NTSE 2023: Stage I Exam, Admit Card, Result


NTSE 2023 Stage I Exam notification will be released soon. NTSE is a National-level scholarship test for class 10 students to promote higher education in the fields of Science and Social Science. National Talent Search Exam (NTSE) is conducted at two stages, Stage I and II. Every year NCERT conducts the NTSE Scholarship test for the students of class 10. So, the interested students can fill the Application Form online. Candidates must read the eligibility criteria before filling the online form of NTSE. Get more details of NTSE Registration, Exam Date, Admit Card, Result, Cut Off, etc, from this article.

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NTSE 2023 Latest Update


The NTSE 2023 exam dates are yet to be released by NCERT. The official dates and application process will be updated on the NCERT website soon.

  1. NTSE is a national-level scholarship examination conducted by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).
  2. The examination is conducted in two stages: Stage 1 and Stage 2.
  3. Stage 1 is conducted at the state/UT level, while Stage 2 is conducted at the national level.
  4. Students studying in Class 10 in recognized schools are eligible to appear for Stage 1 of the NTSE examination.
  5. The Stage 1 exam consists of two papers: Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
  6. The Stage 2 exam consists of two papers as well: MAT and SAT, but the difficulty level of the questions is higher than Stage 1.
  7. The NTSE scholarship is awarded to the selected students on the basis of their performance in both the stages.
  8. The scholarship amount for Class 11 and 12 students is Rs. 1,250 per month, while for undergraduate and postgraduate students, it is Rs. 2,000 per month.
  9. In addition to the scholarship, students selected in NTSE also get recognition and honor from the Government of India.
  10. NTSE is a highly competitive exam, and students are advised to prepare well in advance to achieve success.

NTSE 2023 Exam Status

Candidates can get the details about National-level scholarship test –Ā NTSE 2023 Registration and exam related information from the details given below:

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NTSE Exam Dates Status
State / Union Territory Dates
NTSE exam date for all states & UTs November 2023
NTSE exam date for Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Stage 1) November 2023
NTSE Stage 1 Results To be announced
NTSE Stage 2 Results To be announced

NTSE 2023 Dates

The official authority has announced the NTSE 2023 Dates for the application form and registration. Therefore, the interested candidates can check the dates of NTSE online registration from the table given below:

NTSE 2023 Schedule
Events Stage 1 Dates Stage 2 Dates
NTSE 2023 application dates OctoberĀ  2023 No registration
NTSE Admit card releases November 2023 8 October 2023 onwards
NTSE Exam dates December-January 2023 24 October 2023 (Sunday)
NTSE Result releases January -March 2023 October 2023

NTSE 2023 Application FormĀ 

Candidates can check the details regarding the NTSE Application form 2023 given below.

  • NCERT will release the application form in both online and offline mode.
  • The NTSE Stage I is conducted by the SCERT of respective states/ UTs.
  • However, the National-level Stage II exam of NTSE is conducted by the NCERT.
  • Therefore, the candidates must fill the application form of NTSE as soon as it is available on the website of the NCERT/ SCERT.
  • To fill the NTSE Offline application form applicants will have to visit their school or government offices where NTSE form releases.
  • Then, the filled-in application by the student is submitted to the State Liaison Officer duly signed by the Principal of the school before the due date.
  • However, to fill the online application form, candidates have to visit the website of the conducting authority.Ā 

How to Apply for NTSE 2023 for Class 10 Students?

The candidates who are eligible to apply for NTSE must fill the online/ offline application form. The application form of NTSE for class 10 students will be available on the website of the conducting authority. Also, the advertisement of the NTSE application form will be notified through the local newspapers, or through the school authorities. Candidates can follow the steps given below to apply for the NTSE scholarship exam:

  • Initially, the candidates must visit the website of NCERT to download the NTSE 2023 application form.
  • Then the candidates must fill in all the details in the application form. They must fill in the details like personal information, education qualification, contact details, etc.
  • After filling in all the details in the application form, the applicants must visit their school office to get the form signed by their Principal.Ā 
  • Finally, the duly-filled application form must be submitted to the State Liaison Officer before the last date of submission.

