Class 12 NCERT Books 2023: Download Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology PDF


Class 12 NCERT Books 2023 are used widely by students belonging to CBSE Schools across the country.  Therefore, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of complex topics whilst preparing for CBSE Class 12 board exams. Moreover, the students who have studied through NCERT Class 12 Solutions Book and also practiced the problems thoroughly, will be able to answer all 1-mark, 2-mark and other complicated questions without any difficulty. Also, since most of the questions during the exams are asked from NCERT Books, therefore, the students must consult the class 12 NCERT Books for obtaining an optimal result.

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Class 12 NCERT Physics Books Chapter-wise


The NCERT Physics books have been divided into two parts & each part is devised with updated content and revised concepts. Therefore, the books are not only suitable for the students of Class 12 but are also beneficial for other competitive exams as well. We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English & Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below. 

Physics Part I                                                                     Physics Part II

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Physics Books Chapter-wise

Physics Books Chapter-wise Details
Physics Book Part-1 भौतिकी भाग 1
Chapter 1 – Electric Charges and Fields अध्याय 1 वैद्युत आवेश तथा क्षेत्रा
Chapter 2- Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance अध्याय 2 स्थिरवैद्युत विभव तथा धरिता
Chapter 3- Current Electricity अध्याय 3 विद्युत धरा
Chapter 4- Moving Charges and Magnetism अध्याय 4 गतिमान आवेश और चुंबकत्व
Chapter 5- Magnetism and Matter अध्याय 5 चुंबकत्व एवं द्रव्य
Chapter 6- Electromagnetic Induction अध्याय 6 वैद्युतचुंबकीय प्रेरण
Chapter 7- Alternating Current अध्याय 7 प्रत्यावर्ती धरा
Chapter 8- Electromagnetic Waves अध्याय 8 वैद्युतचुंबकीय तरंग
Physics Book Part 2 भौतिकी भाग 2
Chapter 9- Ray Optics and Optical Instruments अध्याय 9 किरण प्रकाशिकी एवं प्रकाशिक यंत्रा
Chapter 10- Wave Optics अध्याय 10 तरंग-प्रकाशिकी
Chapter 11- Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter अध्याय 11 विकिरण तथा द्रव्य की द्वैत प्रवृफति
Chapter 12- Atoms अध्याय 12 परमाणु
Chapter 13- Nuclei अध्याय 13 नाभिक
Chapter 14- Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits अध्याय 14 अर्धचालक इलेक्ट्राॅनिकी- पदार्थ, युक्तियाँ तथा सरल परिपथ

Class 12 NCERT Chemistry Books-Chapter-wise

The NCERT Chemistry books have been divided into two parts & each part has been developed keeping the updated content and revised concepts in mind. Therefore, the books are not only suitable for the students of Class 12 but are also beneficial for other competitive exams as well. We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter-wise syllabus both in English & Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

Chemistry Part I                                                        Chemistry Part II

Chemistry Books-Chapter-wise

Chemistry Books-Chapter-wise
Class 12 Chemistry Part-1  रासांयन भाग 1
Unit 1 The Solid State एकक 1 ठोस अवस्था
Unit 2 Solutions एकक 2 विलयन
Unit 3 Electrochemistry एकक 3 वैद्युतरसायन
Unit 4 Chemical Kinetics एकक 4 रासायनिक बलगतिकी
Unit 5 Surface Chemistry एकक 5 पृष्ठ रसायन
Unit 6 General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements एकक 6 तत्वों वेफ निष्कर्षण के सिद्धांत एवं प्रक्रम
Unit 7 The p -Block Elements एकक 7 p ब्लॉक के तत्व
Unit 8 The d- and f – Block Elements एकक 8 d एवं f ब्लॉक के तत्व
Unit 9 Coordination Compounds एकक 9 उपसहसंयोजन यौगिक
Class 12 Chemistry Part-2  रासांयन भाग 2
Unit 10 Haloalkanes and Haloarenes एकक 10 हैलोऐल्वेफन तथा हैलोऐरीन
Unit 11 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers एकक 11 अलकोहल, फीनॉल एवं ईथर
Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids एकक 12 ऐल्डिहाइड, कीटोन एव कार्बोक्सिलिक अम्ल
Unit 13 Amines एकक 13 ऐमीन
Unit 14 Biomolecules एकक 14 जैव-अणु
Unit 15 Polymers एकक 15 बहुलक
Unit 16 Chemistry in Everyday Life एकक 16 दैनिक जीवन में रसायन

