JEE Advanced FAQs On Eligibility, Candidate’s Category, IIT Admission Out


    The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati has issued a set of FAQs to provide answers to commonly asked questions related to the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2023 exam. These FAQs are meant to provide guidance and clarity on various aspects of the JEE Advanced 2023 examination. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati has released the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2023.

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    1. What is the Eligibility Criteria to Appear in JEE Advanced 2023?
      In order to appear in JEE Advanced 2023, candidates must have passed their class 12th / equivalent exam and should be within the age of 18-25 years. Furthermore, they should secure 75% or higher aggregate marks in their 10+2 board examination and be placed among the top 2,50,000 rank holders.

    2. How Can I Register for JEE Advanced 2023?

    The registration process involves candidates filling an online form available on the official website of JEE Advanced which will ask them to enter basic information such as name, address, education details and financial credentials. Then they should submit the application fee online through net banking/UPI/debit or credit cards. After that Candidates can take a printout of their payment slip and keep it handy for further references.

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    3. What are the Admit Card Rules for JEE Advanced 2023?

    Candidates who have successfully registered for JEE Advanced need to download the exam admit card from the official website at least 7 days prior to appearance in an examination hall. The admit card provides every detail about venue details such as timing, date and address of various centres along with directions for reporting at an examination centre on time with valid documents and ID proof issued during registration process.

    4. How Is Exam Paper Pattern Planned In JEE Advances 2023?

    JEE Advances is conducted as two three-hour paper format where all questions are asked in objective manner carrying negative marking system with multiple-choice options followed by numerical answer type questions without any negative marking system overall carrying 180 marks of question data per paper format divided proportionally between Mathematics (45%), Physics &Chemistry (45%) subject segments respectively.. Physics covers around 55 questions while Chemistry includes 35 MCQs and rest 10 questions are provide numerical versions calculated out depending upon student’s proficiency level performance scale only after he careful analysis and study over previous year examined papers….

    5. Is There Reservation Policy Available For The Candidates For Appearing In JEE Advance 2023?

    Yes! The Government has already declared some reservations on basis of economic background or belongingness nativity criteria from socially disables group offering certain privileges mentioned under schedule section worldwide intending encouraging scientific aptitude within system binding providing bright future knowledge skills knowhow empowering disabled students competing within main stream society students ratio.. They should directly contact respective zonal concerned authority departments offline establishing there claims giving relevant authentic doc proofs placed upon noticed widely conveying opinions..

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    Abhinandan Singh
    Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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