RU Conducted Non-Teaching Recruitment after 30 Years


    RU Conducted Non-Teaching Recruitment after 30 Years : RU Conducted Non-Teaching Recruitment after 30 Years on 14th May 2019. The vacancies were notified last year. The recruitment is announced after so many years, but university advertised for few posts only i.e. 169 non-teaching posts as compared to 870 expected posts.

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    As per Times of India, The last non-teaching staff recruitment was held in Rajasthan University in 1984 and since then the university is working with help of temporary workers. Around 1,000 temporary staff in the University are working on minimal pay of Rs 5000 – Rs 7000 a month and many are working for more than 10 years who are now automatically age barred in the exam.Times of India

    Registrar Rajasthan University Shri Parshuram Dhanka (R.A.S) accepts that the university should fill the vacant posts and temporary staff should be given salary equal to permanent staff as per Supreme Court the guidelines. Furthermore, The Supreme Court of India given a judgement in 2016 and said that contractual/temporary employees must be given salaries and benefits equal to the permanent employees. However, this guideline is not followed in the Rajasthan University.

    TOI also added that a Computer operator working as temporary employees in the University from last five years and getting salary as low as 5000 rupees. whereas these temporary employees cant go to the court as they are hired by agency and university is not keeping any record of these daily wage workers.

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    Rajasthan NEET Counselling

    The Rajasthan NEET counselling is managed by RUHS, Jaipur. The admission in Rajasthan Medical College is based on the NEET score and merit list is published by RUHS. The last mop-up round is conducted in August.

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    Abhinandan Singh
    Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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