DNB CET 2023: NEET SS Application Form, Dates, Exam Pattern, Syllabus


DNB CET 2023: DNB CET is a national-level exam that is managed by National Board of Examination (NBE). DNB CET is conducted to offer admission into post-DNB/MD/MS Super Specialty courses. Diplomate National Board Centralized Entrance Test-Super Specialties (DNB-CET SS) is a qualifying-cum-ranking examination for entry to various Post Graduate courses including the Direct 6-year course in the speciality of Plastic Surgery, Neuro-Surgery, Cardio-thoracic Surgery and Pediatric Surgery. Candidates will get admission into Post MBBS course through NEET PG scores & DNB/MD/MS Super Speciality course through NEET SS Entrance exam. By this article, the applicant can take entire information regarding DNB CET 2023.

Admission Open 2023

  • Top University & Colleges Official Links, Application & Scholarship Forms. Apply Now

DNB CET 2023 Important Dates


The applicant can take a preview of events and their schedule before filling the application form. It is given below.

For January session (through NEET PG):

Events Tentative Dates
Notification releases 23 February 2023
Application Form release 15 March 2023
Submission of application form 19 to 21 March 2023
Edit option 02 to 4 April 2023
Admit card availability 12 April 2023
NEET PG exam date 18 April 2023
Result declaration 31 May 2023
Counselling process 1st week of June 2023
For July session:
Events Dates (Tentative)
Information Bulleting availability 2nd week of May 2023
Application Form release 2nd week of May
Submission of application form 4th week of May
Admit Card availability 1st week of June
DNB CET 2023 Exam Date 3rd week of June
Result declaration 4th week of July
Cut-off date 4th week of August

For  DNB/MD/MS Super Speciality course (through NEET SS):

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about DNB CET 2023: NEET SS Application Form, Dates, Exam Pattern, Syllabus - Admissions

Events Dates (Revised)
Availability of Information Bulletin 1st week of October 2023
Application form releases 1 November 2023
Last Date 22 November 2023
Edit Window 1 to 7 December 2023
Final Edit Window 20 to 23 December 2023
Admit card 03 January 2022
Entrance exam 10 January 2022
Result declaration January 2022

DNB CET 2023 Application Form

It is advised to applicants to go through the information brochure carefully before filling up the application form.

  • DNB CET 2023 Application form  will be available by online mode only.
  • In case, the application form is found incomplete, the authority will disqualify the form and no further request will be entertained.
  • Applicants will be offered to choose the exam centre city as per their comfort.
  • After the filling of the test centre, candidates will not be permitted to change it. However, correction in certain details will be allowed only till the last date of form submission.
  • Applicants should also keep the printout of the application form for future reference.

DNB CET 2023 Application Fee

The application and processing fee for DNB CET 2023 is Rs. 4500/- for all categories. The application and processing fee should be submitted through payment gateway provided using a Credit Card or a Debit Card issued by banks in India or through net banking. Fees shall neither be refunded nor carried forward if the application for DNB-CET 2023 shall be rejected OR candidature shall found disqualify.

How to Apply for DNB CET 2023?

  •  Firstly, Click on the registration button.
  •  Start the application process for DNB CET  2023 by providing your basic details such as name, contact number, email id, address etc. and click on save and next button.
  • Upload the applicant’s photograph and signature in the required format as provided by NBE. Both the photo and the signature must be clear and legible. The permissible file size of the photo must be of minimum 20 KB and maximum 50 KB and that of the signature must be of minimum 10 KB and maximum 20 KB.
  •  Fill the applicant’s academic details, registration, and internship details in this step. Click on save and next button after filling in the information.
  • Check the application form for the last time before submitting it.
  • Submit the Application Fee through Online Payment mode by Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking option.
  • Finally, click on submit Button. The application form will be submitted successfully. Take a copy of the application form for future reference. 

