Gujarat NMMS 2023: Notification, Application Form, Exam Date, Admit Card


Gujarat NMMS 2023 stands for the National Means Cum Merit Scholarship and is conducted every year by the Science Branch of the Directorate of Education, Delhi. This examination takes place tentatively in the month of November. Gujarat NMMS entrance examination is conducted through SCERT, which is known as The State Council of Education Research and Training. It is a state-level exam. The applicants who clear this examination then become eligible for the second level examination which is conducted by NCERT, which is known as The National Council of Education Research and Training. To read more about Gujarat NMMS 2023 notification, application form, eligibility, read the complete article.

Admission Open 2023

  • Top University & Colleges Official Links, Application & Scholarship Forms. Apply Now

Gujarat NMMS 2023 Scholarship Scheme


  • Under the NMMS Scholarship Scheme, 100,000 scholarships are given to those students who are very good in studies and whose family income is less than Rs 1,50,000 per annum. Each state/UT has fixed the quota for granting scholarships to the students of class 7th and 8th according to the annexure.
  • The plan will provide reservations to different categories of students as per State/UT norms; As different states/UTs have their own norms of reservation.
  • These scholarships are going to be awarded on an annual basis to the scholars studying as follows: must be a regular student in class IX in government, government-aided and native body schools that again will be renewed for the class Xth, XIth and XIIth. This scholarship will be given for a maximum of 4 years. 
  • The amount of the scholarship will be Rs. 12000/- per annum @ Rs. 1000 per month.
  • A separate examination shall be conducted by the State Governments/UT Administrations for the selection of scholars for the award of the National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarships in the States/UTs.

NMMS Gujarat 2023 Exam Dates

Aspirants who want to apply for Gujarat NMMS Scholarship Exam, have to remember the last date of application in their mind. 

Gujarat NMMS 2023 Dates
Events Dates (Tentative)
Application start date Second week of November 2023
Application end date Third week of December 2023

NMMS Gujarat Application form 2023

The contenders who are looking to avail the benefits of the NMMS education programme must collect vital information with regard to the selection process including the operation process. In this regard, detailed information is often explored from the National Scholarship Portal. Also’s the step by step companion for submitting the application form for NMMS Scholarship operation form below: 

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  • First of all, the aspirants have to visit the official National Scholarship Portal for submitting an online operation form. 
  • Click on the ‘New Registration’ link and fill the knowledge carefully asked therein.
  • Candidates are recommended to stay scanned copies of all the documents before the beginning of the appliance form process.
  • Provide information like personal details, academic qualifications, Aadhaar Number, School enrolment number, checking account details and domicile certificate of the State etc. in the application form.
  • On completion of enrollment, a system-generated operation ID of the scholar are going to be transferred on a registerede-mail ID/ mobile number for the farther login process. 
  • Campaigners can login using Registration ID and password on the portal for further process. 
  • Campaigners studying in academy 9th and 10th need to apply under thePre-Matric education order and scholars of complication 11th and 12th need to apply under Post Matric Scholarship order. 
  •  Upload all the applicable documents with the operation form and save the draft as a draft. 
  •  Aspirants are recommended to be more careful while entering name, date of birth, mobile number ande-mail ID and identification details etc. 
  •  After completing the entire operation form, ensure the entries are correct or not, and submit the operation form. 
  • Campaigners should retain a dupe of printout for further reference in the future if needed. 
  • Campaigners should retain a dupe of printout for further reference in the future if needed.

Gujarat NMMS 2023 Eligibility Criteria

  • An awardee is eligible for the scholarship provided he/she does not absent himself/herself without any proper leave or takes up a studies as a whole time basis. 
  • No claim for scholarship arrears are getting to be entertained after the expiry of 12 months of the academic session that one has applied for the claim.
  • Scholarship shall be supposed to be discontinued with any gap of one academic session in studies at any time due to any reason.
  • To be eligible to start education, the awardees must have a clear creation from class VIII to class IX.
  • The education at the secondary and advanced secondary stage or original classes IX to  XII is outstanding for a maximum period of four times for studies in India only. 
  • In order to continue the scholarship in Class X and XII, awardees must achieve clear creation in Class I from Class IX to Class X and from Class XI to Class XII. 
  • Awardees must have secured a minimum of 60 per cent marks in the Class X examination (relaxation of 5% for SC/ST students) to continue with the examination or the original examination. 
  • The scheme will be further in operation beyond March 2017 from the pocket time 
  •  2017-18 and the selection test for the awarded of education will be conducted for 
  •  Class IX scholars in November every time as a separate test by the State Governments/ UT Administrations

NMMS 2023 Exam Pattern 

Scholars who’ll appear for the NMMS Test they will be given sets of paper. The duration of both the papers would be of 9 marks and e given question will carry (1) mark weightage. 