Class 12 NCERT Maths Books-Chapter-Wise

The Mathematics subject has two books prescribed under NCERT. Part I covers topics like Trigonometry, Derivatives, etc, while on the other hand, Part II covers topics like Integrals, Equations, Linear Programming, and Probability, etc. We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus both in English & Hindi as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

Mathematics Part I                                               Mathematics Part II

Maths Books-Chapter-Wise

Maths Books-Chapter-Wise
Mathematics Part 1  गणित भाग – 1
Chapter 1 – Relations and Functions अध्याय 1. संबंध् एवं फलन
Chapter 2- Inverse Trigonometric Functions अध्याय 2. प्रतिलोम त्रिकोणमितीय फलन
Chapter 3- Matrices अध्याय 3. आव्यूह
Chapter 4- Determinants अध्याय 4. सारणिक
Chapter 5- Continuity and Differentiability अध्याय 5. सांतत्य तथा अवकलनीयता
Chapter 6- Application of Derivatives अध्याय 6. अवकलज वेफ अनुप्रयोग
Mathematics Part 2  गणित भाग – 2
Chapter 7- Integrals अध्याय 7. समाकलन
Chapter 8- Application of Integrals अध्याय 8. समाकलनों वेफ अनुप्रयोग
Chapter 9- Differential Equations अध्याय 9. अवकल समीकरण
Chapter 10- Vector Algebra अध्याय 10. सदिश बीजगणित
Chapter 11- Three Dimensional Geometry अध्याय 11. त्रि-विमीय ज्यामिति
Chapter 12- Linear Programming अध्याय 12. रैखिक प्रोग्रामन
Chapter 13 – Probability अध्याय 13. प्रायिकता

Class 12 NCERT Biology Books-Chapter-Wise

The Class 12 NCERT Biology book covers concepts like Reproduction in Organisms, Human Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, etc. The book has been developed to make it a suitable choice for students whilst they prepare for competitive exams. Therefore, in the table below, we have provided the NCERT Biology Class 12 PDF free download links. Furthermore, many other boards which offer PCB courses or other courses related to Biology also suggest the use of NCERT Biology books. This is because the book is specifically designed focusing on living Organisms, Evolution, and Biotech. However, for Human Ecology, there is a separate book.

Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part I

Biology Books-Chapter-Wise

Biology Books-Chapter-Wise Details
Unit VI Reproduction  इकाई छः जनन
Chapter 1 Reproduction in organisms अध्याय 1 जीवों में जनन
Chapter 2 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants अध्याय 2 पुष्पी पादपों में लैंगिक प्रजनन
Chapter 3 Human Reproduction अध्याय 3 मानव जनन
Chapter 4 Reproductive Health अध्याय 4 जनन स्वास्थ्य
Unit VII Genetics and Evolution  इकाई सात: आनुवंशिकी तथा विकास
Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation अध्याय 5 वंशगति तथा विविधता के सिद्धांत
Chapter 6 Molecular Basis of Inheritance अध्याय 6 वंशागति वेफ आणविक आधार
Chapter 7 Evolution अध्याय 7 विकास
Unit VIII Biology in Human Welfare  इकाई आठ: मानव कल्याण में जीव विज्ञान
Chapter 8 Human Health and Disease अध्याय 8 मानव स्वास्थ्य तथा रोग
Chapter 9 Strategies for Enhancement in Food Reproduction अध्याय 9 खाद्य उत्पादन में वृद्धि की कार्यनीति
Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare अध्याय 10 मानव कल्याण में सूक्ष्मजीव
Unit IX Biotechnology  इकाई नौ: जैव प्रौद्योगिकी
Chapter 11 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes अध्याय 11 जैव प्रौद्योगिकी – सिद्धांत व प्रक्रम
Chapter 12 Biotechnology and its Applications अध्याय 12 जैव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं उसवेफ उपयोग
Unit X Ecology  इकाई दस: पारिस्थितिकी
Chapter 13 Organisms and Populations अध्याय 13 जीव और समष्टियाँ 
Chapter 14 Ecosystems अध्याय 14 पारितंत्रा
Chapter 15 Biodiversity and Conservation अध्याय 15 जैव-विविध्ता एवं संरक्षण
Chapter 16 Environmental Issues अध्याय 16 पर्यावरण के मुद्दे

