IGNOU International Students Admission 2023: Application Process


IGNOU International Students Admission 2023 will be managed by the International Division of Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. The admission notification will be announced for its Distance Education programmes for the International Students. The IGNOU International Division looks after the International operations of the University. The International Division takes care of the global/ international tasks of the University. The Division was set up on 16 October 1997 as a Cell and was moved up to the status of full-fledged Division in 2002. Candidates may check the whole article for complete details regarding the IGNOU International Students Admission 2023.

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IGNOU Admission 2023 for International Students – Application Process

Students can register themselves either through Overseas Study Centres or through Regional Centres as Foreign Students Residing in India for admission in IGNOU.

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The candidates can download the application form available on the official website­ for admission into all the programmes except B.A. (Hons.), B.Sc. (Hons.) Anthropology and PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application).

How to Apply for IGNOU International Admission 2023?

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) offers about 60 academic programmes to its Overseas/ FSRI students. The candidates can check the below-given steps to check the application as well as admission procedure for International Students:

  • International Students/ Foreigner can take admission in IGNOU through Overseas Study Centers or any Regional Centres of India.
  • The students have to produce a valid study visa for the minimal duration of the course to the regional centre of IGNOU.
  • If the student belongs to Nepal and Bhutan then he/she should not submit the visa to IGNOU.
  • The student must possess the equal education qualification required for admission in a preferred course at IGNOU.
  • Also, students have to submit the no-objection certificate from the concerned embassy.

Instruction for IGNOU Application Form for International Students

  1. Candidates must fill the application form very carefully as a change in category code will not be entertained after the submission of the application form.
  2. Fill all the details asked in the application form correctly, else the application will be rejected by the authority.
  3. Pay the requisite amount of application fee either through Pay Order or Demand Draft.
  4. Request for refund of application fee once paid will not be entertained by the authority of IGNOU.
  5. Submit the application form with along with the scanned copy of the required documents.

NOTE: The students should write the name in the application form same as mentioned in the Higher Secondary or 10+2 certificate. If in case, the name is written other than the one mentioned in 10+2 certificate/ mark sheets, then they have to submit the legal evidence along with the admission form.

Documents need to be submitted along with the IGNOU Application Form for International Admission

Students have to enclosed the following ‘Self Attested’ documents:

  1. Photograph
  2. Certificates in support of educational qualification(s) i.e. semester-wise/year wise marksheets and Provisional/Degree Certificates, Besides, if candidates are applying for MCA and have studied Mathematics at 10+2/ graduation level than they have to attach the marks sheet as proof.
  3. Experience certificate (if required).
  4. Age certificate (if required).
  5. Student Card duly filled in along with a photograph.
  6. Copy of Passport
  7. Copy of Visa
  8. Latest No Objection Certificate from the concerned Embassy in India (only for FSRI).
  9. Proof of residence of the candidate in India (only for FSRI)
  10. Translated copy of educational certificates wherever the same are other than in English/Hindi, duly attested by concerned Embassy.
  11. Proof of residence of the candidate registered from the concerned Overseas Study Centres.
  12. Migration/Transfer Certificates from the last University/Board attended wherever required.

Along with the above-mentioned documents candidates have to attach the Pay Order/ Demand Draft for FSRI/ for the Programme Fee/Fee for the first year or Semester. They have to mention their name, programme code and application number on the reverse of the Demand Draft, issued by the bank.

The students have to apply through the updated application form (attached) for the Bachelor’s Degree Programme (Honours) that are mentioned below and Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA):

  1. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Economics (BAECH)
  2. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) History (BAHIH)
  3. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Political Science (BAPSH)
  4. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Psychology (BAECH) * ONLY FOR FSRI
  5. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Public Administration (BAPAH)
  6. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Sociology (BASOH)
  7. Bachelor of Science (Honours) Anthropology (BSCANH) * ONLY FOR FSRI
  8. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) English (BAEGH)
  9. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Hindi (BAHDH)
  10. Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA)

Courses Offered for International Students

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) offers various Master’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate and Diploma programmes through Overseas Study Centres and Foreign Students Residing in India (FSRI). Check the list of courses mentioned below in detail:

