IJSO 2023: Junior Science Olympiad, Eligibility Criteria, Result


IJSO 2023 registration will start soon for International Junior Science Olympiad. The interested students can register online for the Olympiad. The host country for IJSO 2023 is the United Arab Emirates (UAE). IJSO is a competition for students below 16 years of age in the subject of Natural Sciences. The test is conducted to motivate the young children and build their interest in Science and its applications. The IJSO exam will be held online in three stages, i.e. MCQ, theory, and lab test. To get more details about the IJSO 2023 UAE registration dates, exam pattern, syllabus, question papers, etc, read the complete article. 

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IJSO 2023 Exam Status


  • Applications: The application process for IJSO 2023 has already started and will close on July 15, 2023. The application form can be submitted online on the official website of the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO).
  • Exam Date: The IJSO 2023 will be held from December 1 to December 10, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Prizes: The top 150 students in IJSO 2023 will be awarded medals. The top 3 students will be awarded gold medals, the next 30 students will be awarded silver medals, and the next 117 students will be awarded bronze medals.

The candidates who are interested in applying for the Olympiad must check the IJSO 2023 Exam status and online registration. The details of which are available in the table below:

International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) Status
Particulars Status
IJSO 2023 Pre-Registration closed


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IJSO 2023 Important Dates

The conducting authority of the International Junior Science Olympiad will announce the IJSO 2023 Date. Therefore, the students who are aspiring to participate in the Olympiad must check the individual dates of each event from the table given below:

International Junior Science Olympiad Dates
Events Dates (Tentative)
IJSO 2023 Country Pre- Registration 5 August 2023
Team Registration 21 September 2023
Team Payment 21 October 2023
Travel Documents 21 October 2023
IJSO 2023 Exam in Dubai, UAE from 12th to 21st December 2023.
IJSO Result January 2022

IJSO 2023 Detailed Schedule

The detailed schedule of the International Junior Science Olympiad 2023 to be held in UAE is given below:

International Junior Science Olympiad Schedule
Important Events Schedule
Last Date for Registration 15 October 2023
Leaders/ Observer Program 12-21 December 2023
Student Program 12-21 December 2023
Arrival at Hamad International Airport 12 December 2023
Opening Ceremony 13 December 2023
Tour 14 December 2023
Discussion and Translation (Theory) 15 December 2023
Tour 16 December 2023
Discussion and Translation (Practical) 17 December 2023
Tour 18 December 2023
Moderation 19 December 2023
Closing Ceremony 20 December 2023
Departure 21 December 2023

IJSO 2023 Registration

The candidates who are interested in participating in the IJSO 2023 must do the online registration. The registration process for the IJSO will be online. Candidates must check the eligibility criteria before doing the registration. The details to apply for the IJSO 2023 Application Form are given as follows:

  • IJSO Olympiad is open for individual and team participation. So, the teams who are interested in applying for the IJSO must visit the website of the conducting authority.
  • Then the applicants must submit the Pre-Registration Form. In the pre-registration form, the candidates will have to enter their details like name, contact, country, mobile number, etc.
  • After receiving the user id and password, the candidates must log in to the portal.
  • Now click on “register now” and start entering the details in the registration form.
  • In the final registration, the information of each participant has to be entered. 
  • The details in the application form must be correct.
  • Also, the participants will have to enter their passport details, if required.
  • Finally, the candidates will have to pay the registration fees. 
  • The IJSO Application Form must be submitted before the last date.

IJSO 2023 Registration Fee

There is a registration fee for each observer, visitor, and team participating in the International Junior Science Olympiad. Therefore, the applicants must check the details of the IJSO Registration Fees from the table given below:

International Junior Science Olympiad Registration Fees
Category Fee (in USD)
Fee for each team US $ 1000
Fee for each observer US $ 1500
Fee for each visitor US $ 2000
For visitors an additional fee for a single room US $ 900 per person


Mode of Payment

The registration fees for IJSO need to be paid at the designated bank account in the invoice sent to each participating country. The bank details are given as follows:

International Junior Science Olympiad Bank Account
Account Details For Fee Payment
Name of The Bank Bank of Baroda
Bank Code 110167
Account Number 95210100011273
Account Name International Junior Science Olympiad- BW2023

IJSO 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria and minimum age limit to apply for the International Junior Science Olympiad are given below:

  • Age Limit: Students who are under sixteen years old on 31st December of the competition year are eligible to participate in IJSO.
  • Nationality: A participant should hold a valid passport of his/her country of residence. 
  • A group should have at least 6 people in order to participate in the Olympiad as a team.
  • However, a group of 3 people can also participate, but not less than three members. 

