ISRO’s Young Scientist Program: YUVIKA 2023 Registration Dates


Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has launched a special programme for school children called “Young Scientist Programme” or “YUva VIgyani KAryakram”(युविका) in 2019, with the aim of imparting basic knowledge on space technology, science and applications to younger students and to create awareness about the emerging areas of space activities among the future building blocks of the nation.

Admission Open 2023

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A minimum participation will be ensured from each State / UT. The programme is planned at seven centres of ISRO viz.

    • Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun.
    • Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram.
    • Satish Dhavan Space Center (SDSC) Sriharikota.
    • U. R. Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), Bengaluru.
    • Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad.
    • National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad.
    • North-Eastern Space Applications Centre (NE-SAC), Shillong.

YUVIKA Exam Dates 2023

YUVIKA Exam Important Dates 
Sl Activities Date
1 Announcement of Programme Mar. 15, 2023
2 Registration starts Mar. 20, 2023
3 Registration ends Apr. 03, 2023
4 Release of First selection list Apr. 10, 2023
5 Release of Second selection list (due to vacancy/non confirmation in first selection list) Apr. 20, 2023
6 Reporting by Selected students at respective ISRO centres May 14, 2023 or as intimated by ISRO through registered email of the student.
7 YUVIKA Programme May 15-26, 2023
8 Send-off date for selected students from respective centre May 27, 2023

YUVIKA 2023 Objective and Eligibility Criteria

The Young Scientist Programme, also known as YUVIKA, is a two-week residential programme during summer holidays (second half of May). The programme includes invited talks, experience sharing by eminent scientists, facility and lab visits, exclusive sessions for discussions with experts, practical and feedback sessions.

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The program is primarily aimed at students who have completed 8th standard and are currently studying in 9th standard. Students who have just completed 9th standard and are waiting to join 10th standard or have just joined 10th standard are also eligible. Three students from each State/Union Territory will be selected based on academic performance, with special weightage given to students from rural areas.

YUVIKA 2023 Highlights

ISRO will cover the expenses for course material, lodging, and boarding for the entire duration of the program. Selected students will only be reimbursed for their travel expenses, which are limited to II AC train fare or AC (including Volvo) bus fare provided by the State Government or authorized transport from the nearest Railway Station/Bus terminal to the reporting center and back. To claim reimbursement, the student must present their original travel ticket to the respective ISRO center. If the student did not travel by II AC train (II AC class), the maximum reimbursement will be limited to II AC train fare.

YUVIKA Program Highlights 
Name of the registration YUVIKA Registration 2023
Title Complete the Young Scientist Programme Registration 2023
Subject ISRO will enable the YUVIKA Summer Camp Registration 2023
Category Registration
Registration Dates To be announced
Official website
YUVIKA Web Portal YUVIKA Young Scientist Programme

Application and Selection Process

Interested students can apply online on the ISRO website during the registration period, which usually takes place in February. The list of eligible candidates will be announced by the last week of March. The programme will be conducted at four centres of ISRO viz. VSSC, URSC, SAC and NESAC, with a visit to SDSC, SHAR as part of the programme.

Selection Criteria
Description Weightage
Performance in the 8th Std Examination 50%
Membership of Science Club/Space Club 5%
Prize in any school-based individual extracurricular activity (Elocution/Debate/Essay Writing, science quiz, computer modelling, scientific prototype model making, etc.,) at District/State/National/ International Level (The higher level will be considered for weightage) 2/4/6/10%
Winners of District/State/National/International Level sports activities (The higher level will be considered for weightage) 2/4/6/10%
Scout and Guides/NCC/NSS Member 5%
Studying in Village/Rural School (Certificate of proof to this effect to be produced from the head of the school . Criteria: The school, where the candidate is studying should be located in Panchayath Area) 20%
Total 100%


The ISRO Young Scientist Programme provides a unique opportunity for young students to gain knowledge and experience in space technology, science and applications. By creating awareness and encouraging interest among young students, ISRO is paving the way for the future of space activities in India.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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