HPNLET 2023: NLU Shimla Admissions Via CLAT Now, Eligibility


HPNLET 2022 has been scrapped now by Himachal Pradesh National Law University. This entrance exam is conducted by Himachal Pradesh National Law University at the state level once a year. This exam offers admission into B.A/BBA LLB (Hons), LLM and PhD in law. Interested candidates can go through the following article for detailed information regarding the HP National Law Entrance Test. HPNLU enters CLAT 2022; dissolves HPNET. “HPNLU has joined the CLAT Core Committee and the Consortium and will be one of the 21 participating NLUs for CLAT 2022. Admissions to its BA LLB and BBA LLB seats will be offered through the Common Law Admission Test.”

Admission Open 2023

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In 2022, the HPNLU announced that it would accept CLAT scores for admission to its five-year integrated BA LLB (Hons.) program. This means that students who have taken the CLAT can now use their scores to apply for admission to HPNLU.

  • CLAT: The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is a national-level law entrance exam conducted by the Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) for admission to undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) law programs in NLUs and other participating institutions. Click here for CLAT 2023
  • HPNLET: The Himachal Pradesh National Law Entrance Test (HPNLET) is a state-level law entrance exam conducted by Himachal Pradesh National Law University (HPNLU) for admission to the five-year integrated BA LLB (Hons.) program at HPNLU.

This is a significant development, as it opens up the opportunity for students from all over India to apply for admission to HPNLU. Previously, only students from Himachal Pradesh were eligible to apply for admission to HPNLU.

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The decision by HPNLU to accept CLAT scores is in line with the trend of nationalization of law entrance exams. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of law universities accepting CLAT scores for admission. This trend is likely to continue in the coming years, as it makes it easier for students from all over India to apply for admission to law universities.

How to Apply for HPNLET 2022?

The steps to apply for Himachal Pradesh National Law University is mention here.

  1. Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
  2. First of all, Candidates need to visit the official website at HP National Law University.
  3. Candidates must select Notifications link on the official website.
  4. Applicants firstly need to register by clicking on Admissions Link on Homepage of the Website.
  5. Candidates can fill the online application with all the necessary details required.
  6. Fill all the details like Name, Date of Birth and other details in the correct manner as per the rules.
  7. Pay the fees online as described below.
  8. After the payment is completed, Take 2 printouts of the submitted application.
  9. Put the thumb impression, signature and photograph at the required place on the form.
  10. Submit the printed copy of the application form in an envelope by hand or by registered post/courier and make sure that it reaches the respective office on or before the last date by 5.00 p.m.
  11. Keep the second copy of the Application for future purpose.

How to Pay Application Fees for HPNLET 2022?

After the candidate has successfully filled the online application for HPNLET 2022, the Payment of Fee is only through Online Mode through Credit/Debit Card/Net Banking. After the payment is done, Candidates will receive confirmation through e-mail after which Student will need to print the Acknowledgment Slip from their E-mail id or Application Locker under Application Submitted area of the Website of HPNLET.

The hhpnlet2022 application form fee for the different category is:

S.No. Category Application Fees
1. General/Others To be announced later
2. SC/ST/Physically Handicapped To be announced later

Qualification Criteria for HPNLET 2022

The candidates who are eligible for the Common Entrance Test for HPNLET 2022 for different programmes must have cleared the following criteria:

Under-Graduate Programmes [B.A. /B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Five Year Integrated Course]

The Candidates who are applying for B.A. /B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Five Year Integrated Course must have cleared the following criteria to be eligible:

  • Applicants should have completed the 10th/ Matriculation along with ITI Course from a recognized board/Institution with passing marks.
  • Applicants must have 50% marks in case the Applicant belongs to the Unreserved/OBC/Specially Abled Person (SAP)/NRI/NRI Sponsored Categories/Kashmiri Migrants.
  • Candidates belonging to SC/ST Categories must have 45% marks. Also, Candidates who are appearing in the qualifying examination in March/April 2022 are also eligible to apply.

NOTE: Applicants who have cleared 10+2 through Open School/Universities system directly without having any basic qualification are also not eligible for the Law Course.

Post-Graduate Programmes (One Year LL.M. Course)

The Candidates who are applying forPost-Graduate Programmes (One Year LL.M. Course) must have cleared the following criteria to be eligible:

  • Applicants should have completed the 10th/ Matriculation along with ITI Course from a recognized board/Institution with passing marks.
  • Applicants must have 55% marks in case the Applicant belongs to the Unreserved/OBC/SAP categories.
  • Candidates belonging to SC/ST Categories must have 50% marks. Also, Candidates who are appearing in the qualifying examination in March/April 2022 are also eligible to apply.

PhD Programme Educational Qualification:

The Candidates who are applying for Ph. D. Programme must have cleared the following criteria to be eligible:

  • Applicants should have completed the 10th/ Matriculation along with ITI Course from a recognized board/Institution with passing marks.
  • Candidates applying for the degree must have LL.M. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks.
  • Candidates appearing in the Qualifying Examinations in April/May 2022 are also eligible to apply.

Details of Distribution and Reservation of Seats for different categories applicable

Under Graduate Programmes

According to the Sanctioned Intake for each program as well as seat reservation criteria for Himachal Pradesh Domicile Candidates and All India Seats distribution, the reservation of seats are given here.