IJSO 2023 Exam Pattern 

The candidates who have applied for the International Junior Science Olympiad must be aware of the exam pattern and type of questions in the exam. The participating students should get an idea of the exam mode, duration, marking scheme, etc from the details given below:

  • Medium: The exam will be conducted in the English language only but each country will be able to select their language as well.
  • Exam Duration: The applicants will get 3 to 4 hours to solve each paper.
  • Number of Papers: The IJSO (International Junior Science Olympiad) 2023 exam will be conducted in three parts as mentioned below.
International Junior Science Olympiad Pattern
Section Marks
MCQ 30
Theory 40
Lab/ Practical 40
  • Number of Questions: Paper 1 will have 30 questions in total which means each subject (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) will have 10 questions.
  • Marking scheme: The applicants will get 1 mark for each correct answer.
  • Negative Marking: The applicants will lose .25 for each wrong answer.

IJSO 2023 Syllabus

The applicants must check the syllabus of the IJSO in order to prepare for the exam. The detailed syllabus of the International Junior Science Olympiad is given as follows:

International Junior Science Olympiad Syllabus
Section Topics
General Science Skills The students must be familiar with the topics given below:

  • employ and explain scientific methods
  • use scientific terminology
  • put forward hypotheses
  • devise and accurately describe methods/experiments to test hypotheses
  • assess the validity of different sources of information and be aware that data might be inaccurate or even wrong
  • adequately represent data in tables
  • diagrams and graphs
  • interpret data
Content Knowledge in Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • Particles, waves, and matter
  • Energy
  • Interactions
  • Structure, properties, and functions
  • Systems
  • Development and Evolution
  • Mathematics skills
Laboratory Skills Students should be familiar with laboratory work. They should be able to:

  • work in the laboratory following safety regulations.
  • employ basic techniques for measuring the quantities mentioned in part B.
  • make observations using the five senses.
  • identify and use basic laboratory equipment.
  • use more sophisticated equipment if proper instructions are given.
  • collect data from an experiment being aware that instruments affect measurements
  • identify error sources and estimate their effects

IJSO 2023 Result

  • The conducting authority will declare the result of each participant of the International Junior Science Olympiad.
  • The IJSO 2023 Result will be available online.
  • Candidates can access their results through their individual registration numbers.
  • The result for each of the stages of IJSO will be declared separately.
  • The awards and certificates of IJSO will be awarded to the winners who have qualified till the final stage of the Olympiad. 

Selection Process for IJSO 

The International Junior Science Olympiad takes place in five stages. The details of the selection process is given below:

  • Stage 1: NSEJS (National Standard Examination in Junior Science) and this is conducted by the IAPT (Indian Association of Physics Teachers). Only the top 300 applicants will be able to go in for the second stage.
  • Stage 2: INJSO (Indian National Junior Science Olympiad) and this is conducted by the HSCSE. In this stage, only the top 35 applicants will be able to move to the third stage but need to have their names on the merit list.
  • Stage 3: OCSC (Orientation cum Selection Camp) and is also conducted by the HBCSE and will be organized for 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Stage 4: PDTC (Pre-departure Training Camp) in this the applicants will be divided into a team of 6 people and they will have to go through the training process organized at the HBCSE which also includes the experiments and the theory. The top 6 applicants will be considered as the awardees through the merit list and will also receive a prize worth Rs 5000 /-
  • Stage 5: Final participation in the IJSO (International Junior Science Olympiad) for this there will be only 12 applicants (two teams of 6 members each) will be selected, among them there will be 3 teachers and all of them will represent India.

IJSO 2023 Highlights

International Junior Science Olympiad Brief
Name of the Exam International Junior Science Olympiad
Short Form IJSO 2023
Conducting Authority Host Country for each year is different
IJSO 2023 Host Country UAE
Purpose of the Exam to promote interest in science among school students, exposing them to problem solving, critical thinking and experimentation
IJSO 2023 Pre-Registration Started Click Here
Level of the Exam International
Official Website ijsoweb.org

About IJSO

International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) is a competition in science. Over the years IJSO aims to positively impact science and mathematics education at the school level. IJSO is held in the first week of December of every year, in different countries. Currently, around 50 member countries participate every year. The academic competitions of the IJSO include challenging tests in topics of science, both as theory questions and practical tasks. The tests are designed to address students’ understanding of concepts, and their ability to apply concepts to the situations described in the tests.

FAQs on IJSO 2023

Q1. Which is the host country for the IJSO 2023 exam?

Ans: The host country for IJSO 2023 is the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Q2. How can I participate in IJSO 2023?

Ans: The applicants will have to do the pre-registration in order to participate in the IJSO exam.

Q3. Is there a negative marking in IJSO 2023?

Ans: Yes, there is a negative marking in the IJSO Olympiad.

Q4. What is the syllabus of IJSO 2023?

Ans: The IJSO syllabus is from the subjects of general Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Candidates can check the detailed syllabus from this article. 

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