Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University DDE Admission 2023(Ongoing): Registration


Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University DDE Admission 2023 is ongoing. The university offers various courses with a unique postgraduate course in Astrology. In a short period, this course gained popularity within and outside India. The Centre For Distance Education offers courses at Under Graduate, Post Graduate, Certificate and Diploma, levels in specialized areas like Performing Arts, Language, Literature, Journalism, and Astrology. Moreover, the courses offered by the Centre are duly recognized by the  Distance Education Council (DEC), a wing of Indira Gandhi National Open University, in May 2010. Apart from the main campus at Hyderabad, the centre serves from campus situated in Hyderabad. Distance Education Admission has been started and the notification has been released by the university.

Admission Open 2023

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Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Distance PG UG Courses Admission 2023


  • The application process for Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University DDE Admissions 2024 is expected to start in October 2023.
  • The application form will be available online on the university website.
  • The eligibility criteria for the program are as follows:
    • Candidates must have passed 10+2 with a minimum of 50% marks in Telugu.
    • Candidates must have a good understanding of the Telugu language.
  • The selection process will be based on the candidate’s performance in the eligibility test.
  • The eligibility test will be conducted in Telugu.
  • There will be 100 questions in the test.
  • The test will be of 100 minutes duration.

Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University DDE Admission 2023 Dates

The important dates regarding the entrance test are given below:

Events Dates
Last date for submission of admission

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University DDE Admission 2023(Ongoing): Registration - Admissions

application form without late fee


30 November 2023
Last date for submission of admission

application with late fee of Rs.200/-


15 April 2023

Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University DDE Admission 2023 Application Process

Candidates have to fill in the application form for admission. No entrance exam is conducted by the university. The application form is available in both online as well as offline mode. The candidates have to submit the application fee along with the submission of the form. Candidates need to be very careful while filling the application form.

  • The application form can be obtained from the Director, Centre for Distance Education, Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Public Gardens, Hyderabad – 500004, A.P. on payment of Rs. 300/- and Rs. 400/- By Post through crossed Demand Draft, drawn in favour of “The Registrar, Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University” from any nationalized bank, payable at Hyderabad.
  • Payment in the form of cash, cheques, Postal Orders or Money Orders is not accepted.
  • Candidates can submit the application form online through the payment of the crossed D.D for Rs.300/-drawn in favour of The Registrar, Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, along with the course fee D.D of the respective course.

Documents Required:

Candidates must have the following certificates while filling the application form.

  • Degree Convocation / Provisional
  • Memorandum of Marks
  • S.C
  • Migration Certificate
  • Aadhar Card No.
  • Candidates applying for Sangeeta Visharada Course should submit the Xerox copy of the age proof.


Courses Offered

P.G. Courses       

  • A. Jyothisham
  • A. Telugu
  • A. Sanskrit
  • A. E.L.T.
  • A. Tourism
  • C.J. Degree

Degree Courses

  • A. Carnatic Music
  • A. Spl. Telugu
  • G. Diploma Courses
  • TV Journalism
  • Jyothirvasthu

Diploma Courses

  • Light Music
  • Film Writing
  • Jyothisham

Certificate Courses

  • Jyothisham
  • Sangeeta Visarada

Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University DDE Admission 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for all the courses offered by the university for Center For Distance Education are given below:

  • M.A. Astrology: Candidate should hold any graduate or its equivalent degree from a recognized University with an aptitude in astrology.
  •  M.A. Telugu: Candidate should hold any graduate with Telugu as a second language or as an optional or its equivalent degree in Oriental Learning or Degree with Telugu medium or Telugu as a subject up to S.S.C with 60 per cent marks in Telugu Subject. Degree students who do not have the above qualifications should get through an eligibility test by payment of Rs.750/- DD.
  • M.A. Sanskrit:  Candidate should hold any graduate with any modern or classical language as a second. language or its equivalent degree in Oriental Learning. Degree students who do not have the above qualifications should get through an eligibility test by payment of Rs.750/- DD.
  • M.A. Communication, Journalism: Candidate should hold any graduate degree from a recognized university.
  • M.A. Communication, Journalism (One year Course): BCJ from a recognized University.
  • M.A. English Language Teaching (ELT): Candidate should hold any graduate degree from a recognized university.
  • M.A. Tourism Management: Candidate should hold any graduate degree from a recognized university.
  •  B.A. Music: Candidate should have passed intermediate with an aptitude in Music.
  •  B.A. Special Telugu:  Candidate should have passed intermediate with Telugu medium or Telugu as a subject.
  •  P.G. Diploma in Television Journalism: Candidate should hold any graduate degree from a recognized university.
  •  P.G. Diploma in Jyothirvaasthu: Candidate should hold any graduate degree from a recognized university
  •  Diploma in Light Music:  Candidate must know about reading & writing with an aptitude in music.
  •  Diploma in Film Writing: SSC or its equivalent.
  •  Diploma in Jyothisham: Candidate must have passed intermediate or its equivalent.
  •  Certificate Course in Jyothisham: SSC or it’s equivalent.
  • Sangeeta Visarada: Candidate must have completed 12 years age at the time of admission. Candidates who have successfully completed Kalpravesika (evening course) in Carnatic Music, conducted by the Music Dept., PSTU are eligible for direct admission into II Year.
  • Certificate Course in Modern Telugu:  Candidate should have passed SSC or its equivalent.

Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Center For Distance Education Fee Structure 2020

Candidates can check the fee structure for various courses offered for distance learning from the official website. The link is given Here.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.



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