Class 2 NCERT Solutions 2023: Chapter-Wise English & Maths PDF Download


Class 2 NCERT Solutions for all subjects is available here in pdf format. NCERT solution is highly competitive. It’s no exception for class 2. It is one of the most primary classes, passing class 2 is no longer a cakewalk anymore. The beginning years of school are the setting stone for a children’s education. Furthermore, class 2 has subjects like English & Maths that are crucial. Therefore, in order to help the students to perform the best in the examination, we are here providing 100% accurate NCERT class 2 solutions. The NCERT solutions are designed by a team of experts & follow the latest CBSE guidelines. You can download the NCERT Solutions for all subjects of Class 2 in PDF format through the links provided below. Read to know more. 

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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English 2023


English is a universal language, therefore, its demand & importance increases exponentially over the years. Hence, it is also included as one of the subjects in the curriculum, in the formative years of a student’s life. The class 2 English curriculum comprises poems, short stories & interesting topic-related questions. Therefore, in order to help students prepare for exams in the best way possible, we have provided the most accurate NCERT Solutions For Class 2 English.

Download  the links to the unit-wise CBSE English Solutions for Class 2:

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NCERT Class 2 English Solution
Unit 1 Poem First Day At School
Unit 1 Story Haldi’s Adventure
Unit 1 Poem The Paddling-Pool
Unit 2 Poem I am Lucky
Unit 2 Story I Want
Unit 3 Poem A Smile
Unit 3 Story The Wind and The Sun
Unit 4 Poem Rain
Unit 4 Story Storm in the Garden
Unit 5 Poem Zoo Manners
Unit 5 Story Funny Bunny
Unit 6 Poem Mr Nobody
Unit 6 Story Curlylocks and the Three Bears
Unit 7 Poem On My Blackboard I Can Draw
Unit 7 Story Make it Shorter
Unit 8 Poem I am the Music Man
Unit 8 Story The Mumbai Musicians
Unit 9 Poem Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair
Unit 9 Story The Magic Porridge Pot
Unit 10 Poem Strange Talk
Unit 10 Story The Grasshopper and The Ant

Unit 1

First Day At School

The “First Day at School” is a poem that deals with the anxiety one feel on the first day of school. It beautifully covers the emotions of a child;  how they feel about the teachers, classmates, etc. when they visit the school for the first time.

Haldi’s Adventure

The story “Haldi’s Adventure” is a tale about how Haldi meets a huge giraffe on her way to school one day. She converses with the giraffe and reveals to him that she has never met a giraffe-like him before. The giraffe wears glasses and holds a book in his hand.


A short poem, “Paddling-Pool”, is written by Ann Berry. It is narrated by kids who pass the paddling pool every time on their way to school. 

Unit 2

I am Lucky

 “I am Lucky” is a poem making the kids learn that one should be thankful for whatever one is. Whether one is a butterfly, a myna, a fish, or anything else, one definitely always has a reason to be happy and one must feel lucky to be that way.

I Want

“I Want” is a story based around a monkey who wants to be like a giraffe, an elephant and a zebra. However,  it is only later that he realizes that he should be content with what he is and what he has.

Unit 3

A Smile

“A Smile” is a poem, wherein a smile is regarded as a funny thing because when it disappears, it doesn’t leave any trace on the person’s face. The power of a smile is so extraordinary that one smile becomes two when one smiles at someone else.

The Wind and The Sun

“The Wind and The Sun” is a story about a competition which is put forward by the wind to the sun. In the end, the sun wins the competition.

Unit 4


“Rain” is a poem that is short and crisp. It describes how it rains everywhere- on the field, on the tree, on the umbrella and on the ships sailing at the sea.

Storm In The Garden

“Storm In The Garden” is a story about Sunu-sunu, the snail and his friends; ants. The story talks about how all of them faced a big storm when Sunu-sunu went to meet the ants in the garden.

Unit 5

Zoo Manners

The poem “Zoo Manners” is very interesting. It teaches kids that they should be careful & cautious when they visit a zoo. They must never make fun of animals and should always treat them well.

