KAAD Scholarship Programme 2023-24: For Developing Countries


KAAD Scholarship Programme 2023-24: Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD) is the German scholarship institution of the Catholic Church for PG students and scientists from (developing) countries in Africa (Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya and Zimbabwe), Asia, Latin America, the Near and Middle East, as well as Eastern and Southeastern Europe. KAAD supports scholars in form of scholarships and educational programs. Also, it offers spiritual and personal assistance in view of future multiplying functions students will have in their home countries.

Admission Open 2023

  • Top University & Colleges Official Links, Application & Scholarship Forms. Apply Now
  • The application form for the KAAD Scholarship Programme 2023-24 is available online on the KAAD website. The last date to apply for the scholarship is February 15, 2023.
  • The results of the KAAD Scholarship Programme 2023-24 will be announced in May 2023. The merit list will be published on the KAAD website.

How to Apply for KAAD Scholarship Programme 1?

The candidates can follow the below-given steps to apply for KAAD Scholarship Programme:

  • Step 1 – Visit the official website of KAAD at – https://www.kaad.de/en/stipendien/stipendienprogramm-s1/
  • Step 2 – Scroll down and click on the given link ” Online Application Portal”
  • Step 3 – Thereafter fill in the details like name, religious affiliation, other personal details, educational details,  etc.
  • Step 4 – Tick mark the declaration and click on send button.
  • Step 5 – The details will be submitted.

Who all can Apply for KAAD Scholarship Programme 1?

Following is the eligibility criteria for the scholarship programme 1 of KAAD:

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  • The applying candidates must have come from a developing or emerging country in Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America and are currently living there.
  • They must have a university degree and professional experience from their home country.
  • They must be interested in a master’s degree or a PhD at a German university or do a post-doctoral research project (2-6 months for established university lecturers) at a German university
  • Should be a Catholic Christian (or general belong to a Christian denomination).
  • Candidates from other religions are also invited to apply if they are proposed by Catholic partners and can prove their commitment to interreligious dialogue.
  • Those candidates who possess German language skills (KAAD can provide a language course of max. 6 months in Germany).

KAAD Eligible Field of Study

There is no specific subject-preference. However, the selection board has often given preference to the courses and subjects that they felt to be of significance for the applicant’s home country. This holds true, especially for PhD subjects There is a certain leaning towards “development-oriented” studies – this does however not mean that other fields (cultural, philosophic, linguistic, etc.) can not be of significance.

KAAD Value of Scholarship

Applicants who are awarded scholarships for KAAD Germany under S1 are helped with their Visa-modalities, paid for the flights to Germany and back, provided with language training in Germany prior to their studies, etc.

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  1. Am from a developing country which in Papua New Guinea the smallest nation in the globe. I really like that scholarship programme.


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