NIOS Class 12 Syllabus 2025: Download PDF Here


NIOS Class 12 Syllabus 2024 for Arts, Science, and Commerce streams is available here for free download in pdf format. Students can easily access the NIOS class 12 syllabus Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Accountancy, Economics, History, etc subjects here. The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) decides the syllabus and course curriculum for the class 12 examination. Therefore, students must follow the prescribed syllabus of NIOS for class 12 and prepare for the exam. Read the complete article to download the NIOS Class 12 Syllabus 2024 in pdf format.

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NIOS Class 12 Syllabus 2024 PDF


Every year, there are lakhs of students who appear for NIOS Class 12 exams from across the country. So, these students must prepare for the exam on the basis of the syllabus of NIOS. The syllabus and exam pattern will help the students to gain more marks in the board exams. It will also help in the exam preparation as the students will have to study only from the relevant topics and syllabus as prescribed by the board. Therefore, the pdf format of the NIOS syllabus for class 12 will help the students in a lot of ways as they will be able to download and save the copy of the syllabus for each subject for future references.

Group-wise Distribution of NIOS Class 12 Syllabus

The syllabus for class 12 of NIOS has been divided into six major groups. Candidates must carefully check the list of subjects that fall under a particular group. Students must note that all the language subjects are placed under Group A. Similarly, other major subjects are placed under a particular group. This type of categorization will make it easier for the students to select the subjects to study in class 12.  Students have to choose a minimum of 5 subjects. One of these 5 subjects must be a language subject. Other subjects can be selected from other groups. The group-wise distribution of NIOS class 12 syllabus is given below:

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NIOS Class 12 Syllabus Group-wise Distribution
Groups Subjects
A Hindi, English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Persian, Arabic
B Mathematics, Home Science, Psychology, Geography, Economics, Business Studies, Ved Adhyayan, Sanskrit Vyakaran, Sanskrit Sahitya, Bhartiya Darshan, Painting, Data Entry Operations, Tourism
C Physics, Information Science, History, Library
D Chemistry, Political Science, Mass Communication
E Biology, Accountancy, Introduction to Law
F Sociology, Environmental Science, Computer Science

NIOS Syllabus for English Class 12

The details of the English syllabus for the class 12 NIOS board are given below:

NIOS Class 12 Syllabus English
Sections Marks Allotted
Prescribed texts 20 Marks
Functional Grammar 15 Marks
Functional writing skills 25 Marks
Comprehension (unseen passages) 20 Marks
Optional module 20 Marks

NIOS Class 12 Physics Syllabus

Students must check the detailed syllabus and exam pattern for Physics for class 12. The detailed course and syllabus of Physics are given below:

NIOS Physics Syllabus
S.No Topics Marks
Core Module
1 Motion, force, and Energy 14
2 Electricity and Magnetism 14
3 Properties of Matter 8
4 Optics and Optical Instruments 8
5 Atoms and Nuclei 7
6 Semiconductors and their Applications 7
7 Heat and Thermodynamics 6
Optional Module
8 Astrophysics 10
9 Electronics 10
10 Photography and Audio-Videography 10
11 Physics in Medical Sciences 10

NIOS Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus

Students must check the detailed syllabus and exam pattern of Chemistry from the table given below:

Chemistry Syllabus for NIOS Class 12
S.No Chapters Marks
1 Atom Molecule and Chemical Arithmetics 7
2 Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding 12
3 States of Matter 12
4 Chemical Energetics 8
5 Chemical Dynamics 8
6 Chemistry of Elements 10
7 Chemistry of Organic Compounds 12
Optional Modules
Environmental Chemistry (or)
Chemistry and Industry

NIOS Class 12 Maths Syllabus 2024

The details of various topics to be studied in class 12 for the NIOS exam are given below:

Maths Syllabus NIOS
S.No Chapters Marks
1 Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations 10
2 Determinants & Matrices 10
3 Permutations & Combinations 8
4 Sequences & Series 8
5 Trigonometry 10
6 Coordinate Geometry 10
7 Differential Calculus 17
8 Integral Calculus 17
Optional Modules
Statistics & Probability (or)
Vectors & Analytical Solid Geometry (or)
Linear Programming

