Jamia Millia School Admission 2023: Application Form, Syllabus, Result, Merit List


Jamia Millia School Admission 2023 will begin on March 15, 2023. Jamia Millia Islamia is a Muslim Minority Institution that take care of children education from school to university level. Jamia School Admissions generally takes place for Nursery, Prep, Class I, VI, IX, and XI. Admission in the junior classes is made through draws of application form and for Class VI, IX, and XI there will be entrance exams. The process of application will take place in an online mode. Read the article for full detail on Jamia School Admission. Application process for Jamia School admission 2023 will begin on March 15. The last date to apply is April 13, 2023.

Admission Open 2023

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Following are the schools under Jamia Millia Islamia:

  • Mushir Fatma Nursery School- Nursery & K.G
  • Jamia Sr. Sec. Schools – Class  IX to XII
  • Jamia Middle School – Class I to VIII
  •  Syed Abid Husain Sr. Sec. School – Class Prep to XII
  •  Jamia Girls Sr. Sec. School- Class IXto XII
  • Balak Mata Centres – Nursery, Class I to V & Craft Courses

Jamia School Admission 2023 Status

  • Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) has issued a notification for admissions to its schools for the academic session 2023-24.
  • The admission process is open for classes VI, IX, and XI in various schools of JMI.
  • The application forms can be filled online from March 15, 2023 to April 13, 2023.
  • The entrance test for admission to class VI will be held on May 8, 2023, while the test for classes IX and XI will be held on June 5, 2023.
  • The Application Form for admission in the these schools can be submitted online on http://jmicoe.in/
  • The selection process will be based on the entrance test and an interview.

Check the latest update regarding the admission process here: 

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about Jamia School Admission 2023: Notification, Online Form, Dates

Jamia School Admission 2023-23 Status
Particulars Dates (tentative)
Jamia School Admissions application form  March 15, 2023
Jamia School Admissions 2023 Exam  July 2023

Jamia Millia School Admission 2023 Date

The candidates must check the important dates related to the exam. Check the table below

Jamia School Admission Dates
Particulars Dates (tentative)
Date of Notification April 2023
Jamia School Admission 2023 Application Form availability May 2023
Last date to fill the Application Form June 2023
Date of Written Test (Class VI, IX, XI)
Nursery July 2023
Prep July 2023
I July 2023
XI Science July 2023
XI Arts July 2023
XI Commerce July 2023
VI July 2023
IX July 2023
Display of list of selected candidates (Class VI, IX, XI)
VI, IX To be announced Later
XI-Arts & Commerce To be announced Later
XI-Science To be announced Later
Admission of selected candidates To be announced Later
Display of list of Selected Candidates from the waiting list To be announced Later
A date for Completing admission Formalities of Candidates selected from waiting list To be announced Later
Display of the Second list of Selected Candidates from the waiting list To be announced Later
A date for Completing of Admission Formalities of candidates Selected in the Second List from a waiting list To be announced Later
Offline Spot Registration (if required) To be announced Later
Display of list of Candidates selected from Spot Registration To be announced Later
Dates for Completing Admission formalities of candidates Selected from Spot Registration To be announced Later

Jamia Millia School Admission 2023  Application Form

In order to successfully complete the application process, one need to follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Online Registration

  • Visit the official website of online at Jamia Millia Islamia’s website www.jmicoe.in
  • Click on the “Jamia M illia Islamia 2023 Application Form”
  • As per school record enter the details such as Name of the Candidate, Parents Name, Official Date of Birth etc.
  • Now enter the valid email id and mobile no.. 
  • Registration will be done and login id will be generated. .
  • Use the login id to access the account and complete the process. 

Step 2: Fill the Application Form

  • Enter the details such as choice of the school as per the preference.
  • Details needed to enter are personal, educational and communication information.
  • Make sure all the details entered are correct otherwise it will create problems in future. 

