NCERT Hindi Class 10 Solutions 2023: Download Free PDF Sparsh , Kshitij , Kritika


NCERT Hindi Class 10 Solutions 2023 is available here for free download in pdf format. The National Council of Education and Research Training (NCERT) intends to provide courses for students that will help them expand their knowledge in a more efficient and effective manner. Students may confront language hurdles if they do not have a firm command of the Hindi language, necessitating the development of student’s abilities in both language and literature. As a result, students may now comprehend Hindi and perform well in exams with the help of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi.

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NCERT Hindi Class 10 Sparsh Chapters Overview 2023

Sakhi Chapter 1: Sakhi is the name of the Doha verse. They cover a wide range of topics. This chapter contains eight sakhis that explain life. These are efficient and simple to master.

Pad, Chapter 2: Meera, a follower of Lord Shri Krishna, is the main character in this story. In this poem, she praises and condemns him.

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Dohe, Chapter 3: This chapter features Bihari’s poem “dohe.” He’s known for putting more meaning into words that aren’t as long. He is well known for his ornamental dohas, but he has also written about folk behaviour, policy knowledge, and other themes.

Manushyata, Chapter 4: Maithilisharan Gupta wrote this poem, which discusses numerous elements of humanity.

Parvat Pradesh Mein Paawas, Chapter 5: This chapter examines firsthand reports from a mountainous area.

Madhur Madhur (Chapter 6): Deepak is a simple man. This lovely poetry was written by Jal Mahadevi Verma. She used the word “deepak” to represent a heart full of pure and loving feelings

Topp, Chapter 7: Viren Dangwal’s poem is about the East India Company, which came to India for business but eventually became the ruler and ruled the country for many years. The poem describes how these Britishers became obsessed with weapons and used them to murder our country’s independence fighters. Our forefathers fought for our country’s independence.

Kar chale hum fida, Chapter 8: This poem was written by Kaifi Azmi, a well-known poet. This poem was created just for the film Haqeeqat. This song is played during a war scene when the soldiers are pleased with their actions.

Aatmatraan, Chapter 9: Rabindranath Tagore, one of the greatest poets of all time, wrote this poem. This poem is about human difficulties and how he attempts to prevail in any dispute.

Bade Bhai sahab ,Chapter 10: This is a lovely poem written by Premchand about two brothers who are separated by a few years in age.

Diary ka ek panna, Chapter 11: The text was written by Sitaram Sekaria. This paragraph was extracted from his diary on January 26, 1931. It mentions his desire for liberty.

Tataara, Chapter 12: The people of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are the focus of this storey. Envy reigned supreme in this area, and a couple had to pay the ultimate price for it.

Teesri kasam ke shilpakaar shailendra, Chapter 13: This article discusses the difficulties and issues that were encountered during the production of the film “Teesri Kasam.”

Anton Chekhov, Chapter 14: This chapter is a sample from the life of a Russian writer during an event that occurred during the Tsarist government.

Nida Fazli, Chapter 15: Nida Fajali, a well-known Urdu and Hindi poet, dialogue writer, and lyricist, is the subject of this chapter.

Ravindra Kalekar’s Patjhad Me Tuti Pattiyan ,Chapter 16: In the context of the country and society, the author has given numerous features, beliefs, and personal perspectives of public life.

Habib Tanveer’s Kartoos Chapter 17: Habib Tanveer has written a one-act drama.

NCERT Hindi Class 10 Kshitij (Poem)

Chapter 1 – Surdas shabdo ka arth: Summary of the first characters in Hindi Class 10 Surdas Surdas is the best poet of the Shakuna Bhakti-Kal branch of Hindi literature. His posts are very popular and appreciated by the general public. Surdashi especially praised Krishna’s entertainment in his post. This text describes a poem by Sultan Suji, in which Uttara Puzi gives a yoga message to Gopi, who is suffering from the collapse of Krishna. Read the poem by Sarthak Surdas for a complete explanation of how Gopi discussed this with Uttavaji.

Chapter 2 – Ram Lakshman Sanvad charcha: Ram Laxman Parshuram Samvad is taken from the famous book Ramcharitmanas by Goswami Tulsi Dasji. In this poem, Tulsi Das Jin beautifully portrays the case of Sita swimming when the world-famous Shiva Kaman and Shri Ram broke up. For more information on Rama’s reaction to Laxmana and Maharishi Parashurama’s wrath, see Rama Laxman’s Meaningful Dialogue.