NIOS Class 12 Biology Syllabus

Here is the detailed syllabus and course description of Biology for class 12 to be studied under the NIOS board:

NIOS Biology Class 12 Syllabus
S.No Chapters Marks
1 Diversity and evolution of life 6
2 Cell, Cell functions, and Tissues 10
3 Functional morphology and Life processes in plants 11
4 Functional morphology and Life processes in animals 11
5 Reproduction and Development 10
6 Heredity and Genetics 10
7 Population Explosion and Family Planning 4
8 Environmental Biology 8
Optional Modules
Tools and Techniques in Biology (or)
Economic Biology (or)
Health Science (or)
Emerging Areas in Biology Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and Immunobiology

NIOS Commerce Syllabus for Business Studies

Students from Commerce stream can check the detailed description of the NIOS Business Studies syllabus for class 12 from the table given below:

Business Studies Class 12 Syllabus
S.No Chapters Marks
1 Introduction to Business 16
2 Business as a Career 8
3 Trade and Service Activities 16
4 Management of Business 16
5 Financing of Business 12
6 Marketing 12
Optional Modules
Office procedures and Practices (or)
Practical Banking (or)
Introduction to Factory Set-up (or)
Agency Services

NIOS Class 12 Syllabus for Other Subjects

There are various other subjects in class 12 in the NIOS board. Students who are studying these subjects under Arts, Commerce streams can check the detailed description of the course from the table given below:

Syllabus for Other Subjects Class 12 NIOS
Home Science Resource Management
Development in Middle Childhood
Fabric Science
Food and Nutrition
Geography Core Modules:
The Earth – A Living Planet
The Domain of Air on the Planet Earth
The Domain of Water on the Planet Earth
Changing Face of the Planet Earth
Life on the Earth
Physical Setting in India
Natural Resources and their Development in India
Man-made Resources and their development in India
Human Resource and their 08 Development in India
Map and its Elements
Map Interpretation
Statistical Diagram
Optional Modules:
Teaching of Geography at Primary Level
Geography of Tourism in India
Field Work in Geography
Political Science Core Modules:
Individual, State and the Global Order
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Organs of Government: Centre & State Level
Democracy at Work
Organization of the Government
Democratic Decentralisation
Contemporary Political Concerns
World Politics and India
Optional Modules:
Some Emerging Issues of Indian Politics
Freedom Struggle and Constitutional Development of India
Accountancy Core Modules:
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Accounting terms, Accounting equation and Journal
Voucher Approach in Accounting
Bank Reconciliation Statement
Financial Statements
Partnership Accounts
Accounting for Share Capital
Optional Modules:
Analysis of Financial Statements
Final Accounts of Non-Trading Organisation
Sociology Core Modules:
Sociology: Basic concepts
Social Institutions and Social stratification
Social Change Socialization and Social Control
Indian Society
Optional Modules:
Status of Women
History Ancient Indian History
Climax of Ancient India
Legacy of Ancient India
Rise and Fan of the Delhi Sultanate
The Mughal Empire
Contribution of Medieval India
Renascent India
India’s Struggle for Independence
Computer Science Anatomy of a Digital Computer
Data Processing Concept
Computer Software
Operating System
Data Communication and Networking
Fundamentals of Internet and Java Programming
Introduction to C++
General Concept of OOP
Control Statements
Structure, Typedef & Enumerated Data Type
Classes & Objects with Constructors/Destructors
Inheritance Extending Classes
Painting History and Appreciation of Indian art
History and Appreciation of Indian paintings and Sculptures
Psychology Foundations of behavior – I
Foundations of behavior – II
Human Development
Group Process
Work & Stress
Data Entry Operations Basics of Computer
Operating System
Basics of Word Processing
Formatting Documents
Mail Merge
Basics of Spreadsheet
Formatting Worksheets
Formulas, Functions, and Chart
Creating Presentation
Introduction to Internet

How to Download the NIOS Class 12 Syllabus 2024 Pdf?

Students must note that the syllabus of NIOS for the class 12 exam will be available online. Therefore, it could easily be accessed by the candidates. Students must follow the steps given below to download the syllabus without facing any difficulty:

  • Initially, the students must visit the official page of the NIOS i.e.
  • In the next step, they have to click on the “Student Information Section” option.
  • A drop-down link will appear. From here, choose the “Syllabus & Sample Question Paper (Sr. Secondary)” under the General Information section.”.
  • Then after a new page will appear on the screen. Here students can check the subject-wise syllabus of NIOS.
  • Here candidates will be able to download the Pdf of the subject-wise syllabus of NIOS.