For Indian Students Studying Abroad

The process of applying for Indian students who are studying abroad is different. Check the steps given below:

  • Indian students who are studying abroad can directly apply for Stage 2 of the NTSE exam.
  • Such candidates will have to download the application form from the website.
  • The duly filled-in application must be sent with a photocopy of the mark sheet of the previous exam.

NTSE 2023 Application Fees

  • Candidates will have to pay the NTSE application fee as prescribed by their respective State/UT.
  • The application fees of the NTSE Stage I application form, which is conducted by the SCERT vary according to different States/ UTs.
  • However, the candidates will not have to pay any application fees for the National Talent Search Exam (NTSE) Stage II, which is conducted by the NCERT.

NTSE 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The candidates applying for the National Talent Search Exam must read the eligibility criteria before doing the NTSE Registration. The eligibility requirement for the Stage I exam is specified by the SCERT. However, for the Stage II National-level exam, the requirements are defined by the NCERT. Every State and UTs define the minimum requirements like academic qualification, age limit, and minimum qualifying marks in the previous examinations. Only those candidates who fulfil the minimum NTSE Eligibility requirements and qualify in the NTS examination will be awarded the scholarship. The detailed eligibility requirements for Stage I and II is given below:

NTSE 2023 Eligibility Criteria
NTSE Eligibility Criteria for Stage I NTSE Eligibility Criteria for Stage II
  • Candidates currently studying in Class 10th from any recognized Private/Government schools including Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, and Sainik Schools can apply.
  • The candidates can appear in their respective state/UTā€™s for the NTSE stage I exam, as there is no domicile restriction.
  • The SCERT of respective state/UTs may mention any additional criteria for the stage I exam such as minimum qualifying marks in the previous class.
  • Candidates who are completing their education from Open and Distance Learning (ODL) such as the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) or State Open Boards are also eligible to apply and appear for NTSE 2023.
  • The candidates studying from Open and Distance Learning must not be less than 18 years of age at the time of appearing in the scholarship exam. Moreover, they should not be employed (not even part-time jobs) and they should be appearing in the Class 10th qualifying examination for the first time.Ā Ā 
For candidates studying in India:

Candidates appearing for the NTSE stage II exam by NCERT need to fulfil the below-mentioned eligibility criteria –

  • They must be Indian Nationals, irrespective of where they are pursuing their Class 10th qualifying examination i.e. in India or abroad
  • They should have qualified stage I exam at the state level

For candidates studying outside India:

  • The Indian national candidates studying abroad can directly appear for the Stage II exam of the NTS scholarship award
  • They should have scored at least 60% marks in their previous qualifying examination i.e. Class 9th
  • Such candidates should be planning to pursue their higher education only in India after obtaining the NTSE Scholarship

State-wise Required Minimum Qualifying Marks in Class 9

The candidates must have scored minimum marks in class 9 in order to be eligible to apply for NTSE. Every state has different criteria for minimum marks. The state-wise minimum required marks in class 9 to apply for NTSE are given below:

Minimum qualifying marks for Class 9
State Minimum qualifying Marks (For General Category) Minimum qualifying Marks (For Reserved Category)
Maharashtra 60% marks 55%
Rajasthan 55% 50%
Delhi 60% 55%
Uttar Pradesh 55% 44%
Punjab 70% 55%
Bihar 60%
West Bengal 50% 40%
Madhya Pradesh 40% 32%
Tamil Nadu 60%
Assam 40% 32%
Jammu & Kashmir 60% 55%
Jharkhand 55% 40%
Goa 70% 55%
Uttarakhand 60% 55%
Gujarat 55%
Manipur 60% 55%
Himachal Pradesh 60% 55%
Kerala 55%
Haryana 55%
Puducherry 60%
Chandigarh 61% 56%
Odisha 60% 55%

NTSE 2023 Exam Pattern

The students who have applied for the NTSE scholarship test must appear in the exam. They must check the NTSE Exam Pattern for Stages I and II.Ā 