Step 3: Upload The Scanned Images

  • Copy of candidate’s colored passport size photograph (min 50 KB and max 100 KB in size) in JPG/JPEG format with white background. 
  • Softcopy of candidate’s signature/Guardian signature (Min 50 KB and Max 100KB in size) in JPG/JPEG format.

Step 4: Payment of the application fee

  • One can pay the application fee in an online mode through  Debit/Credit Card/Net-banking/UPI
  • Rs 300 /- for for all classes and category

Documents To Be Submitted At The Time Of Admission: (For Classes VI, IX, & XI)

  1. a) Statement of marks (Mark sheet) of the qualifying examination.
  2. b) Date of Birth Certificate. 
  3. c) Character Certificate from the previous school is applicable for XI class only. 
  4. d) Certificate of the claimed category of reservation.
  5. e) Duly filled and signed self-declaration form.
  6. f) Admit Card of concerned admission test generated online.
  7. g) Transfer Certificate from the previous school. 
  8. h) The intervening period may not be more than one year for class XI only.

The Admission Will Be Cancelled if

  1. The original copy of the Migration or School-Leaving Certificate duly countersigned by the Inspector of Schools/Education Officer is not submitted within two weeks of the last date of completion of admission.
  2. Receipt of the admission fee is not submitted in the office of the concerned school by the last date.

Jamia Millia School Admission 2023 Eligibility Criteria

For Admission To Nursery, Prep. And class I

  • Date of birth certificate should be issued by the Gram panchayat and attested by the Block Development Officer (B.D.O)/Tehsildar or should be issued by the concerned officer of the Town Area Municipal Board/Corporation
  • Age criteria : 
Jamia School Age Criteria For Class Nur, Prep, Class 1
Class Minimum Age as on 31st March 2023 Maximum Age as on 31st March 2023
Nursery 3 years 4 years
Prep 4 years 6 years
I 5 years 7 years

For admission to class VI

  • It is essential to submit a Statement of Marks/Grade Card of the qualifying examination.

For Class IX Admission

Qualifying Grades: Aggregate 41% or equivalent grad

 English – 41% or equivalent grade

For XI Arts Admission

  1. Aggregate % of marks/grade:-41% or equivalent grade
  2.  English 41% or equivalent grade

For XI Commerce Admission 

  1.  Aggregate % of marks/grade:-51% or equivalent grade (not less than 33% in any subject)
  2. English 41% or equivalent grade

For XI Science Admission

  1. Aggregate % of marks/grade:-61% or equivalent grade (not less than 41% in any subject) 
  2. Science 61% or equivalent grade English 41% or equivalent grade. 


  • Those opting for Mathematics in Science/Commerce/Arts streams should have at least 61% marks or grade=B2 in Maths in the qualifying examination and have studied standard Mathematics. 
  • Percentage of Marks will be calculated as per C.B.S.E. 
  • Internal students and Jamia employee wards will be admitted to class XI (Science, Arts & Commerce) as per combined merit drawn among them on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination.
  • For admission to class VI and IX, the Birth certificate issued by the previous school and for class XI, the date of birth as mentioned in the certificate of class X issued by the Concerned Board of Examination will be validated.

Jamia Millia School Admission 2023 Exam Pattern

  • The exam duration of the test for Classes VI, IX and XI is two hours. 
  • The exam will be in an offline mode i.e OMR sheet 
  • .There will be no negative marking in the admission tests of different classes/streams. 
  •  The use of a calculator is not allowed. 
  • Test papers will be in English, Hindi and Urdu languages. 