Important Points Regarding DNB CET

  1. The candidate will not be permitted to appear in the examination if the applicant disqualified at any stage of DNB-CET. In an unlikely event of any disqualified candidate appearing and/or being successful in the DNB-CET, the results/candidature of such candidate shall be cancelled, when the ineligibility is detected.
  2. Requests for appearing in DNB CET 2023 July Admission Session from candidates completing internship after 31st August 2023 or having qualifications that are not recognized as per IMC Act shall be rejected.
  3. Candidates already pursuing DNB course are not eligible to appear for the DNB-CET till such time they have completed the entire duration of the prescribed course or have been discharged from the course. Candidates who have joined DNB- Broad Specialty course in or after December 2014 session are not eligible to appear in DNB-CET 2023.
  4. Appearing in DNB-CET 2023 does not confer any automatic rights upon the applicant for admission at NBE accredited hospital/ institute.
  5. The applicant can register for DNB-CET 2023 only single time. Registration for CET exam, more than once shall constitute unfair means and lead to disqualification and/or penal action.

DNB CET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Applicant must fulfil Eligibility criteria for DNB CET 2023 which is mention below.

Nationality Applicant must be an Indian citizen.
Qualifying Exam Applicant must pass MBBS course approved by Medical Council of India
Registration Applicant must be registered with the State Medical Council/Medical Council of India and must have proof of it.
Appearing Candidates


Applicants who are in the hold of their PG medical degrees/provisional pass certificate by 31 August 2023 can apply.
Training Applicants must have completed his/her three years of rotatory training by 31 August 2023.

DNB CET 2023 Admit Card

  • The DNB CET 2023 admit card will be available online mode only. Applicants can download it by entering details of Username and password.
  • The admit card of DNB CET 2023 will be released in the second week of December 2020 for January session.
  • For the July session, it will be released in the third week of June 2023. Applicants must keep the photocopy of it till admission.
  • Candidates must bring the following documents to the exam centre.
  1. A printed copy of the Admit Card with a photo pasted on it.
  2. Photocopy of the Permanent or Provisional SMC/MCI registration.
  3. Any one of the following authorized photo IDs must be original and non-expired.
  4. PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport and Aadhar Card.

DNB CET 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus of DNB CET 2023 will have the topics from the subjects prescribed by the authority of the Medical Council of India with the prior consideration of the Government of India. The question paper will consist of Part A and Part B sections.

Part A Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Ophthalmology, and Forensic Medicine.
Part B ENT, general medicine, Statistical, and Biomedical Research SPM, general surgery, dermatology & STD, Anaesthesiology, Orthopaedics, radiology, paediatrics, obstetrics and Gynaecology, psychiatry.


9. ENT 12
15. Orthopaedics 05
Total 300

Note: Weightage of MCQs is indicative and purely provisional.

Test Centers

DNB CET Test Centers
DNB CET Test Centers

Preparation for DNB CET 2023

The applicant can follow the mentioned tips to prepare for DNB CET 2023 entrance test:

  • Applicants must make a proper timetable to study.
  • Before starting the preparation, the aspirant must review the exam pattern and syllabus.
  • The revision must be done regularly by the aspirants in each studied topic.
  • Aspirants must solve the previous year’s question papers and sample papers to know the type of questions coming in the exam.
  • Applicants must take care of their eating and sleeping habits during exam preparation.

DNB CET 2023 Exam Pattern

Applicants may check the exam pattern of DNB CET 2023 which given below

Exam Mode DNB CET 2023 examination will be held in computer-based
Type of Question The question paper will comprise of multiple-choice questions. The question paper of all medical super specialities, all surgical super specialities, and all paediatric super specialities will be the same.
The medium language of the paper The language of the question paper will be English.
Number of questions  Applicants will be asked a total of 180 multiple choice questions from each section.
Time Duration Applicants will be given the time duration of 3 hours 30 minutes to complete each section
Marking Scheme For each correct answer, 4 marks will be awarded. For every wrong answer, 25% negative marking will be done.

DNB CET 2023 Result

Qualifying Criteria: Applicants who obtain a minimum percentile as per the category below shall be declared as “Qualified” in DNB CET 2023. Qualifying Criteria of the exam is given below:

1.  General 50th Percentile
2. SC/ST/OBC 40th Percentile
3. PWD 45th Percentile

The validity of CET Result: The validity of the result of the DNB-CET will be only for the current admission session and cannot be carried forward for the next session of CET.