  • NTSE is an offline test.
  • The NTS exam comprises of MCQ question paper having two parts, of 2 hours each.Ā 
  • The medium of the Stage 1 exam is specified by respective state authorities.
  • While Stage 2 exam is offered in Asamiya, Bangla, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu languages.
  • There is no negative marking applicable in NTSE 2023.
  • The details of the exam pattern are given below:
NTSE Papers No. of Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
Paper 1 ā€“ MAT (Mental Ability Test) 100 100 120 Minutes
Paper 2 ā€“ MAT (Mental Ability Test) 100 (Science-40, Math-20, Social Science-40) 100 120 Minutes

NTSE 2023 Admit Card

The official authorities will issue the NTSE admit card to all the eligible students. The important information regarding the admit card of NTSE exam is given below:

  • The admit card of NTSE will be released at least 15 days prior to the exam.Ā 
  • Admit Card for NTSE Stage I will be issued by the SCERT of different states/ UTs.
  • Some states may release the admit card through offline mode. While a few states will issue the hall ticket online through their website.
  • Some states also send the NTSE to admit card at the candidateā€™s postal address through speed post.
  • Applicants can also collect admit cards from their respective schools.Ā 
  • Candidates can download their hall ticket through the login credentials like Registration Number and Date of Birth.
  • The admit card should not be damaged/ torn/ tampered with.
  • Details like Candidatesā€™ names, stage of the exam, date/ day, exam centre address, instructions for the exam, etc are printed on the admit card.
  • Entry in the examination hall will be permitted only through a valid hall ticket.

NTSE 2023 Answer Key Stage I & II

The official authority will release the NTSE Answer Key for the Stage I & II exam.Ā 

  • The NTSE Provisional Answer key will be released one or two days after the exam.
  • The answer key for each part will be separate.
  • Students can download the pdf of the NTSE answer key in PDF format.
  • Candidates can download the official answer key from the portal of the conducting authority.
  • They can match their responses. Students can also raise objections/ challenge the provisional answer key if they have some doubts.
  • The final result will be on the basis of the answer key (final).

NTSE 2023 Result

Once the examination process is completed the official authority will announce the NTSE Result for the candidates. The details about the NTSE result/ scorecard is given below:

  • NTSE Stage I result in the qualifying status of the candidates in both the papers, i.e. MAT and SAT.
  • Candidates can check the Stage I result from the website of the respective SCERT/DGE through their Registration number and Date of Birth.
  • The result is released in the form of a merit list.
  • All the candidates who qualify in the Stage I exam, are eligible to sit for Stage II.
  • The final result of the selected candidates will be released on the basis of the result of the Stage II exam.

NTSE 2023 Cut Off

The candidates must score minimum qualifying marks in order to pass the NTSE exam. The official authority decides the NTSE Cut Off marks for the qualifying candidates. This cut-off mark changes every year. The final cut-off marks will be announced after the completion of the Stage II result. The authority decides the minimum cut off marks on the basis of the following criteria:

  • The total number of students appearing in the exam.
  • The difficulty level of the paper.
  • A number of seats are available for Scholarships.

NTSE Previous Year Cut Off

The candidates must check the previous yearā€™s cut off for the NTSE exam. Category-wise cut off list is given below:

NTSE 2023 Cut Off
Year Category Cutoff
2020 General 40
OBC 40
SC 32
ST 32
2019 ST 32
General 40
OBC 40
SC 32

NTSE 2023 Reservation

  • 15% scholarships will be reserved for students belonging to the SC category,
  • 7.5% scholarships for students belonging to the ST category and
  • 27% scholarships for students belonging to the OBC category.
  • 4% for Physically Challenged Group of Students.
  • 10% scholarships for students belonging to the Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) category.

NTSE 2023 Scholarships Amount

On the basis of the National Talent Search Examination following scholarships amount will be awarded.

  • Scholarship of Rs. 1250 per month for class XI & XII
  • Scholarship of Rs. 2000 per month for UG & PG
  • Scholarship for Ph.D will be fixed in accordance with the UGC Norms.