Chapter 3: Savaja aur Swayum kavya ka Vikas: Kavi Devdatt’s full name is a famous Hindi poet. He praised Lord Krishna’s natural and beautiful form in his poems and poems. See how the poet Dev portrays nature and its various parts in his poetry, and how beautifully it portrays a meaningful poem with Krishna’s youth poet Devkeshavaiya. Please read.

अध्याय 4: Atmakatha – Jayshankar prasad : The autobiography of the poem written by the famous Hindi poet and writer Shri Jai Shankar Prasadji touched my heart. In this poem he tells how people asked him to write an autobiography, but now he doesn’t want to write his own story and doesn’t tell people about it. Why did the poet Jaishankar Prasad not want to write his autobiography? 

Chapter 6 – Utsaha aav at nahi rahi hai : Shri Suryakanto Tripathi Nirala ji, a unique poet of Hindi literature, has written several unique compositions. The text shows two of his poems, “Utsaha” and “At Nahi Rahi Hai”. Read now to know their simple meanings and to understand the depth hidden in these poems: enthusiasm and att nahi hai, the meaning and summary of the poems.

Chapter 5 : Yeh Danturit Muskan aav fasal – Nagarjuna: The poetry of the great poet Nagarjuna has a very deep emotion in a very simple way. In this chapter, two of his poems are given, these teeth smile and bite. In the harvest poem, he reveals the secret behind the growth of the harvest. At the same time, in this toothless smile poem, the magic of the boy’s sweet smile is engraved in the words. Read the meaning of these two poems and know what the poet Nagarjuna wants to tell us in these poems

Chapter 7 – Chaya mat Choona – Girish kumar Mathur: In the poem Chaya Matt chuna, the poet Gilliger Kumar Mator Ji recalled the joys of the past and tried to convey a message not to deepen the pain of the present. Read the meaning and summary of the poem “Chaya Mat chuna” to find out how the poet of this poem moves forward and leaves the past behind.

Chapter 8 : Kanyadan kavita – Rutuja : In this poem, written by the poet Rituraj, he describes the conversation between his mother and daughter. He talked about how a mother teaches her daughter how to live and care for her after marriage. Read now to learn the meaning of this colorful poem about the precious relationship between mother and daughter

Chapter 9: Sangitkar Mangesh Dabral: In the accompanying poem, the poet talked about people who never enjoyed fame, even after working hard. Still, they are constantly working. You never praise your work, but someone else praises your work. Read now to see how the poet expressed the pain of such people through his poetry companion: the summary and meaning of the accompanying poem.

Hindi Grammar

The Hindi language, also known as Hindi Vyakaran, focuses on the principles that should be followed when writing or speaking in Hindi. Vaakya Sanshleshan, Avyay, Visheshan, Sandhi, Kaal, Patra lekhan, Samvad lekhan, and other chapters in Hindi Linguistic Class 10 help you improve your language abilities. Take Patra lekhan, or letter writing, for example. You must be familiar with the various letter formats. For different sorts of letters, the salutation, recognition, alignments, addressing, and so on follow varied formats based on the receiver and purpose. This will not only help you improve your language skills, but it will also benefit you in the long run.

NCERT Hindi Class 10 Advantages

Here are some of the advantages of using the NCERT Class 10 Hindi answer to aid your studies.

  • They are accessible in a practise format to help students become more familiar with their exam papers.
  • The language utilised in these answers is straightforward and simple to comprehend.
  • There are various exercises available to help a student speed up his or her learning process.
  • These options can help students finish a lesson plan more quickly.

NCERT Hindi Class 10 Solutions

You can download the NCERT Hindi Solutions pdf from the below-mentioned links 

NCERT Hindi Class 10 Solutions PDF Download
Name of the Texts PDF Links
NCERT Hindi 10 Krithika All Chapters Download PDF
NCERT Hindi 10 Kshitij All Chapters Download PDF
NCERT Hindi 10 Sanchayan All Chapters Download PDF
NCERT Hindi 10 Sparsh All Chapters Download PDF

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