Master’s Degree Programmes

  1. Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
  2. Master of Arts (Rural Development) (MARD)
  3. Master of Tourism and Travel Management (MTTM)
  4. Master of Arts (Education) (MAEDU)
  5. Master of Arts (English) (MEG)
  6. Master of Arts (Hindi) (MHD)
  7. Master of Social Work (MSW)
  8. Master of Arts (Economics) (MEC)
  9. Master of Arts (History) (MAH)
  10. Master of Arts (Political Science) (MPS)
  11. Master of Arts (Public Administration) (MPA)
  12. Master of Arts (Sociology) (MSO)
  13. Master of Library and Information Sciences (MLIS)
  14. Master of Arts (Distance Education) (MADE)
  15. Master of Commerce (MCOM)
  16. Master of Commerce in Finance and Taxation M.COM (F & T)
  17. Management programme (MBA) (MBA, Direct Entry in PGDHRM, PGDFM, PGDMM, PGDOM, PGDFMP)
  18. Master of Business Administration (Banking and Finance)

Bachelor’s Degree Programmes

  1. Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
  2. Bachelor of Commerce with Major in Accountancy and Finance (B.COM A & F)
  3. Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
  4. Bachelor of Library and Information Sciences (BLIS)
  5. Bachelor of Arts (Tourism Studies) (BTS)
  6. Sc. Nursing (Post Basic) (BSCN) (For FSRI only)
  7. Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP) (on hold)

Diploma Programmes

  • Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECE)
  • Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education (DNHE)
  • Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS)
  • Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE)
  • Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE)
  • Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and Development (DWED)
  • Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV) (offered only in July Session)
  • Diploma in Production of value-added Products from Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds (DPVCPO) (offered only in July Session)

Post Graduate Diploma Programmes

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRD)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations (PGDIBO)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJMC)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and Management (PGDSLM)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (PGDIPR)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management (PGDHHM) (offered only in January Session) (For FSRI only)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH) (offered only in January Session) (For FSRI only)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA)

Certificate Programmes

  • Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)
  • Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES)
  • Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language (CTE)
  • Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE)
  • Certificate in Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM) (For FSRI only)
  • Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)
  • Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN)
  • Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC)
  • Certificate in Rural Development (CRD)
  • Certificate in Human Rights (CHR)
  • Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP)
  • Certificate in Guidance (CIG)
  • Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT) (For FSRI only)
  • Certificate in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM) (For FSRI only) (offered only in July Session)

Foreign Students Residing in India (FSRI)

As per the prospectus, The foreign nationals (FSRI : Foreign Students Residing in India) are advised to visit the INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS section of the IGNOU website (www.ignou.ac.in) for the programmes on offer for them; programme fee and other fees applicable for them. They may contact the International Division of the University at the headquarters for more details.

Following are the programmes that are on offer only for Foreign Students Residing in India (FSRIs) and not on offer for students registering from Overseas Study Centres:

  • A (Hons.) (Psychology) and B.Sc. (Hons.) (Anthropology)
  • BAG (Psychology) (for FSRI only)
  • Sc. Bachelor of Science
  • SC. Nursing (Post Basic)
  • PGDHHM: Post-Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management (Offered in January Session only)
  • PGDMCH: Post-Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (Offered in January Session only)
  • CHCWM: Certificate Programme in Health Care Waste Management
  • CPLT: Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques
  • CTPM: Certificate Programme in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (Offered in July Session only)

IGNOU Programme Duration: IGNOU International Students Admission 2023

Check the duration period of each programme offered by IGNOU:

Courses Duration
Programs Minimum Duration Maximum Duration Re-admission validity after expiry of Maximum Duration
Certificate Programs 6 months 2 years 6 months
Diploma/PG Diploma Programs and all other Programs* with one-year duration 1 year 4 years 1 year
Bachelor’s Degree Programs 3 years 6 years 3 years
Master’s Degree Programs 2 years 5 years 2 years

IGNOU Fee Structure for International Students

The Programme-wise fee structure of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for International Students is mentioned in a table below:

Master’s Degree Fee Structure:

Master’s Degree Fee Structure
SN Program Program Code SAARC Countries (In Rs) Other than 
SAARC Countries
(In USD)
1. Master of Computer Applications MCA 22500 Per Semester 1500
Per Semester
2. Master of Arts (Rural Development) MARD 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
3. Master of Arts
(Tourism & Travel Management)
MTTM Category-I 16500 Per Year Category-I 1350 Per Year
24000 for 1st year
16500 for 2nd year
1950 1st year
1350 2nd Year
4. Master of Arts (English) MEG 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
5. Master of Arts (Hindi) MHD 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
6. Master of Arts (Social Work) MSW 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
7. Master of Arts (Education) MAEDU 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
8. Master of Arts (Economics) MEC 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
9. Master of Arts (History) MAH 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
10. Master of Arts (Political Science) MPS 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
11. Master of Arts
(Public Administration)
MPA 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
12. Master of Arts (Sociology) MSO 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
13. Master of Library and Information Science MLIS 35250 1500
14. Master of Arts (Distance Education) MADE 9000 Per Year 1500 Per Year
15. Master of Commerce MCOM 16500 Per Year 1350 Per Year
16. Master of Commerce (Finance & Taxation) MCOM
16500 1500
17. Master of Business Administration (Direct Entry in PGHRM, PGDFM, PGDMM, PGDOM, PGDFMP) MBA 4500 Per Course 375 Per Course
18. Master of Business Administration (Banking & Finance) MBF 4500 Per Course 375 Per Course


Bachelor’s Degree Programs Fees

Bachelor’s Degree Programs Fees
Program Program Code SAARC Countries (In Rs) Other than 
SAARC Countries
(In USD)
1. Bachelor of Computer Application BCA 18000 PER SEMESTER 1500 PER SEMESTER
2. Bachelor of Commerce with Major in Accountancy & Finance  

B.Com. (A & F)

15000 900
3. Bachelor of Work Social         BSW 10500
Per Year
Per Year
4. Bachelor of Library and Information Science BLIS 22500 1500
5. Bachelor of Arts (Tourism Studies) BTS 10500 Per Year 750
Per Year
CBCS Based Bachelor Degree Programmes
6. Bachelor of Arts BAG 10500 Per Year 750
Per Year
7. Bachelor of Commerce BCOMG 10500 Per Year 750
Per Year
8. Bachelor of Science BSCG 15000 Per Year 1125 Per Year

 Certificate Programme Fees

Certificate Programmes Fees
SN. Program Program Code SAARC Countries (In Rs) Other than 
SAARC Countries
(In USD)
1. Certificate in Disaster Management CDM 7500 600
2. Certificate in Environmental Studies CES 7500 600
3. Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language CTE 7500 600
4. Certificate in HIV and Family Education CAFÉ 7500 600
5. Certificate in Health Care Waste Management CHCWM 7500 600
6. Certificate in Tourism Studies CTS 7500 600
7. Certificate in Food and Nutrition CFN 7500 600
8. Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care CNCC 7500 600
9. Certificate in Rural Development CRD 7500 600
10. Certificate in Human Rights CHR 7500 600
11. Certificate in Consumer Protection CCP 7500 600
12. Certificate in Guidance CIG 7500 600
13. Certificate Programme in Laboratory Programmes* CPLT 7500 600
14. Certificate Programme in Teaching of Primary Mathematics (Offered only in July Session) CTPM 7500 600


Post Graduate Diploma and Diploma Programmes

Post Graduate Diploma and Diploma Programmes


Program Code SAARC Countries (In Rs) Other than 
SAARC Countries
(In USD)
1. Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management PGDDM 22500 1500
2. Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development PGDRD 22500 1500
3. Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations PGDIBO 22500 1500
4. Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations PGDESD 22500 1500
5. Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication PGJMC 22500 1500
6. Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education PGDHE 22500 1500
7. Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and Management PGDSLM 22500 1500
8. Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights PGDIPR 22500 1500
9. Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management *
(Offered only in July Session)
PGDHHM 75000 6750
10. Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health *
(Offered only in July Session)
PGDMCH 75000 6750
11. Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education DECE 15000 1125
12. Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education DNHE 15000 1125
13. Diploma in Tourism Studies DTS 15000 1125
14. Diploma in Creative Writing in English DCE 15000 1125
15. Diploma in HIV and Family Education DAFE 15000 1125
16. Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and Development DWED 15000 1125
17. Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (Offered only in July Session) DVAPFV 48000 3825
18. Diploma in Production of Value-added Products from Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds (Offered only in July Session) DPVCPO 45000 3510

*Programmes on offer for Foreign Students Residing in India (FSRI) students only.

IGNOU International Students Admission 2023 Highlights

Admission Name IGNOU International Students Admission 2023
Conducting body Indira Gandhi National Open University
Official website http://ignou.ac.in/

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


  1. Dear sir!
    Me Bishnu Joshi from Nepal. I have dropped my educational trip after PCL because of poverty. But now days, i would like to apply for further study, bachelor’s in philosophy (BA). My humble request to you, what to do for bachelor admission in IGNOU?
    Thank You SIR!


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