S.No. Category Seats
1. SC 15%
2. ST 7.5%
3. Differently Abled 5%
4. Wards of Serving/Retired Defence Personnel 5%
5. Kashmiri Migrants 02 Seats
6. Non-Resident Indians or person sponsored by them 10 seats

Post Graduate Programmes (One-year LL.M. Course & Ph. D. Programme)

S.No. Category Seats
1. SC 15%
2. ST 7.5%
3. Differently Abled 5%
4. Wards of Serving/Retired Defence Personnel 5%

Note: – Out of 20 Seats, for LL.M. Programme, 05 seats are reserved for women

HPNLET 2022 Admit Card

Admit Card is mandatory to appear on the Common Online Entrance Test. The Admit Card shall be available for download online on the NLU Shimla official website. The Admit Card is a necessary document which will be needed at the time of Entrance Examination. Admit card can be downloaded from the official website and can be printed further. Make sure, the details on Admit Card is correct and also the Photograph on Admit Card is clear, if not then contact the authorities as soon as possible.

The Admit Card can be downloaded using the following steps:

  1. Visit the NLU Shimla official website and then click on the link to download admit card.
  2. Finally, Candidate shall be required to use the following information for downloading the admit card:
    1. Registration Number/Roll No
    2. Password/Date of Birth in dd-mm-yy format


The syllabus is yet to be released by Himachal Pradesh National Law University Entrance Test (HP-NET).

HPNLET 2022 Examination Pattern

HPNLET 2022 Examination Pattern will be different for each programme. NLU Shimla has no negative marking for the entrance exam.

The Examination Pattern for different Courses are:

BA/BBA LLB (Honors) Exam Structure:

S.No. Subject Number of Questions
1. General Awareness 50
2. Legal Awareness and Reasoning 40
3. Quantitative Aptitude 30
4. English Comprehensive 30
Total 150

LLM Exam Structure:

S.No. Topics Marks Allowed
1. Constitutional Law MCQs of Total 120 Marks
2. Law of Torts
3. Family Law
4. Law of Contract
5. Criminal Law
6. Public International Law
7. Jurisprudence
8. Corporate Law
9. Intellectual Property Right Law
10. Contemporary Legal Problems Essay Question of 30 Marks
Total 150

P.Hd Exam Structure

Exam Topic No.of Questions Maximum Marks
Paper 1 Legal Research Methodology 50 MCQs 100
Paper 2 Law and Social Transformation 1 Essay Type 50
Total 51 150

Documents Required at the time Of Admission Under HPNLET 2022?

The Candidates need to produce the following original documents along with the photocopy at the time of admission after the clearance of entrance examination:

  1. TC (Transfer Certificate).
  2. 10th/High School Certificate/equivalent Certificate.
  3. 12th(Intermediate (+2)) Certificate/equivalent Certificate.
  4. Migration Certificate
  5. Mark Sheet of 10th/High School Certificate/equivalent
  6. Mark sheets of 12th(Intermediate (+2)) Certificate/equivalent.
  7. Mark sheet of the Qualifying Examination.
  8. SC/ST/OBC Certificate based on which reserved quota seat is claimed.
  9. UET Admit Card issued from the office of the Controller of Examinations, MAH.
  10. Certificate(s) in support of a claim for ‘Sports Seats’.

NLU Shimla question paper

HPNET Sample Paper PDF

HPNLET Answer Keys

S.No. Exam name Answer keys
1. HP NLET 2018 Ph.D., Answer Key Click Here
2. HP NLET 2018 LL.M, Answer Key Click Here
3. HP NLET 2018 B.A./B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.), Answer Key Click Here


The result will be declared in June 2022.

NLU Shimla Cut off 2018

The Cutoff of HP Law National Entrance Test.

Category HP-NLET Cut off Marks*
General 88
Scheduled Castes 20
Scheduled Tribes 20
Persons with Disability 20
Wards of Defence 88
Kashmiri Migrants 30

HPNLET 2022 Examination Centres

The Locations available for HPNLET 2022 are:

  1. Ahmedabad
  2. Bhopal
  3. Chandigarh
  4. Bhubaneshwar
  5. Dehradun
  6. Dharamshala
  7. Delhi
  8. Jalandhar
  9. Jammu
  10. Jaipur
  11. Jalandhar
  12. Jodhpur
  13. Lucknow
  14. Kolkata
  15. Pune
  16. Mumbai
  17. Shimla
  18. Raipur
  19. Vizag
  20. Varanasi

HPNLET 2022 Highlights

The highlights of HPNLET Exam are given in the table below:

Exam Name HPNLET 2022
Full-Form Himachal Pradesh National Law Entrance Tes
Exam Type UG and PG Level
Conducting Body Himachal Pradesh National Law
Application Mode Online mode
Courses offered Law
Helpline number 0177-2779802, 0177-2779803
Official website http://hpnlu.ac.in

Contact Details:






To download the Official Notification, CLICK HERE

More details, Candidates can visit the official website here.

Check the new & updated Admissions in different Universities here.

Stay tuned for more updates about HPNLET 2022.

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