How to Make Most of Your MBA ?


    Got yourself enrolled in an MBA course which you have always dreamed of or maybe it was your parents wish but now you are here doing one of the finest courses which is very helpful in accelerating your career. But things don’t end here only now you have to go a long way. So now you are in a higgledy-piggledy what to do, what not to, how to make your MBA worthy, what strategic action plan to adopt, what to prioritize money or growth.

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    After the orientation and getting acquainted with alumni of your b-school you felt very motivated but how does it last? Made new friends, was enjoying the first few days at your new college but things are not going to be the same as this. But soon pressure will start increasing.  But that’s how things are since you are doing MBA you have to be corporate ready with relevant skills, effective communication,  command over any one domain, team management, creativity and what not. To avoid such tension it is very important to have your action plan designed from the very beginning of your MBA course.

    An MBA is a great way to advance your career and learn new skills. But how do you make sure you get the most out of your MBA? Here are some tips:

    • Set clear goals. What do you want to achieve with your MBA? Do you want to change careers, get promoted, or start your own business? Once you know your goals, you can start to tailor your coursework and extracurricular activities accordingly.
    • Get involved. MBA programs offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, such as clubs, case competitions, and student government. Getting involved is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and gain experience.
    • Network. Networking is essential for success in business. Make an effort to meet as many people as possible, both inside and outside of your program. You never know who you might meet who can help you achieve your goals.
    • Take advantage of resources. Your MBA program will have a variety of resources available to you, such as career services, libraries, and student organizations. Make sure you take advantage of these resources to get the most out of your education.
    • Be proactive. Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you. Be proactive and seek out opportunities that will help you achieve your goals. This could mean volunteering for a project, starting a business, or taking on a leadership role in a club.
    • Enjoy the experience. An MBA is a great opportunity to learn, grow, and meet new people. Don’t forget to enjoy the experience!

    Following these tips will help you make the most of your MBA and achieve your career goals.

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    Here are some additional tips that you may find helpful:

    • Start planning early. The application process for MBA programs can be competitive, so it’s important to start planning early. This includes taking the GMAT or other standardized tests, getting your transcripts in order, and writing your essays.
    • Do your research. There are many different MBA programs available, so it’s important to do your research and find one that’s a good fit for you. Consider factors such as the program’s location, curriculum, and alumni network.
    • Visit different schools. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, visit different schools to get a feel for the campus and the program. This will help you decide which school is the best fit for you.
    • Trust your gut. When you’re making your decision, trust your gut feeling. If you have a good feeling about a school, go with it.

    What to do during your MBA course?

    So now the final question has come what to do during your MBA course? To make yourself more compatible, to enhance your skills, to develop yourself into a person which companies are seeking. So here I am going to suggest some ways:-

    1. Learn, Learn and Learn:- Here I am not talking about just learning through books and neither asking you to be a bookworm. Here what I mean is to learn from many successful businessmen, leaders and whosoever you find interesting. What is their success mantra? Their working style? How they make decisions? From where out of the box ideas come? Learn from your mistakes as well as of others. Learning is a never-ending process, the more you will learn more knowledgeable you become. Keep on asking questions because that is the only way to resolve your queries.
    2. Be an explorer:- Now when you have learnt the theoretical aspects so its high time to understand how those concepts are implemented in organisations. Which are the organisations you are looking forward to working for? For example, do you know how Gillette entered the Indian market with its razor amounting 120 rs when the market was dominated by topaz razor amounting rs 1or 2.? Do you know why Amitabh Bachchan’s credibility is higher than that of others? There are endless questions some are having answers while others are still struggling for an appropriate answer. Just don’t settle down with what teachers have taught you, try to find answers on your own. It could be anything that attracts you the most.
    3. Know Yourself:- You might have read it several time that one should always do what brings happiness or joy. If you are doing something without your willingness and interest, you might or might not succeed but on the contrary, if you do something with full interest and willingness your success is certain. So now a question arises why this happens? Because if you are doing something unwillingly you will consider it as a burden or maybe you will not put your 100% but if you really want to do something you will do with full potential and passion, for that working overtime will not bother you.