Funny Bunny

“Funny Bunny” is a story that revolves around a rabbit named Funny Bunny who gets hit by a falling nut whilst sleeping under a tree. Therefore, as a result,  he starts thinking that the sky is about to fall and then he decides to tell the king about the same. However, due to his foolishness, he consequently faces death along with the other animals.

Unit 6

Mr Nobody

Unit 6 has a poem “Mr Nobody” that is about a little man who does mischievous things around, yet no one has seen or caught him to date.

Curly locks and the Three Bears

“Curlylocks and the Three Bears” is a story, wherein a young girl with curly hair unknowingly enters a cottage in the forest which is a possession of the Bear family. She spends a good time there whilst eating all the porridge in the cottage and sleeping in a soft tiny bed. However, when the Bear family arrives back, she runs out of the cottage in fear of them.

Unit 7

On My Blackboard I Can Draw

“On My Blackboard I Can Draw” is a poem wherein the narrator is a kid who is narrating all that he can draw on the blackboard, for example like a house with a colourful door and windows, steps, chimneys, and a few yellow marigolds growing against the wall.

Make it Shorter

“Make it Shorter” is a story wherein the emperor, Akbar gives a query to his ministers whilst drawing a line and thereafter asking them to make it shorter without touching it. Birbal, one of the smartest ministers in Akbar’s court accomplishes the test by using his wit in order to draw a line longer than the one drawn by the king.

Unit 8

I am the Music Man

“I am the Music Man” is a poem wherein the narrator is a musician, he introduces himself as the music man who can play both the piano as well as the drum.

The Mumbai Musicians

“The Mumbai Musicians” is a story wherein four animals – a donkey, dog, cat and cock set off to Mumbai on their journey in order to become musicians. However, on their way to Mumbai, they try to sing a song together and instead end up scaring people.

Unit 9

Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair

Unit 9 consists of an emotional poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”, wherein, the kid requests her grandmother to comb her hair and then subsequently expresses her love and gratitude towards her granny for her act of kindness.

The Magic Porridge Pot

This unit also has a story “The Magic Porridge Pot”. It is a story of a young girl who finds a magic pot during her visit to a forest, which cooks porridge for her and her mother whenever they ask it to do so.

Unit 10

Strange Talk

Unit 10 has the poem “Strange Talk”. It is a poem that educates kids by imparting information to kids about different animals like the frog, pig, duck and puppies, their habitats like a pond, sty, waterside, and kennel, and how they make individual sounds such as croak-croak, wee-wee, quack-quack, and bow-wow. Furthermore, this lesson teaches young kids how to maintain effective & good communication skills.

The Grasshopper and the Ant

Unit 10 also has a story “The Grasshopper and the Ant” it mentions an interesting moral tale of a hard-working ant who works very hard day and night in order to save enough for the winter season. However, on the contrary, there is also a grasshopper, who enjoys the summer season and ends up with no food in the cold season.

Download – NCERT Solutions For Class 2 English

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths

Maths is an important subject that plays a vital role throughout a person’s life. Starting from basic addition to complex integration, it has all. The class 2 students learn about Maths – shapes, counting numbers, basic addition, subtraction, patterns, etc. We have provided all the solutions to the NCERT textbook questions, as per the latest CBSE guidelines.

Download the chapter-wise NCERT Class 2 Maths Solutions from the links provided below:

Class 2 Maths Solutions
Chapter 1 What is Long, What is Round?
Chapter 2 Counting in Groups
Chapter 3 How Much Can You Carry?
Chapter 4 Counting in Tens
Chapter 5 Patterns
Chapter 6 Footprints
Chapter 7 Jugs and Mugs
Chapter 8 Tens and Ones
Chapter 9 My Funday
Chapter 10 Add our Points
Chapter 11 Lines and Lines
Chapter 12 Give and Take
Chapter 13 The Longest Step
Chapter 14 Birds Come, Birds Go
Chapter 15 How Many Ponytails?

Chapter 1

What is Long, What is Round?, deals with educating students about the concept of long and round. It expounds to students about the length and round shape. 

