NTSE 2023: National Talent Search Exam Date(Postponed)


NTSE 2023 will be organised by NCERT in coordination with states for students studying in Class X to identify and nurture their talent and then award them with scholarships. The exam date has been postponed. The exam is conducted at the national level. The scholarships are awarded based on the two objective type written tests namely the Mental Ability Test (MAT) and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) followed by face-to-face interviews. Identification of talent comprises a two-stage selection process. While the individual State/UT conducts the first stage selection, the second stage selection at the national level is carried out by the NCERT.

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NTSE 2023 Status

The exam for NTSE Stage I and II scheduled to be held on 02 December 2021 has been postponed.

NTSE 2023 Important Dates

The candidates can check hereunder; NTSE 2023 exam, dates:

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NTSE Exam Schedule 2023
Stage I Dates
Last date for Submission of form for Indian students studying in India To be notified by the respective State/UT.
Last date for Submission of form for Indian students studying in Aboard 28 Feb 2023
Examination in Mizoram, Meghalaya,
Nagaland and Andaman and Nicobar Islands
15 Jan 2023
Examination in All others States and
Union Territories
16 Jan 2023 (All other remaining States/UT’s except above & Below mentioned States/UTs)
Examination in West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana 23 Jan 2023
Stage II
Release of admit card To be announced!
Examination in All State and Union
12 Jun 2023
 NTSE Result Stage II To be announced!

NTSE 2023 Application Form

Application form for NTSE stage 1 2023 has been issued by State/UTs. Applicants have to fill and submit the application forms before the last date. It may be varied one state to another state. Applicants required to pay the application fee for NTSE stage 1 exam if mentioned by the state. The application form required to be submitted in offline mode at either school or the official address of the state liaison officer. Applicants appearing for NTSE stage 2 will neither have to submit an application form to NCERT nor any fee.

NTSE 2023 Application Fee

The application fee may be varied one state to another state. It is not fixed across the country.

How to Apply for National Talent Search Exam (NTSE) 2023?

The steps to apply for NTSE 2023 online is given below.

  • Students can fill the Application form offline after downloading it from the official website. Also, the applicant can access their Application form from the office of the Liaison Officer.
  • Affix the photograph and signature of the student in the provided space.
  • Applicant/student has to fill the following details in the application form in their handwriting.
  • Basic details
  • Category
  • Address
  • Educational details
  • The NTSE 2023 Application Form must be attested by the School Principal.
  • The application fee as specified by the state/UT required to be submitted by the candidates.
  • Students can submit their Application Form in the Liaison Office via post or by visiting the address of the liaison officer. Also, the NTSE 2020 Application Form can be submitted to the following address of the Liaison Officer concerning their State.

For additional information, the candidates may contact at the following address: The Head Educational Survey Division, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016 NCERT Website: www.ncert.nic.in

NTSE 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The NTSE 2023 eligibility criteria are mentioned below in the table. Applicant should check it before applying for the exam.

Academic Qualification Applicant must be appearing in 10th standard.
Age Limit Applicant should be under 18 years of 01 July of that year.
Type of Schooling Candidates studying under distance school or distance learning are also eligible to apply
Domicile Restrictions There is no domicile restriction.
Employment Applicant should not be employed.

National Talent Search Exam Important Instructions

  • Applicant must be appearing in class 10 exam for the first time.
  • From 2020, States are planning to make an addition to eligibility criteria on a minimum of marks scored in class 9. This will be updated here when it will be declared officially.
  • Applicants who qualify NTSE stage 1 only can apply for stage 2 national level exam.
  • Indian applicants studying abroad in Class 10 or equivalent class can directly apply for NTSE 2020 stage 2. They must score at least 60 per cent marks in class 9th.

NTSE 2023 Syllabus

There is no prescribed syllabus for the NTS examination. The questions of NTSE stage 1 and 2 exams will be based on class 9 and class 10 level. Applicants can also refer to the official booklet – ‘Learn about the Test’. It contains sample papers for both the Tests- MAT and SAT. It will be available on the official website of NCERT.

NTSE 2023 Exam Pattern

  • Applicants must refer to the NTSE 2023 exam pattern. It will make a candidate familiar with several questions, the marking scheme, the time allotted and much more.

The states and union territories had complete autonomy to design and conduct their
written examinations. However, they were advised to follow the national pattern which
comprised MAT and SAT.

Qualifying Marks for NTSE Stage 1 For SC/ST & PWD – 32%

For General – 40%

Eligibility Criteria for NTSE Stage 2 Candidate must qualify the NTSE Stage 1
Maximum Marks 200
No. of Questions 200
Time Durations 4 Hours
Negative Marking No Negative Marking

The written examination shall consist of two paper; Paper-I Mental Ability Test (MAT)
and Paper-II Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Both the tests will be administered on the same day

Papers Test No. of questions Marks Duration Timings
Paper I Mental Ability Test (MAT) 100 100 120 minutes 9:30 am to 11:30 am (till noon for visually challenged candidates)
Paper-II Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) 100 (Science40, Mathematics-20, Social Science40) 100 120 minutes 13:30 to 15:30 (till 16:00 for visually challenged candidates)

 NTSE 2023 Admit Card

The NTSE admit card will be issued to students by the authorities as per the official schedule. The admit card will contain important details, i.e. the candidate’s name, roll number, exam date, and timing and exam centre address. Applicants must remember that they will not be permitted to enter the NTSE 2023 examination hall without the admit card of NTSE 2023.