Class 12 NCERT English Books-Chapter-Wise

The English Book of NCERT Class 12 is divided into two parts, Prose and Poetry. Where the Prose portion covers various stories, the Poetry section covers rhythmic literature of various kinds. Also, The Class 12 NCERT English books comprise literature of various genres. We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

English Books-Chapter-Wise Details
NCERT Books Class 12 English
Kaleidoscope (Elective English)
Flamingo (Core Course)
Vistas- Supplementary Reader

Class 12 NCERT Accountancy Books

The Class 12 NCERT Accounting subject is divided into two parts. Part I focuses on basic concepts like Partnership, Contract, or Organisational Dissolution, etc. While on the other hand, Part II deals with topics like Share Capital, Debentures, and Cash Flow Statement, etc.  We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books Class 12 Accountancy
Accountancy Part I
Accountancy Part II

NCERT Books For Class 12 For Business Studies PDF Download

Commerce students also study Business Studies books. The Class 12 NCERT Business Studies book comes in two parts – the first part of the book comprises topics like Nature and Significance of Business Studies and Management, Business Environment, Organizing, Directing, Controlling, etc. The second part of the book covers topics like Business Finance, Marketing, Consumer Protection, etc. We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books Class 12 Business Studies
Business Studies I
Business Studies II

Class 12 NCERT Sociology Books PDF Download

The Class 12 Sociology subject is divided into two books: the first book is called The Indian Society. It  covers topics like the Demographic Structure of Indian Society, Social Institution Market, Challenges of Cultural Diversity, etc.

Whereas the second book named Social Change and Development in India focuses & deals with topics like Structural and Cultural Change of India, the Story of Indian democracy, Globalization and Social Changes, etc. Moreover, these books are not only suitable for board exams but also help students prepare for other competitive examinations as well. We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books Class 12 for Sociology
Indian Society
Social Change and Development of India

Class 12 NCERT History Books PDF Download

The Class 12 History subject is divided into three parts in the form of NCERT books. Also, the books are perfectly compatible with almost every Indian state and central board. The first book covers topics like Bricks, Bread and bones, Kings, Farmers, and Towns, Thinkers, Beliefs, and buildings, etc. The second book covers topics like Through the Eyes of Travelers, Bhakti, Kings, and Chronicles, etc. Whereas, the third book covers topics like Colonialism, Rebels, Partition, Constitution Framing, etc. We have provided the link to download the textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books Class 12 History
History Part I
History Part II
History Part III

Class 12 NCERT Geography Books PDF Download

We have provided the link to download the Geography textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books Class 12 Geography
Fundamentals of Human Geography
Practical Work in Geography Part II
India -People And Economy

Class 12 NCERT Political Science Books PDF Download

We have provided the link to download the Political Science textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books Class 12 Political Science
Contemporary World Politics
Political Science-II

Class 12 NCERT Economics Books PDF Download

We have provided the link to download the Economics textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books Class 12 Economics
Introductory Microeconomics
Introductory Macroeconomics

NCERT Books Class 12 For Other Subjects PDF Download

We have provided the link to download the Other Subjects textbook as well as the chapter wise syllabus in English as prescribed by the panel with the help of subject matter experts below.