List of NTSE Centre

The NTSE exam takes place at various centres across the country. The list of test city centres are given below:

NTSE Test centres
State/UT Exam Centre(s)/Venue
Andaman & Nicobar Islands KV No 2, Raksha Vihar, Minnie Bay
Andhra Pradesh KV, Gandhi Gram Post, Malkapuram, Visakhapatnam
Arunachal Pradesh KV No 2, Itanagar, Chimpu Post, Arunachal Pradesh
Assam KV CRPF Mile Amerigog, Kamrup, Guwahati
Bihar KV no 1, Lohiya Nagar, Near Heart Hospital, Kankarbagh, Patna
Chandigarh KV, ASF High Grounds, Chandigarh
Chhattisgarh KV No 2, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Nagar, Sector 4, Raipur
Dadra & Nagar Haveli KV, Government High School Campus, Silvassa
Delhi KV No 3, Ringroad, Near Seema Sadak Bhawan
Goa KV, INS Mandovi, Panjim
Gujarat KV No 1, Near Police Commissionerā€™s Office, Shahi Baug, Ahmedabad
Haryana KV No 1, AFS, Sector 14, Old Delhi Road, Gurugram
Himachal Pradesh KV No 1, Dharamshala Cantt, Kangra
Jammu and Kashmir KV No 1, Gandhinagar, Jammu
Jharkhand KV CCL, Rajendra Nagar, Ranchi
Karnataka KV, ASC Center, Victoria Road, Bangalore, Karnataka
Kerala KV No 3, Port Trust, Willingdon Island, Kochi, Ernakulam
Lakshadweep KV, Kavaratti
Madhya Pradesh KV No 1, Opp Central India Flour Mill, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal
Maharashtra KV, Bhandup, LBS Marg, Kanjurmarg West

KV, BEG, Near Deccan College, Pune

Manipur KV No 1, Lamphelpat, Imphal
Meghalaya KV, Happy Valley, Shillong
Mizoram KV, Project Pushpak Zemabawk, Aizawl
Nagaland KV, CRPF Camp, Lerie Hill, Kohima, Nagaland
Odisha KV No 1, Unit 9, Near Ram Mandir, Bhubaneswar
Puducherry KV, IIT Campus, Chennai
Punjab KV, ASF High Grounds, Chandigarh
Rajasthan KV No 1, Bajaj Nagar, Opp Tonk Phatak, Jaipur
Sikkim KV, Post Tadong, Middil, Siyari, Gangtok
Tamil Nadu KV, IIT Campus, Chennai
Telangana KV No 1, Langer House, Golconda, Hyderabad
Tripura KV (GC) CRPF, Adarani, Salbagan, Agartala
Uttarakhand KV ONGC, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun
West Bengal KV, Ballygunge, Circular Road, Kolkata
Uttar Pradesh KV, Lucknow Cantt

KV, New Cantt, VD Road, Allahabad

Important Links

Click Here to Download NTSE 2023 Admit Card– Direct LInk

NTSE 2023 Highlights

NTSE 2023 Overview
Exam Name National Talent Search Examination
The conducting body Stage 1 by respective states/UTs

Stage II by NCERT

Exam Level National Level
Class level Class 10th
Number of Vacancies 2000
Amount of Scholarship INR 1250 per month for Class 11-12

INR 2000 per month for UG and PG level

As per UGC norms for research level

Level of Scholarship Up to Ph.D.
Mode of Application Online
Mode of Exam Offline
Exam Papers MAT & SAT
Duration of Exam 120 minutes for each paper
Official Website http://www.ncert.nic.in


National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) is a government-regulated buddy that assists and advises the Central and State governments to improve school education. As NCERT functions at the Central level, similarly SCERT functions at the state level. These bodies conduct the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) to provide scholarships to the students for encouraging research in the field of Science and Technology.


Q1. Who can appear in the NTSE exam?

Ans: Students who have completed their class 9 from any recognized board can appear in the NTSE exam.

Q2. I am appearing for my class 10 board exam this year. Can I apply for NTSE 2023?

Ans: Yes, you can apply for NTSE while studying in class 10.

Q3. Do I have to register again for Stage II of NTSE?

Ans: NO, if you have a qualified Stage I exam, you do not need to register again for Stage II.

Q4. Is there an interview for the NTSE exam?

Ans: No, the selection of the candidates is based only on stage I and II exams.

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