Gujarat NMMS Exam Pattern
Sections No. Of Questions Total Duration
Mental Ability 45 90 minutes
English 20
Hindi 25
Science 35 90 Minutes
Social Studies 35
Mathematics 20

NMMS 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus of the NMMS Scholarship scheme includes Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Logic. The NMMS Scholarship course questions are becoming more verbal and verbal to judge the meta-cognitive abilities of the students. 

Gujarat NMMS Syllabus
Subjects Topics
Mental Ability Test (MAT)
  • Classification
  • Hidden Figures
  • Numericals
  • Analogy
  • Pattern perception
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
  • Mathematics
  • Social studies
  • Science

Gujarat NMMS 2023 Admit Card

The Admit Card for the state wise NMMS Education test is published by the separate State Boards. Scholars who have applied for the scheme can download the NMMS Test Admit Card 2023 from the sanctioned website. And scholars are needed to keep this admit card all through the examination, till the examination ends.  

Gujarat NMMS Exam Preparation Tips

The scholars must study from the experts’ recommended books so as to qualify for the NMMS test 2023. The pertained books are given below

  • The NCERT books of complication VIII for Mathematics, wisdom, and Science. 
  • The books of class VII should also be ascertained by the scholars to understand the introductory generalities of the subjects. 
  • Incrementally from the course books, scholars should buy the practice papers of NMMS exam assigned by various publishers. 

The scholars are advised to practice question papers of NMMS test 2023 to score good marks in the test. Exercising the former time’s question paper will make them understand the test pattern of the NMMS test. 

NMMS Exam Answer Key 

NMMS 2023 answer key will be released by separate state SCERTs on their sanctioned website in PDF format. After release, campaigners can visit the website to download the answer key of NMMS test 2023. The test is anticipated to be held in November/ December. NMMS answer crucial 2023-23 will be released state-wise before the protestation of the NMMS result.   

Gujarat NMMS Result 2023

For opting the scholars, the following conditions may apply: 

  • The students must pass both the tests i.e. MAT and SAT with at least 40 marks in total taken together for these two tests.
  • For the SC/ ST scholars, this cut off will be 32 marks.
  • At the time of selection for the award of education the pupil must have scored at least 55 mark or original grade in Class VIII examination. 
  • There will be 5% relaxations for SC/ ST scholars.
  • The awardees should satisfy the eligibility and therefore the conditions mentioned within the scheme.

Documents required for NMMS Scholarship

  • Educational qualification.
  • Age proof of a candidate.
  • Aadhar card/Bonafide certificate from school.
  • Domicile residence proof.
  • Scholarship category.
  • Student name and other contact details.
  • Bank account details.

Disbursement of Scholarship

  • A student can mileage just one under any scheme.
  • The awardees are going to be needed to open bank accounts rather in SBI, or any publico sector bank or any listed bank which has core banking installation.
  • The State Governments/ UT Administrations shall typically shoot the proffers/ list of Heirs on- line on the Scholarship Portal. The Ministry will check the offer and permission finances from Annual Budget Provision for releasing them to SBI, the enforcing bank for scheme for disbursal of literacy to scholars straightway into their bank accounts by electronic transfer. 
  • The awardees should get a minimum of 55 marks in school IX and XI and 60 in school X for continuance of education (relaxable by 5 for SC/ ST campaigners) in coming advanced classes.
  • SBI’ll insure that the education is paid to awardees in one go (Rs. 12000) incontinently after getting the finances and therefore the lists from the Ministry.
  • SBI’ll instruct a number of its branches to coordinate with the State Department of Education in reference to the payment NMMS knowledge. 

Gujarat NMMS Highlights

Aspirants can check below in the table Gujarat NMMS 2023 short details: 

Gujarat NMMS Overview
Name of examination Gujarat National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Examination
Type of exam Class VIII students
Exam level  Matriculate 
Languages English, Hindi
Conducting body Ministry of Human Resource Development
Frequency of conduct Once a year
Mode of application Offline 
Mode of exam Offline
Duration of exam  3 hours
Official website 

Other Important Links

NMMS 2023

Delhi NMMS Exam 2023

Kerala NMMS 2023

Jammu and Kashmir NMMS 2023

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Maharashtra NMMS 2023

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