Class 6 Exam Pattern 

Class VI Exam Pattern 
Subjects Total Questions  Total Marks
Environmental Studies (EVS) 50 50
Mathematical and Numeracy skill Test 25 25
Language (English) Test 25 25
Total  100 100

Class 9 

Class 9 Exam Pattern 
Subjects Total Questions  Total Marks
English  25 25
Maths 30 30
Science 25 25
Social Science 20 20
Total  100 100

Class XI Science Exam Pattern 

Class XI  Exam Pattern For Science
Subjects Total Questions  Total Marks
English  25 25
G.K 10 10
Physics 15 15
Chemistry 15 15
Biology 15 15
Maths 20 20
Total  100 100


Class XI  Exam Pattern For Arts
Subjects Total Questions  Total Marks
English  25 25
G.K 15 15
Social Science 60 60
Total  100 100


Class XI  Exam Pattern For Commerce
Subjects Total Questions  Total Marks
English  25 25
G.K 10 10
Maths 25 25
Social Science 40 40
Total  100 100

Jamia Millia School Admission 2023 Syllabus

Syllabus For Class 6 

Jamia Class 6 Syllabus For Entrance Exam
EVS Mathematical and Numeracy skill Test English
Topics The Fish Tale Adjectives

To underline the adjectives in a given passage

Super Senses Shapes and Angles Nouns Picking/identifying nouns from the given text/unseen passage
A Snake Charmers Story: How many Squares? Simple Past Tense To underline the past tense in a given text/passage.
From Tasting to Digesting: Parts and wholes Question Words using ‘’how” what, when, where and why
Seeds &Seeds Does it look the same? Opposite words beginning with un-, in-, dis,-im
Experiments with Water Be my multiple, I’ll be your factor Use of Punctuation
A Treat For Mosquitoes Can you see the pattern? Use of Pronoun
Up You Go Tenths and Hundredths Reading Comprehension
Walls Tell Stories Area and its Boundary Exclamatory Words
. Sunita in Space Smart Charts
What If It Finishes: Fuels used in vehicles.
A Shelter So High: shelter
When The Earth Shook
Blow Hot, Blow Cold
Across The Wall
No Place For 
Whose Forests?

Syllabus For Class 9

English Syllabus

Jamia Class 9 English Syllabus For Entrance Exam
1. Article: a, an, the

2. Preposition: in, into, to, for, upto, on, of, before, after, between, among, by, with, from 

3. Kinds of sentences: Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative 

4. Antonyms and synonyms 

5. Direct and indirect speech 

6. Active and passive voice 

7. Unseen Passage


Biology Syllabus

Jamia Class 9 Biology Syllabus For Entrance Exam
1. Crop Production and Management 

2. Microorganism: Friend and Foe 

3. Synthetic Fibers and Plastics 

4. Materials: Metals and Non-Metals 

5. Coal and Petroleum 

6. Combustion and Flame 

7. Cell-Structure and Functions 

8. Force and Pressure 

9. Friction 

10. Sound 

11. Chemical Effects of Electric Current 

12. Light 

13.Stars and the Solar System


Mathematics Syllabus

Jamia Class 9 Mathematics Syllabus For Entrance Exam
1. Rational Numbers 

2. Linear Equations in one Variable 

3. Understanding Quadrilaterals 

4. Data Handling 

5. Squares and Square Roots 

6. Cubes and Cube Roots 

7. Comparing Quantities 

8. Algebraic Expressions and Identities 

9. Mensuration 

10.Exponents and Powers 

11. Factorization 

12.Introduction to Graphs 

13. Playing with Numbers


Social Science Syllabus

Jamia Class 9 Social Science Syllabus For Entrance Exam
History Geography  Civics 
1. How, When and Where 2. From Trade to Territory (The Company Establishes Power) 

3. When People Rebel (1857 and after) 

4. Colonialism and the City 

5. Civilizing the “Native”, Educating the Nation 

6. Women, Caste and Reform 

7. The Making of the National Movement: 1870 –1947 

8. India after Independence

9. Resources 

10.Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 

11. Mineral and Power Resources 

12. Agriculture 

13. Industries 

14. Human Resources

15. The Indian Constitution 16. Understanding Secularism 

17. Why do we need a Parliament? 

18. Judiciary 

19. Understanding Our Criminal Justice System 20.Law and Social Justice


Class XI Science stream syllabus

Jamia Class 11 Science Syllabus For Entrance Exam
Chemistry Biology Physics Maths
Chemical Substances – Nature and Behavior

