CSAB 2023 Introduces NIT+ System: Changes from JoSAA Counselling Explained


    The Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) plays a crucial role in the admission process of undergraduate engineering programs in India. In 2023, CSAB introduced the NIT+ system, which brings about significant changes compared to the traditional Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) counseling process. Understanding the NIT+ system and its differences from JoSAA counseling is vital for engineering aspirants seeking admission to National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and other participating institutes.

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    JoSAA handles counselling for IIT admission and the NIT+ system in NIT and IIIT, while CSAB is responsible for counselling in the NIT+ system only.

    Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB)

    • The Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) will announce the seat allotment result for the North Eastern States and Union Territories (NEUT) 2023 first-round today, July 18.
    • Candidates can check the CSAB NEUT round 1 seat allotment result on the official website, csab.nic.in.
    • Candidates who are allotted seats in the first round need to complete the online reporting process, which includes the payment of counselling and seat allotment fee of Rs 3,000 and exercising options like float, slide, and freeze.
    • Candidates selecting the freeze option can download the allotment letter and provisional admission letter and proceed with the final admission process at the allotted institute as per the provided schedule.
    • The online reporting and option exercise window for the first round of allotment will be open from July 19 to July 24, 2023.
    • During this period, candidates must complete the necessary payment and option selection according to their preferences.
    • From July 25 to July 30, 2023, there will be a reconciliation of data, verification, and validation of allocated seats for the CSAB NEUT 2023 round 1.
    • The second round of CSAB NEUT seat allotment will take place on July 31, 2023.
    • Candidates who are allotted seats in the second round must complete the online reporting process by paying the seat acceptance fee of Rs 3,000.
    • The seat withdrawal period is from August 5 to August 7, 2023, and any spot round will be declared by the respective state, union territories, or North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology.
    • Reporting at the admitting institute will occur from August 8 to August 14, and participating institutes will report admission data to CSAB from July 19 to August 19, 2023.

    CSAB 2023: Know what NIT+ system is; how it is different from JoSAA counselling

    • The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) and the Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) are responsible for conducting counselling for admission to IITs, NITs, and other institutions.
    • JoSAA handles counselling for IIT admission and the NIT+ system in NIT and IIIT, while CSAB is responsible for counselling in the NIT+ system only.
    • JoSAA conducts multiple rounds of seat allocation, usually six, while CSAB conducts two special rounds for filling vacant seats in the NIT+ system.
    • Registration for JoSAA is currently ongoing and will continue until June 28, 2023. The official website for JoSAA counselling is josaa.nic.in.
    • To get details about seat allocation in the NIT+ system through special rounds, applicants need to visit the CSAB-2023 portal at csab.nic.in.
    • CSAB conducts the CSAB NEUT (North Eastern States and Union Territories) for seat reservation in Engineering/Technology/Architecture/Pharmacy courses. The NEUT process starts from June 26, 2023.
    • Two special rounds of seat allocation are conducted by CSAB to fill the remaining seats in the NIT+ system after the JoSAA Round 6 counselling.
    • The CSAB Special Rounds will be conducted online by NIT Rourkela through the CSAB portal, csab.nic.in.
    • CSAB 2023 also includes a separate CSAB Supernumerary round of counselling based on JEE Main rank. It is for admission to supernumerary seats in NIT Calicut, NIT Durgapur, and SVNIT Surat for candidates from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu, and Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
    • The CSAB Supernumerary round will begin after the completion of the CSAB Special Rounds.

    Exploring the NIT+ System

    The NIT+ system is a centralized counseling procedure specifically designed for admissions to NITs and other participating institutes. It simplifies the seat allocation process, ensuring a fair and efficient allocation of seats to deserving candidates. Under the NIT+ system, the participating institutes include NITs, Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), and other government-funded technical institutions. This system provides a comprehensive platform for candidates to apply and compete for seats in multiple institutions through a single registration process.

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    Key Differences from JoSAA Counseling

    While the NIT+ system and JoSAA counseling share similarities, they also have several noteworthy differences. Firstly, JoSAA covers a broader spectrum of institutes, including NITs, IIITs, Centrally Funded Technical Institutes (CFTIs), and Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). On the other hand, the NIT+ system focuses primarily on NITs, IIITs, and other participating institutes. This difference allows the NIT+ system to provide a more streamlined and specific counseling process.

    Secondly, the counseling rounds and seat allotment process in the NIT+ system are separate from JoSAA counseling. Candidates who wish to participate in the NIT+ system must register separately and indicate their preference for NITs and other participating institutes. This distinction allows candidates to have more options and flexibility while choosing their preferred institutions.

    Advantages of the NIT+ System

    The introduction of the NIT+ system brings several advantages for engineering aspirants. Firstly, it provides a simplified and focused counseling process tailored to NITs and other participating institutes. This specialization allows for more efficient seat allocation, ensuring that deserving candidates have better chances of securing admission.

    Additionally, the NIT+ system eliminates the need for candidates to register separately with multiple counseling authorities. By centralizing the counseling process, it reduces the complexity and confusion often associated with multiple counseling registrations. This streamlining of the admission process saves candidates’ time and effort.

    Preparing for the NIT+ System

    To make the most of the NIT+ system, aspiring engineering students should be well-prepared. Candidates must familiarize themselves with the participating institutes, their respective courses, and eligibility criteria. It is crucial to research and gather information about the NITs and other institutions to make informed decisions during the counseling process.

    Furthermore, candidates should stay updated with the official announcements and guidelines provided by CSAB. Regularly visiting the CSAB website and other relevant sources will help candidates stay informed about important dates, registration procedures, and any changes to the counseling process.

    In conclusion, the NIT+ system introduced by CSAB in 2023 has revolutionized the admission process for NITs and other participating institutes. Its specialization and distinct features set it apart from the traditional JoSAA counseling. Engineering aspirants must familiarize themselves with the NIT+ system and its differences from JoSAA counseling to optimize their chances of securing admission to their desired institutions.

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    Abhinandan Singh
    Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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