Could JEE Main 2023 Be Delayed? An Analysis


The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is the entrance examination for students aspiring to study engineering, architecture, science, pharmacy and law in India. JEE Main is the first of two levels of JEE, the other being JEE Advanced. National Testing Agency has released the JEE Main 2023 dates on the official website The first session of JEE Main 2023 will be held on January 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31, while the second session will be held on April 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

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Could JEE Main 2023 Be Delayed?


No – NTA has released the JEE Main 2023 dates on the official website

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JEE Main Dates 2023 Sessions

For Academic Session 2023-24, it has been decided that the JEE (Main) – 2023 will be conducted in two Sessions i.e. Session 1 (January 2023) and Session 2 (April 2023). The details for the Session 1 (January 2023) are given below:

JEE Main 2023 Dates
JEE Main 2023 Dates

JEE (Main) – 2023 will be conducted in 13 languages i.e. English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.

Urgent Attention to JEE (Main) – 2023 Candidates of Tamil Nadu State Board – Reg.

Sub: Urgent Attention to JEE (Main) - 2023 Candidates of Tamil Nadu State Board - Reg.
Sub: Urgent Attention to JEE (Main) – 2023 Candidates of Tamil Nadu State Board – Reg.

Understanding JEE Main 2023

Before we delve into the possibility of a delay, let’s take a step back and understand what JEE Main 2023 is. Every year, the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is conducted for students who want to get into India’s best engineering colleges. The test is held in two parts- JEE Main and JEE Advanced. JEE Main is an eligibility test, which means that if you clear it, you can appear for JEE Advanced.

JEE Main 2023 is scheduled for January 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31, while the second session will be held on April 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and it’s the eligibility test for students who want to get into undergraduate courses in engineering and architecture. Now, here’s where it gets interesting- there’s been speculation that the government might postpone the exam because of the Kashmir issue.

A Look at Previous Delays for JEE Main

Previous delays for the JEE Main exam have been largely due to changes in the examination process. For the 2021 exam, for example, the National Testing Agency (NTA) announced that the examination would be conducted in computer-based format. This led to a delay in the launch of admit cards and also in the announcement of results. In 2019, there was a delay of nearly two months before the results were finally announced.

It’s important to note that these delays have not been limited to just the JEE Main exam. The NTA has been struggling to manage various examinations in a timely manner over the past few years. The Class 10 and Class 12 board examinations have been notorious for widespread leaks and delayed results. In light of this, it’s possible that the JEE Main 2023 may be postponed as well.

Pros and Cons of Postponing JEE Main

There are several pros and cons of postponing JEE Main 2023. On the one hand, some students feel that this would give them more time to prepare for the exam. On the other hand, some students feel that this would put them at a disadvantage, as they would have to compete with students who have already taken the exam.

  • Another factor to consider is the impact of postponing JEE Main on colleges. If the exam is postponed, colleges will have to reschedule their admissions process, which could lead to confusion and chaos.
  • Ultimately, it is up to the National Testing Agency (NTA) to decide whether or not to postpone JEE Main 2023.

Alternatives to Postponing JEE Main

If the JEE Main 2023 exam is postponed, what could be some alternatives? One possible solution is to hold the exam online. This could minimize safety risks for test takers and also make it easier for them to access the exam. Online exams also allow examiners to take advantage of modern technologies such as facial recognition, which can help verify an examinee’s identity.

  • Another potential solution is to offer students more preparation time by lengthening the duration of the exam. This could encourage a fairer and more equitable system as students would have more time to answer questions and demonstrate their knowledge.
  • Finally, a third alternative is for separate JEE Main 2023 sessions for different age groups. Many countries have implemented this system successfully in order to reduce crowding during the exams, thus minimizing health risks.

How Could a Delay Impact Students?

If JEE Main 2023 is postponed, it could have a huge impact on students who are in their final year of school. For starters, many of them would need to plan out an additional year just to prepare for the exam. This can be rather challenging, as they would need to juggle studying for JEE Main and other college entrance exams at the same time.

  • Also, the delay could put students in a difficult position if they have already secured admission in a college. If the delay affects their enrollment timeline, then they may have to opt for a different college or program altogether — not an ideal situation.
  • Finally, it may also lead to students having difficulty with financial planning — as universities have their own timeline of when fees need to be paid by. A delay might mean that students will end up being under or overprepared if they adjust their own plans accordingly. All these are possible scenarios that would lead to stress and confusion among students and parents alike.

Will JEE Main 2023 Be Postponed?

The answer to this question is up in the air at the moment. There are a few factors that could influence whether or not JEE Main 2023 will be delayed.

  • One of the primary factors is the current situation with COVID-19 in India. With the pandemic still raging, it’s possible that JEE Main 2023 could be postponed if it’s deemed unsafe to hold exams. Another factor to consider is the capacity of state governments to handle large-scale exams during a pandemic. If they are unable (or unwilling) to host an exam, then postponement might be necessary.
  • However, another possible outcome is that JEE Main 2023 could actually be held earlier than usual if state governments can provide a safe and secure testing environment. This would give students more time to prepare for their exams and possibly lead to better results overall.
  • Only time will tell what will happen with JEE Main 2023, but one thing is for sure—the situation is constantly changing and it’s important for students and educators to stay up-to-date with any developments.


While the chances of JEE Main 2023 being postponed are slim, it’s still a possibility that students should be aware of. If you’re planning to take the exam, make sure to keep an eye on the latest news and updates so that you can be prepared if the date is changed.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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