Declaration of Result: The results for the January session has been declared in the Third week of January 2023. The mark sheet-cum-result certificate for the DNB-CET exam can be downloaded from NBE website www.nbe.edu.in after the declaration of result. There is no provision for re-checking /re-totalling/re-evaluation of the question paper, answers, score and no query in this regard will be entertained.

Tie – Breaker Criteria: In the event of two or more candidates   have the same score, then the merit position shall be determined using the following tie-breaker criteria in descending order:

  • An applicant with a lesser number of incorrect responses in the overall paper shall be placed at higher merit position.
  • An applicant with a higher score in Part B of the question paper shall be placed at higher merit position.
  • Failing which, date of birth of the applicant will be taken into consideration. The older candidate will be placed at a better merit position.

DNB CET 2023 Counselling

Eligibility for Counselling: Applicants who will qualify the Centralized Entrance Test (DNB-CET) conducted by NBE and fulfil the eligibility criteria for admission to DNB Broad Specialty. Guidelines for online centralised merit-based counselling shall be available at NBE website in due course.

DNB CET Seat Allotment

• The allotment of seats shall be made to the eligible candidates only through personal appearance and candidates will be called in batches in the order of their merit position, as per the schedule of Counselling available on NBE website.
• Applicants have to be present on the day of his/her counselling to participate in the counselling at the scheduled time specified in his/her Rank Letter.
• The schedule for further rounds of counselling shall be notified at the official website of NBE after completion of the first round of Counselling. Applicants are advised to visit NBE website regularly for updates regarding counselling.
• The applicant can also opt-out his/her option for participation in a further round of counselling through the NBE website until the day of his / her scheduled counselling. The applicant need not appear for counselling at NBE office Delhi for opting out for a further round of counselling.
• Candidates who do not attend/participate in the counselling at their first opportunity either in person or through online shall not be eligible for participation in the subsequent round(s) of counselling.
• Candidates opting for a confirmed seat are not eligible to participate in subsequent rounds of counselling irrespective of their joining/not- joining/resignation from the seat already opted for.
• The counselling shall be done purely based on DNB CET Merit Position. The merit has been made by marks obtained by the candidates in DNB CET.
• No separate letter/communication regarding counselling is being sent to the applicants. Therefore, all the eligible candidates are advised to refer to the NBE website regularly for information and download their rank letter as well.
• Candidates are needed to bring their Rank Letter at the time of counselling along with the prescribed documents.

Documents required at time of admission

Applicants must bring their original as well as photocopies of their documents at the time of admission. Some of the documents which are mention below:

• Rank Letter
• DNB CET 2023 Result
• MBBS Degree certificate
• Class 10 & 12 marks sheet and pass certificate
• Category certificate (if applicable)
• Aadhar card
• PAN Card
• Driving license
• SMC/MCI Registration certificate bearing the candidate’s photograph.

Important Links

Click Here to check the Revised NEET SS 2023 Notification

DNB CET 2023 Highlights

In the below table the candidates can check a few short summaries of DNB CET 2023:

Name of Examination Diplomate of National Board – Centralised Entrance Test 2023
Commonly Known As DNB-CET 2023
Conducting Body National Board of Examination
Official Site http://natboard.edu.in/
Examination Level National Level
Category Postgraduate Medical Examination
Purpose of Exam Qualifying cum Ranking Examination for admission to DNB courses
Periodicity Twice a Year
States that accept exam scores All the states and union territories of India
Reservation of Seats For SC/ST/OBC/Persons with disability (PWD) at hospitals/institutions which are covered as per rules

Subsuming of DNB-CETSS & FET into NEET-SS

Merging of DNB CET SS & FET into NEET SS
Merging of DNB CET SS & FET into NEET SS

Previous articleNEET PG 2022: Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Pattern, Result
Next articleCAT 2022 Result: Announcement Date, Merit List, Counselling, Check @ iimcat.ac.in
Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


  1. I could find no links for the PDCET-JULY 2019 session. Kindly mail me the link,if authentic, for applying the same(since as per your article it says applications are available from march 20th onwards)


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