    You would have probably get the hint what I am talking about. Now being an MBA student, you have to select a particular domain- Finance, Marketing, HR, International Business or many more options are available for you.  But all you have to do is to choose the right career path according to your interest and capabilities. You might be good at negotiations and possess good communication and convincing skills but maybe you are not that good at Finance. A person can’t be perfect at everything and it’s totally ok.

    Choose a career path which always attracts you, matches your potential/interests, brings out something new in you, motivates you, and which you always wanted to do

    1. Never constraint yourself from seeking extra knowledge:- In first semester you will be taught all subjects but from the second you will be asked to select a specialization and then accordingly you will be taught varied subjects. That is good but not enough. It will make you compatible but not help you to stand out of the crowd as all the batchmates of yours will be having the same knowledge as yours. If you want to stand out of the crowd be ready to work hard. There are so many options to opt for- Learn a new language, do some online courses, start working for a startup if time permits, learn a new software, do some dissertation work and so much more you can do along with your MBA which is fruitful and increases the weightage of your Resume and will make you more compatible.

    Never create constraints when it comes to learning. The more you learn, the more you will develop into a better human being.

    1. Make yourself corporate ready:- Start enhancing and nurturing your skills, learn to work in teams, acquire leadership skills if they are not inborn, finding solutions for problems that occur in between. You cannot do everything while being in your comfort zone. You have to stop making excuses and start looking for answers. Be ready to walk the extra mile to achieve something. Learn to survive in this competitive era. Stay focused. Work hard. Put extra efforts. Go beyond your potential. Do experiments. Take risks. Develop your decision-making abilities.
    2. Networking:- I was always asked by my teachers to have a Linkedin account so that I could make some networks through which I would get help later. I never took it seriously till in my MBA when there were only 2 months left to search internship. And there was I stuck in between what to do, how to search for an internship, companies which come to campus for internships may not always good. I really wanted to do something but could not. Then I realized the need for networking. So don’t repeat the same mistake. From the very beginning of your MBA program start building networks because that actually helps in reference and placements.
    3. 7. Keep yourself aware of current affairs and new trends:- According to a survey, 93% of MBA’s are unemployable. Just read it again it is not unemployed it is unemployable which means they cannot be given employment. Because they don’t possess those skills and lack of knowledge of current affairs. Your professors would also always ask you to read business newspapers and magazines but how many of us take it seriously? Very few and only 10-12% people will make it a habit and out of which only 4-5% will do it with continuity.

    So if you want to succeed keep yourself aware of current affairs and recent trends ruling the market.

    1. Active Participation:- Participate in college activities, intra or inter-college fests, extempore, debates and whatever you like. These all might seem a wastage of time to you but it is not. Trust me it is not. These all will bring changes you in you which would not be visible at that point of time but you will notice it for sure. It will increase your efficiency and even help you to overcome your fears and hesitation. It will create a better understanding of the opinions of others.

    What do you think internal assessments are just for marks? Yes, they are but there are many underlying benefits also. The more you participate, the more you will learn. The more you learn, the more you will be able to implement it. The more you will implement, the more changes you will be able to bring.

    1. Inner development:- Development of the soul is as important as that of mind. Work on nurturing your ethics and values too. That’s how you will be able to succeed for a long time. That is one of the possible reasons why some institutions teach ethics as an individual subject and why company law has made corporate social responsibility mandatory because development of society is equally important as that of an individual. Try to develop yourself into a better human being.


    You are in a very crucial phase of your life so try to understand the value of time. The harder you work now more fruitful future results will be. Be clear with your priorities. Never mix your personal life with professional life. Don’t let the actions of others decide your direction.  Never be overconfident. Don’t get easily influenced by others.  Enjoying life is good but only enjoying life will not yield any good result. Work hard. Stay focused. Learn more. Value time. Don’t rely on theoretical knowledge only. Try to understand the practical aspects too. Don’t get jealous of others instead of learning from them. Be patient. Make the best use of your opportunity and resources. Only money is not important. Growth also plays a very important role. Try to be a resource for your institution, organisation and society.

    “Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny”.

    Author: Preena Kalra (MBA Student) Banasthali Vidyapeeth University

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    Abhinandan Singh
    Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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