Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023: Application Form


Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 will be conducted tentatively in the month of October 2023. Candidates who want to appear for the Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test (MEET) must have obtained a minimum of 50% aggregate marks in B.Ed. B.A.Ed./B.Sc.Ed. B.El.Ed or D.El.Ed./D.Ed. The exam is held at the state level once a year. Interested candidates can read the complete article to know more details about MEET 2023.

Admission Open 2023

  • Top University & Colleges Official Links, Application & Scholarship Forms. Apply Now
  • The MEET 2023 will be a qualifying exam. The minimum qualifying score for admission to M.Ed. courses in Patna University will be decided by the university.
  • The MEET 2023 admit card will be available online from October 15, 2023.
  • The MEET 2023 results will be announced in November 2023.
  • For more information, please visit the Patna University website or contact the admissions office.

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Status

  • The application process for Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 will be online.
  • The application form will be available on the Patna University website from August 15, 2023 to September 15, 2023.
  • The application fee is Rs. 500 for general category candidates and Rs. 250 for reserved category candidates.
Admission notification yet to announce
Exam date yet to announce
Application form yet to start
Brochure pdf yet to release

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Dates


The important dates of all events of the Patna University M.Ed entrance test are mentioned in the given below table.

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test Schedule 2023
Events Dates
Availability of application form Apr 2023
Last date to register 3rd week of Jun 2023
Availability of admit card to be announced
Exam date 1st week of Jul 2023
Announcement of the result to be announced
Commencement of counselling to be announced

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Application Form

The application form of M.Ed. Entrance Test (MEET) is going to be released in June 2020(Tentative). Some basic details for candidates regarding the application form of MEET are listed below.

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  • To fill the application form, candidates have to visit the official website of Patna University.
  • Candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria first, before filling up the application form.
  • Applicants must fill the application form before the last date. Those applications which have been submitted after the last date will be rejected automatically.

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Application Fee

The application fee of MEET 2023 is Rs 500/- as per the previous year’s information.

Mode of Payment: The application fee of MEET 2020 has to be paid through the bank draft.

List of documents to be enclosed with Application Form

The following are the documents that candidates have to be enclosed with their application form.

  1. Bank draft on the top- candidates have to mention their name and application form number on the back of demand draft.
  2. Application form
  3. Self-attested copy of mark sheet of B.Ed degree.
  4. Self-attested copy of all other required documents, certificates or mark sheets.

To submit the application form, candidates have to submit the application form to the PG department of education, Patna University or can be sent through speed post to Head, PG department of education, Patna University. 

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Eligibility Criteria

If a candidate wants to appear in the entrance exam, then they must fulfil the eligibility criteria as prescribed by the official authority. The eligibility criteria for M.Ed. Entrance Test (MEET) are mentioned below.

  • Qualification Criteria: Candidates must have obtained at least 55% aggregate marks in Bachelor of Education(B.Ed) degree or any other qualification equivalent that is recognized by UGC and NICTE. There will be a relaxation of 5% marks in favour of candidates of SC, ST or OBC and other reserved categories of candidates as defined by State Government. 
  • Appearing Candidates: A candidate who is appearing in the qualifying examination that is mentioned above can also apply for admission, but they have to produce the result in the University with at least seven days before the date of publication of the MEET result as prescribed by Patna University.

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Exam Pattern

Candidates are advised to go through with the exam pattern before starting preparing for the exam. This will help candidates to get a clear idea about the question paper.

M.Ed. Entrance Test (MEET) Examination Pattern
Number of Sections 4(A, B, C, and D)
Type of questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Total number of questions 100
Time duration 1 Hour 40 Minutes (100 Minutes)
Number of questions in each section 25
Total marks 100
Marks of each section 25
Sections name
  1. Education in Emerging Indian Society
  2. Development of learners and teaching-learning process
  3. Development of education system in India
  4. Education Technology
Marking Scheme
  • For every right answer, 1 mark will be awarded.
  • 1 mark will be deducted for three wrong answers. No mark will be deducted for the last two wrong answers and no mark will be deducted infraction.

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Admit Card

The admit card of M.Ed. Entrance Test (MEET) will be released in July 2023. Some basic information of candidates regarding hall ticket are listed below.

  • The admit card will release in online mode only.
  • Candidates will be able to download their admit card from the official website of Patna University by entering their login credentials
  • Candidates are advised to bring their admit card in the examination hall failing to which candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall
  • All applicants are advised to keep their hall ticket with themselves until the whole admission process is completed.

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Results

  • Patna University MEd Entrance test result will release in online mode.
  • The result will be declared by Patna University on its official website in the pdf format. 
  • The result will contain the marks obtained by individual candidates and based on marks, a final merit list will be prepared.
  • Candidates are advised to download the result in the pdf format for future reference. 

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Tie-Breaking Criteria

A tie is a situation where two or more candidates have scored equal marks or ranks in the entrance exam. The tie will be dissolved in the following manner.

  • Marks obtained by candidates in the B.Ed examination.
  • Marks obtained by candidates in B.Sc, B.A or B.Com Hons or its equivalent examination.
  • Marks obtained in the intermediate or equivalent examination.
  • Marks obtained in the Matriculation or equivalent examination
  • Candidate age in decreasing order.

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Selection Criteria

The selection criteria of candidates are mentioned below.

  1. Candidates will be selected for admission based on the merit list subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria as prescribed by the official authority.
  2. Those candidates will be called as a MEET qualified who have will at least 45% aggregate marks.

Patna University M.Ed Entrance Test 2023 Highlights

The highlights of the University are mentioned in the given below table. 

Master of Education Admission Details
Name of the University Patna University
Established in 1917
Located at Patna, Bihar, India
Affiliated by UGC
Campus Area 181.58 acres 
Number of colleges 10
Type of university State University
Official website

Candidates are advised to visit the official website to get more information about Patna University.

Patna University

Patna University was established in 1917 with the mission to provide equitable access to quality higher education in Graduate, Post-Graduate and doctoral studies and to provide service to society and the nation is the university’s obligation and to share the benefits of its knowledge for the public good is its main foundational ethic. Patna University is the 11th oldest university in the Indian subcontinent. The university is affiliated by University Grants Commission(UGC). The motto of the university is the desire to seek the truth should be your defined quest. Patna University is currently offering various courses at undergraduate, post-graduation and doctoral levels in the field of commerce, science, humanities, education, management. Computer applications, library science, and law.


What is the eligibility criteria for admission in Patna UniversityM.Ed course?

Candidates should have obtained a minimum of 50% marks or an equivalent grade in B.Ed. B.A.Ed./B.Sc.Ed. B.El.Ed. D.El.Ed./D.Ed.

What is the procedure for admission to Patna University M.Ed?

Candidates are selected based on merit which means marks secured by the candidates in the entrance examination. candidates shall able to take part in the further admission process if they will clear the entrance test.

Why will Patna University entrance exam be conducted?

Patna University will hold an entrance exam for candidates who wish to seek Patna University admission procedure in various UG and PG courses offered by the university.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.



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