Download NIOS Class 12 Syllabus Subject-wise PDF

In this section, we have uploaded the pdf links to download the NIOS subject-wise syllabus for the class 12 exam. Students will have to click on a particular link and download the syllabus of the desired subjects. After downloading the syllabus, students must save a copy of the same in their computer so that they can access it anytime and anywhere. The subject-wise syllabus in Hindi and English mediums for class 12 are given below:

NIOS Class 12 Syllabus Pdf Download
Name of the Subject Download PDF – English Medium Download PDF – Hindi Medium
English Click Here
Physics Click Here
Chemistry Click Here
Biology Click Here
Commerce (Business Studies) Click Here
Home Science Click Here
Mathematics Click Here Click Here
Geography Click Here Click Here
Political Science Click Here
Accountancy Click Here
Sociology Click Here
History Click Here
Computer Science Click Here
Painting Click Here
Psychology Click Here
Data Entry Operations Click Here

NIOS Class 12 Exam Pattern 2024

Students must check the exam pattern for NIOS class 12. The exam pattern gives a detailed description of the type of questions, marking scheme, distribution of the question paper, duration of the exam, the total number of sections, etc. This information will be helpful for the students to prepare efficiently for the examination. Students can check the exam pattern from the details given below.

Exam Pattern for the Language Subjects

NIOS Class 12 Exam Pattern
Subjects Total Marks Duration (hours)
Hindi 100 3
English 100 3
Sanskrit 100 3
Bengali 100 3
Tamil 100 3
Urdu 100 3

Exam Pattern for the Other Subjects

Subjects Total Marks Duration (hours)
Mathematics 100 3
Physics (theory + practical) 100 (80+20) 3 + 3
Chemistry (theory + practical) 100 (80+20) 3 + 3
Biology (theory + practical) 100 (80+20) 3 + 3
History 100 3
Geography 100 3
Political Science 100 3
Economics 100 3
Painting (theory + practical) 100 (30+70) 1.5 + 3
Home Science (theory + practical) 100 (80+20) 3 + 3
Psychology 100 3
Sociology 100 3
Data Entry Operations (theory + practical) 100 (40+60) 2 + 2

Importance of NIOS Class 12 Syllabus

  • With the help of the knowledge of the NIOS syllabus for class 10 and 12 students can prepare for the exam more efficiently.
  • The syllabus gives an idea of the entire course which is going to be taught in a particular semester/ year.
  • Students must go through the detailed syllabus of NIOS Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Business Studies, Accountancy, etc.
  • The questions in the exam are completely based on the syllabus as prescribed by the National Institute of Open Schooling. Therefore, students must carefully go through the syllabus and study material for NIOS.

NIOS Class 12 Syllabus 2024 Highlights

Basic Overview of NIOS Class 12 Syllabus 2024
Name of the Exam
NIOS Class 12 Public/ On-Demand Exam
Conducting Authority
National Institute of Open Schooling
Level National
Article Category NIOS Syllabus
Official Website

FAQs on NIOS Class 12 Syllabus 2024

Where can I download NIOS 12 Syllabus 2021?

NIOS class 12 syllabus is available online for free download. Students can download the syllabus from the pdf links given in this article.

What is the exam pattern of NIOS Class 12 exam?

NIOS public exams and ODE exams each paper is of of 100 marks and the duration of each paper is 3 hours.

How many subjects are there in NIOS class 12?

The subjects offered in NIOS class 12 are Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, Psychology, Computer Science, Sociology, Painting, Environmental Sc., Mass Communication, Data Entry Operations, etc.

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Shilpa Nupur
Shilpa Nupur is a well-rounded individual with a Master's degree in Computer Science from Banasthali University. As a mother of a 5-year-old daughter, she has a passion for education and this is evident in her work as an educational content writer. Shilpa is the head of an education portal called "" and has experience teaching computer science at the university level. With her diverse background and expertise, she is well-suited to provide valuable insight and guidance on a variety of topics.


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