JEE Main 2023 Shift 1 Paper Balanced – Analysis and Reactions


    Get an overview of the JEE Main 2023 shift 1 paper, understand how it was balanced and get reactions from students and instructors about how it compared to last year’s exams. JEE Main 2023 Shift 1 paper has been considered by students and instructors to be balanced overall and easier than last year’s exam. Get a detailed overview of the shift 1 paper and reactions from both students and instructors about its difficulty level here.

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    Immediate reaction from students after the exam

    • There were total 90* questions and Total marks of JEE Main Paper-1 was 300. (* 5 out of 10 questions were to be attempted from Numerical Based section in each subject)

    The paper had two parts & each part had three sections:

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    • Part-I- Physics had total 30*questions – Sec-I had 20 Multiple choice questions with Single correct answers & Sec-II had 10 Numerical based questions out which only 5 had to be attempted.
    • Marking scheme for multiple choice questions was +4 for correct response, -1 for incorrect response, 0 if not attempted.
    • Marking scheme for numerical based questions was +4 for correct response and 0 in all other cases. Total marks of this section were 100.

    Overview of JEE Main 2023 Shift 1 Paper.

    JEE Main 2021 Shift 1 paper was balanced across the topics of Maths, Physics and Chemistry. According to many students and instructors, the difficulty level was fairly similar to last year’s exams. Questions were mainly application-based and moderately difficult which made it challenging for most examinees. Additionally, there were also questions testing understanding of basic concepts and some problem-solving questions in each domain.

    Assess Difficulty Level of the Paper.

    It’s important to assess the difficulty level of the JEE Main 2023 paper before making any conclusions. The paper was balanced across sections and included questions from a variety of topics, but not all topics were equally represented. Overall, student and instructor reactions suggest that the paper was slightly easier than that of the previous year, which may be attributed to its overall balance.

    Check Out Reactions from Students and Institutes.

    After the exam was finished, several students and institutes shared their reactions about the JEE Main 2023 paper. Most reports reflect that while the paper was thought of as being slightly easier than last year’s, it was still difficult enough to contain a few challenging questions. According to some instructors, the physics and chemistry sections were most difficult due to their increased number of calculation intensive questions. On the other hand, some also felt that mathematics focused on simpler concepts this time around.

    Compare Previous Years’ JEE Mains Papers with This Year’s Paper.

    Comparing this year’s JEE Main paper with previous years’, it is clear that while the paper was slightly easier, it was still challenging. Notably, Maths focused on simpler concepts this time around but Physics and Chemistry had significantly more calculation-intensive questions. Additionally, several students reported feeling much more prepared for this year’s paper as a result of their training programs which likely contributed to its success.

    Review the Questions to Know Your Weaknesses and Strengths in Various Topics.

    After completing the exam, it is important to review your questions and answers so you can identify your strengths and weaknesses in various topics. This will help you better prepare for future exams as well as focus on improving problem areas. Additionally, studying with peers or instructors can be beneficial if you want a more detailed analysis of this year’s JEE Main paper. Doing so will help improve your overall understanding of essential concepts and how they are tested in examinations like the JEE Main.

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    Abhinandan Singh
    Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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