Chemical reactions

Acids, bases and salts

Metals and nonmetals

Carbon compounds

Periodic classification of elements

World of Living

Life processes



Nature Phenomena

Effects of Current 

Magnetic effects of current









Syllabus for Admission test to class XI Arts & Commerce 

Social Science (for Arts and Commerce Candidates) syllabus
India and the Contemporary World – II
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Nationalism in India

The Making of a Global World

. The Age of Industrialization

Contemporary India – II
Resources and Development


Manufacturing Industries

Life Lines of National Economy

Democratic Politics – II
. Power Sharing
Political Parties
Outcomes of Democracy
Understanding Economic Development…….
Sectors of the Indian Economy
Money and Credit
Globalization and the Indian Economy

Jamia Millia School Admission 2023 Hal Ticket

The concerned authority releases the Jamia School Admissions admit card in an online mode at the official site. The registered candidates can easily access the admit card by providing the login details. Have the admit card in the printed form to attend the exam. No one will be allowed to enter the examination hall without the admit card. Thus it is the identity of the person to appear for the exam. 

Steps To View The Jamia School Admissions Admit Card

  • Visit the official site of the Jamia Millia Islamia i.e. http://www.jmicoe.in/
  • A home page of the site will appear on the screen.
  • Locate and click on the admit card link 
  • Enter the details required in correct form
  • An admit card will appear in the pdf form
  • Download and take the print of the admit card. 

Jamia Millia School Admission 2023 Result

The result will be out in an online mode at the official site. In order to view the result, candidates have to enter the Hall Ticket No. and Date of Birth. This is the final statement of the marks that tells the qualifying nature of the students. 

Steps To View The Jamia School Admissions Result

  • Visit the official site of the Jamia Millia Islamia i.e https://www.jmi.ac.in/studyatjamia/admission/15
  • A home page of the site will appear on the screen.
  • Locate and click on the result link 
  • Enter the details required in correct form
  • Result will appear in the pdf form
  • Download and take the print of the result. 

Jamia Millia School Admission 2023 Highlights

Jamia School Admission 2023 Basic Details
Exam Name Jamia School Admission Entrance Exam
Conducting Body Jamia Millia Islamia University
Purpose of the Exam For the selection of the students in Prep, Nursery and Class 1, Class VI, IX and XI. 
Selection Entrance Exam for Class VI, IX and XI.

For Prep, Nursery and Class 1 there will be draw lot

Mode of Application Online mode
Exam Mode Offline mode
Application Fee Mode Online mode
Official Website http://jmicoe.in/

Jamia School  2021 Admission FAQs

Ques 1: Who can apply for Jamia School  Admission 2021 ?

Ans: Those who want to take admission in Prep, Nursery and Class 1, Class VI, IX and XI.

Ques 2:  What is the frequency of the Jamia School  Admission exam?

Ans: Once in a year. 

Ques 3: What is the mode of the Jamia School admission application form?

Ans: Online mode 

Ques 4: What is the mode of the Jamia School  Admission application fee payment?

Ans: Online mode via net banking/ debit card/credit card. 

Ques 5. Is there any negative marking in the exam?

Ans. No, there is no negative marking.

Ques 6. What are the total marks in the Jamia School  Admission exam?

Ans. Total Mark= 100 marks.

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  1. Sir march tak meri beti ki age 3year hone m one month hogi kya nursery m admission ho skta hai… R kya sir sirf delhi k hi baccho ka nursery m admission hoga ya all over the world.. Plz tell me sir


  3. I had given the entrance exam for admission in JMI schools class 9 for the session 2023-24 …. I want to ask when will the confirmed waiting list of students for admissions in class 9 come ?


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