The NCERT shall upload the E-Admit Cards for the second level examination on its website. In case there is any change of address before the National Level Examination, it shall be obligatory on the part of the candidate to communicate the same to the state examining authority, which in turn shall inform the NCERT for a change of address after the candidate has downloaded the admission letter for second-level examination.

Important Instructions to download the Admit Card

  • NTSE stage 1 admit card will be provided by the school in October month. The applicant can download from the respective website of state authority. The admit card will also be sent by post to the applicant’s address.
  • In case any applicant does not receive the admit card, he or she can visit the State Liaison Officer to obtain it.
  • The NTSE Stage 2 admit card will be available on the official NCERT website 21 days before the date of the exam.
  • Candidates are advised to download their respective admit card from the official website.

Documents to carry along with NTSE Admit Card

Along with the admit card of NTSE 2023, Applicant has to bring a photo ID card. Valid photo ID in original and a photocopy of the same will be required. The applicant, otherwise, will not be allowed to enter the examination centre.

NTSE 2023 Change of Centre

Change of exam centre is entertained upon written request only in exceptional cases under special circumstances, such as the transfer of parents of candidates. Applicants have to send the written request to NCERT within 15 days of the download of the E-admit card before at least 21 days of examination.  In such cases, they can give the exam only in English medium.

NTSE Question Paper

Applicants who are appearing in NTSE 2020 state-level exam can download the sample papers for their respective state here. The sample question papers of NTSE 2020 stage 1 are available for thorough practice. Applicants can download them and start practising. It includes sample questions and options.

Medium (Language of Question Paper): The tests will be available in the following languages: Asamiya, Bangla, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.

NTSE 2023 Answer Key

The NTSE answer key for stage 1 will be available on the official website of the respective state’s SCERT. Applicants can check the answer key for MAT and SAT papers to crosscheck their answers. Stage 1 answer key will have the correct options as well as marking scheme for each paper.  NTSE stage 2 answer key will be available by NCERT in online mode only. Applicants can go to the official link and download the answer key after the answer key of NTSE 2023 is announced officially.

NTSE 2023 Result

NTSE stage 1 result will be announced separately by each conducting state/UT. The applicant can check their NTSE Result 2023 by login in through the official link. To check the result, applicants have to enter their registration number or roll number and date of birth. Only applicant who clear stage 1 will be eligible for appearing in NTSE stage 2 exam 2023. The result for the same will be declared on August 2023 in online mode. Qualified students will be entitled to scholarships.

NTSE Rechecking of Result

Applicants must know that there will be no request regarding re-evaluation or rechecking of result entertained. Applicants can access their scanned OMR sheets. It will be uploaded on the NCERT website along with final scoring key so that they can calculate their score.

NTSE Cut-off

To qualify NTSE 2020, Applicants required to obtain the minimum cut off marks as mentioned by the exam conducting bodies for both NTSE stage 1 and NTSE stage 2. The following is the criteria for stage 2.

  • Applicants from all Union Territories who are appearing for NTSE stage 1 need to obtain a minimum of 10 marks in each paper- MAT, SAT and LAT to appear for NTSE stage 2.
  • Applicants from all states must score at least 25 marks in each paper.

Subject-wise NTSE cutoff (Paper 1, 2 and 3)

Test Papers Maximum Marks Qualifying Percentage/Marks
General ST/SC/PH
Paper I MAT 49 40% (19.6) 35% (17.15)
Paper-II English 50 40% (20.0) 35% (17.5)
Paper-II Hindi 50 40% (20.0) 35% (17.5)
Paper III SAT 96 40% (38.4) 35% (33.6)
Total Marks 145 40% (58) 35% (50.75)

Category-wise NTSE cut-off

Categories NTSE Cut Off 2016 Maximum Marks of MAT and SAT
ST 52. 12 145
PH 53.47 145
SC 56.43 145
General 85.09 145

NTSE  2023 Reservation

  • 15% scholarships will be reserved for students belonging to the SC category,
  • 7.5% scholarships for students belonging to the ST category and
  • 27% scholarships for students belonging to the OBC category.
  • 4% for Physically Challenged Group of Students.
  • 10% scholarships for students belonging to the Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) category.

NTSE Scholarships

About 1000 scholarships will be granted to candidates based on the NTSE 2020 exam with reservation of 15 per cent for SC, 7.5 per cent for ST and 27 per cent for other backward classes and 4 per cent for a group of students with benchmark disabilities. Applicants can check the table below to know about scholarships that are provided to candidates in different stages of education.

Rates of Scholarship: The rates of scholarship at different stages are given as under:

S.No. Stage Rate of Scholarship
1. Higher Secondary level Rs. 1250/- p.m.
2. Graduate and Post Graduate Rs. 2000/- p.m.
3. For PhD degree (four years) As per UGC norms

NTSE 2023 Highlights

Name of Examination National Talent Search Examination
Commonly Known As NTSE 2023
Examination Level National Level
Category Class 10th level
Purpose of Exam 1000 Scholarships to pursue class 12 and higher studies in Science and Social Sciences
Mode of Examination Offline
States that accept JEE Main scores All states and union territories of India
Official website https://ncert.nic.in/national-talent-examination.php


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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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