Chapter 2

Counting in groups helps with educating the students about counting the numbers in groups. 

Chapter 3

How Much You Can Carry? Helps students with the concept of the weight of a thing. It’s imperative for students to learn about the weight of a substance, as this is relatable to our daily life activities. 

Chapter 4

Counting in Tens is the most loved chapter by students in primary classes. We have provided the solutions, making sure that students are practising the questions in the textbook as well. Furthermore, this chapter, as the name suggests, helps in educating the students in counting the numbers in tens.

Chapter 5

Patterns always intrigue the viewers. Since they don’t only exist in reality but are also evident in mathematics. It explains to students the concept of sequences in Maths. As per the standard set by CBSE, NCERT Solutions For Class 2 Maths Chapter 5 Patterns are written step by step.

Chapter 6

Footprints play a major role in Mathematics. This chapter educates the students about the concept of footprints. The students must check the solutions and practice at any time.

Chapter 7

Jugs and Mugs help in educating the kids about measurements. It is a highly engaging lesson for students.  We are here providing students with the most accurate NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 7 Jugs and Mugs. The solutions are written in simple & easy to understand language so that students find it easy to grasp.

Chapter 8

The chapter Tens and Ones deals with the place value of numbers. The students are educated about the digits of a two-digit number representing amounts of tens and ones. We have provided here the most accurate NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 8 Tens and Ones.

Chapter 9

My Funday educates students about the 7 days in a week. Also, it introduces to students that Sunday is Funday in a week. We have provided the download PDF of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 9 for free and help the students to step ahead in his/ her studies.

Chapter 10

The chapter,  “Add Our Points” is about educating students about the addition of numbers. The NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths help kids to clear their queries related to the questions in the textbook. Here are the most accurate NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 10 Add Our Points.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11,  is based on lines, as the name itself suggests. It helps in educating the kids in drawing different lines. NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths are created in such a way that students understand it easily. Students can download the solutions free from the link provided below in PDF form.

Chapter 12

For chapter 12, we are presenting the most detailed step-by-step NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 12; Give and Take. This chapter covers short tips & tricks to solve maths addition questions of numbers with 3 or more digits. Furthermore, it comprises interesting word problems on addition and subtraction.

Chapter 13

The Longest Step is the 13th chapter and as the name suggests, it teaches the students about measurement. Furthermore, it explains to kids how measurements can be made. Students can download the accurate NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths from the link provided below.

Chapter 14

Birds Come, Birds Go is a chapter teaching students about the addition and subtraction of numbers. There are many puzzles and stories in the chapter with detailed explanations in order to educate kids. We have provided below the NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths; Chapter 14 Birds Come, Birds Go. Furthermore, it consists of solutions for all the questions in the textbook including the puzzles.

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 is the Addition of numbers, which plays a crucial role not only in Mathematics but also in daily life as well. The NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 15 How Many Ponytails? Helps in educating the students about the addition of numbers. Furthermore,  here we have provided the most detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths in a PDF format.

Download – NCERT Solutions For Class 2 Maths 

Benefits of Class 2 NCERT Solutions

There are multiple times when students struggle to check if they answered the correct answer or not. In order to make sure the students do not have such issues, we have provided 100% reliable NCERT Solutions for 2nd graders. It covers each and every question in the textbook, furthermore, the solutions offered here are structured as per the standards set by the CBSE board. The students will definitely ace the exams with the help of these Class 2 NCERT Solutions.

NCERT Solutions for all Classes

Students can also check out NCERT Solutions of other classes here. Click on the respective class given below to go to relevant NCERT Solutions of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

NCERT Class 1 to 12 Solutions
NCERT Solutions for Class 1 NCERT Solutions for Class 2 NCERT Solutions for Class 3
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 NCERT Solutions for Class 5 NCERT Solutions for Class 6
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 NCERT Solutions for Class 8 NCERT Solutions for Class 9
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 NCERT Solutions for Class 11 NCERT Solutions for Class 12

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