.
1. Letter to the Editor
2. Letter of Complaint (Official)
3. Letter of Complaint (Business)
1. Tenses
2. Modals
3. Subject-Verb Concord
4. Determiner
5. Reported Speech
6. Commands and Requests
7. Statements
8. Questions
Questions based on extracts/texts to assess interpretation, inference, extrapolation beyond
the text and across the texts.FIRST FLIGHT
1. A Letter to God
2. Nelson Mandela
3. Two Stories About Flying
4. From the Diary of Anne Frank
5. The Hundred Dresses 1
6. The Hundred Dresses 2
1. Dust of Snow
2. Fire and Ice
3. A Tiger in the Zoo
4. The Ball Poem
1. A Triumph of Surgery
2. The Thief’s Story
3. Footprints Without Feet
CBSE Syllabus for English Term II
Question-based on the following kinds of unseen passages to assess inference, evaluation,
vocabulary, analysis, and interpretation:
1. Discursive passage (400-450 words)
2. Case-based Factual passage (with visual input/ statistical data/ chart etc. 300-350
1. Formal letter based on a given situation
#Letter of Order
#Letter of Enquiry
2. Analytical Paragraph (based on outline/chart/cue/map/report etc.)
1. Tenses
2. Modals
3. Subject-Verb Concord
4. Determiner
5. Reported Speech
6. Commands and Requests
7. Statements
8. Questions
Questions based on extracts/texts to assess interpretation, inference, extrapolation beyond
the text and across the texts.FIRST FLIGHT
1. Glimpses of India
2. Madam Rides the Bus
3. The Sermon at Benares
4. The Proposal (Play)
1. Amanda
2. Animals
3. The Tale of Custard the Dragon
1. The Making of a Scientist
2. The Necklace
3. The Hack Driver
4. Bholi

Class 9th CBSE Hindi Syllabus

Hindi is another important language subject in which the students are introduced to Grammar and Hindi Literature. The syllabus of class 9th Hindi is divided into two courses, Course ‘A’ and Course ‘B’, The syllabus of Hindi is based on the following topics and chapters:

Class 9 Hindi Course A Syllabus

परीक्षा भार  विभाजन



अपठित’ गद्यांश((चिंतन क्षमता एवं अभिव्यक्ति कौशल पर) अति लघूत्तरात्मक एवं लघत्तरात्मक प्रश्न पूछे जायेंगे



व्याकरण के लिये निर्धारित विषयों पर विषय वस्तु का बोध, भाषिक बिंदु /संरचना आदि पर प्रश्न पूछे जायेंगे



पाठ्यपुस्तक क्षितिज भाग – 1 व पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक कृतिका भाग -1





कुल भार



श्रवण एवं वाचन




कुल भार


Class 9 Hindi Course B Syllabus 2024

परीक्षा भार  विभाजन



अपठित’ गद्यांश (चिंतन क्षमता एवं अभिव्यक्ति कौशल पर अति लघूत्तरात्मक एवं लघत्तरात्मक  प्रश्न पूछे जायेंगे



व्याकरण (पाठ्यपुस्तक में दिए गए भाषा अध्ययन के आधार पर



पाठ्यपुस्तक स्पर्श भाग – 1 – व पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक संचयन  भाग -1





कुल भार


श्रवण एवं वाचन




कुल भार


CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus PDF

The students in class 9 will have to study Social Science as a compulsory subject. This subject is divided into three parts: History, Civics, Geography, and Economics. The details syllabus of class 9th Social Science are given below:

CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus For India and the Contemporary World – I – History
Section 1: Events and processes:(All the three sections are compulsory)

I. The French Revolution:
i) French Society During the Late Eighteenth Century
ii) The Outbreak of the RevolutionFrance Abolishes Monarchy and Becomes a Republic
iii) Did Women have a Revolution?
iv) The Abolition of SlaveryThe Revolution and Everyday Life

II. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution:
i) The Age of Social ChangeThe Russian Revolution
ii) The February Revolution in PetrogradWhat Changed after October?
iii)The Global Influence of the Russian Revolution and the USSR

III. Nazism and the Rise of Hitler:
i) Birth of the Weimar Republic
Hitler’s Rise to Power
ii) The Nazi Worldview
iii) Youth in Nazi Germany
iv) Ordinary People and the Crimes Against Humanity

CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus For Contemporary India – I: Geography
1. India 
Size and Location
India and the World
India’s Neighbours2. Physical Features of India: 
Major Physiographic Divisions3. Drainage: Note: Only Map Items as given in the Map List from this chapter are to be evaluated in the Examination. 4. Climate: 
Climatic Controls
Factors influencing India’s climate
The Indian Monsoon
Distribution of Rainfall
Monsoon as a unifying bond5. Natural Vegetation and Wild Life:
Factors affecting Vegetation
Vegetation types
Wild Life
CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus For Democratic Politics – I: Political Science
1. What is Democracy? Why Democracy?:
What is Democracy?
Features of Democracy
Why Democracy?
Broader Meaning of Democracy2. Constitutional Design:
Why do we need a Constitution?
Making of the Indian Constitution
Guiding Values of the Indian Constitution3. Electoral Politics:
Why Elections?
What is our System of Elections?
What makes elections in India democratic?4. Working of Institutions:
How is the major policy decision taken?
Political ExecutiveJudiciary
CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus For Economics
1. The Story of Village Palampur:
Organization of production
Farming in Palampur
Non-farm activities of Palampur2. People as Resource: 
Economic activities by men and women
Quality of Population
Unemployment3. Poverty as a Challenge: 
Two typical cases of poverty
Poverty as seen by Social Scientists
Poverty Estimates
Vulnerable GroupsInterstate disparities
Global Poverty Scenario
Causes of Poverty
Anti-poverty measures
The Challenges Ahead

CBSE Class 9th Syllabus 2022 PDF Download Links

Class 9th Syllabus Download PDF
CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Maths
CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Science
CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Hindi A
CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Hindi B
CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Painting

NCERT Books for CBSE Class 9

Students must check the books that are prescribed in class 9. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) provides the books for Class 9. These books are designed by academicians and expert teachers. So, the NCERT class 9 books are not only useful for the school exams, but they are also important for various other competitive exams. So, the students can download or buy the hard copy of the NCERT class 9 books from the market. The list of the books prescribed in class 9th are given as follows:

NCERT Books for Class 9
Subjects Name of Class 9 Book
NCERT Books For Class 9 English (i) Beehive
(ii) Moments (Supplementary Reader)
(iii) Words and Expressions – 1
NCERT Books For Class 9 Hindi (i) क्षितिज
(ii) स्पर्श
(iii) कृतिका
(iv) संचयन
NCERT Books For Class 9 Maths Mathematics Textbook for Class IX
NCERT Books For Class 9 Science Science Textbook for Class IX
NCERT Books For Class 9 Social Science (i) Democratic Politics
(ii) Contemporary India
(iii) India and the Contemporary World
(iv) Economics
NCERT Books For Class 9 Sanskrit (i) शेमुषी प्रथमो भागः
(ii) व्यकारानाविथी:
(iii) अभ्यास्वान भव

Importance of NCERT Class 9 Syllabus

  • The Syllabus Class 9 for Maths, Science, Social Science, Hindi, and English is highly essential for students as it outlines the structure of the exams.

  • Students can also find unit-wise marks distribution and prepare accordingly for their exams.

  • The NCERT syllabus also provides chapter-wise topics for Total Chapters in each subject in Class 9 that can be helpful for students when preparing for board exams.

  • This Class 9 Maths syllabus is also available online in the form of a PDF download which is also absolutely free of cost. Students can find more details about the same on our website and mobile app.

Highlights of CBSE Class 9 Exam 2021-22

The students preparing for CBSE class 9 examinations can check the insightful overview in the table below for information about the conducting body, exam mode, subjects, marks, qualifying marks, etc.

Overview of CBSE Class 9 Exam & Syllabus
Name of the Exam Central Board of Secondary Education Class 9 Examination
Commonly Known as CBSE Class 9 Exam
Conducting Body Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Exam Level Matriculate
Theory Marks 80 Marks
Internal Assessment/ Practical/ Project Work 20 Marks
Overall Passing Marks 33% Marks
Frequency of the Exam Twice a year
(1) Term I Examination
(2) Term II Examination/Year-end Examination
CBSE Official Website
NCERT Official Website

Other Important Links on CBSE Class 9

Important Links for CBSE Class 9
Class 9 NCERT Solutions
Class  9 Study Material
Class 9 NCERT Books
Class 9 NCERT Exemplar
Class 9 Sample Paper
Class 9 Question Paper of Previous Years

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