NCERT Books Class 12
Antra (Hindi)
Aroh (Hindi)
Vitan (Hindi)
Antral Bhag 2 (Hindi)
Bhaswati (Sanskrit)
Shaswati (Sanskrit)
Craft Tradition of India (Heritage Craft)
New Age Graphics Design
Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part I (Home Science)
Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part II (Home Science)

What are the Benefits of Class 12 NCERT Books?

The Class 12 NCERT Books are the standard & the best resources for learning and understanding the concepts of CBSE Class 12. Some of the benefits  of consulting the class 12 NCERT Books are:

  1. The NCERT Books for Class 12 aid students in understanding all the complex topics of class 12.
  2. Furthermore, Each and every topic covered in class 12 NCERT books are explained in an easy-to-understand language for students also, there are sufficient illustrations and diagrams as well.
  3. The books provide a lot of illustrative examples which in turn make it easy for students to grasp any concept with ease.
  4. Since the NCERT books are prepared by the best subject matter experts, therefore, they are comprehensive in nature. Also, they prove to be the best study resources for class 12 students.
  5. Moreover, the class 12 NCERT Books are widely accepted by students & teachers and therefore are used for teaching all across India.
  6. Also, the paperback versions of class 12 NCERT Books are easily available in the market and are very well priced.

Class 12 NCERT Books FAQs

Q. How many chapters are there in the Class 12 NCERT Maths Book?

Ans: There are a total of 13 chapters in NCERT Class 12 Maths Book.

Q. How many chapters are there in Class 12 NCERT Physics Book?

Ans: There are 14 Chapters in 11 NCERT Physics Books.

Q. How many chapters are there in Class 12 NCERT Chemistry Book?

Ans: There are 16 Chapters in the Chemistry NCERT Book For Class 12.

Q. How many chapters are there in the Class 12 NCERT Biology Book?

Ans: There are a total of 16 chapters in NCERT Class 12 NCERT Biology Book.

Q. Why is it important to download the Class 12 NCERT Books?

Ans: It is imperative for students to download the NCERT Books because the students who have studied through NCERT Class 12 Book and also practiced the problems thoroughly, will be able to answer all 1-mark, 2-mark and other complicated questions without any difficulty.

Q.Which is the best reference guide for Class 12 exam preparation?

Ans: The NCERT books are the best standard material for preparing for the class 12 CBSE board exam. Moreover, the subject matter experts have analyzed and solved the questions from every section, therefore, making it easy for students to understand concepts. Furthermore, these books are completely based on the exam-oriented approach in order to help students get an optimal result in their board examinations. Also, studying from class 12 NCERT books helps ensure students that they excel in their final exams with ease. Furthermore, after completing the class 12 textbook questions for respective subjects, the students can move on to sample papers and solve previous year question papers in order to get  a better idea of the Class 12 exam pattern.

Q.Where can I access NCERT Books for Class 12?

Ans: The NCERT Books can be referred online here from the article itself. The expert subject matter experts and tutors analysed queries & provided detailed answers for all the questions asked in the NCERT textbook for Class 12 only after conducting thorough research on the concepts, which is as per the latest CBSE guidelines.

Q. Where can I get correct solutions for Class 12 NCERT Books?

Ans: The teachers, as well as students, can download the NCERT Book solutions from our official website. We have also provided a wide range of study materials like textbooks, reference books, sample papers etc. Moreover, the Class 12 NCERT solutions are prepared with the utmost care by subject matter experts in order to help students understand the concepts easily and thereby score well in their  Class 12 exams.

NCERT Books All Class- Download Link

NCERT books  for all subjects from classes 1 to 12 are given in the pdf links below:

NCERT Textbooks (Class 1 to 12) PDF Download
Class 1 NCERT Books Class 5 NCERT Books Class 9 NCERT Books
Class 2 NCERT Books Class 6 NCERT Books Class 10 NCERT Books
Class 3 NCERT Books Class 7 NCERT Books Class 11 NCERT Books
Class 4 NCERT Books Class 8 NCERT Books Class 12 NCERT Books

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