Sikkim Board 10th Syllabus 2024 for all subjects like Nepali, Hindi, English, Science, Mathematics, and Social Science is available here for free download in pdf format. Sikkim Board of Secondary Education has released the complete syllabus for class 10th exam. Students can download the Sikkim Board Class 10th Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Model Papers, Scheme, Textbooks, Preparation Books, Study Material, to get good marks in the board exam. The complete syllabus of the Sikkim Board 10th exam helps the students to prepare for the board exam as well as various competitive exams. In this article, we have given the pdf links to download the Sikkim 10th Board Syllabus for all subjects.
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Sikkim Board 10th Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
Sikkim Board conducts the annual High Schoool Certificate EXamination for students studying in class 10th. In order to prepare for the exam, the students must check the complete Sikkim SSC Syllabus. Along with the syllabus, students must also check the Sikkim Board 10th/SSC Model Papers, Previous Year’s Question Papers, Old Paper. The study notes and question bank of the Sikkim 10th board examination will help the students to prepare for the exam in an efficient manner. Students can save their time if they prepare according to the prescribed syllabus of the Sikkim 10th board exam.
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Sikkim Board Class 10th Mathematics Syllabus
The syllabus and important topics prescribed for class 10th in Sikkim Board are given below:
Subject | Topics |
Mathematics |
Number Systems
Real Numbers Algebra Polynomials Pair of Linear Equation in two variables Arithmetic Progression Quadratic Equation Coordinate Geometry Lines (in two dimensions) Geometry Triangles Circles Construction Trigonometry Introduction to Trigonometry Trigonometric Identities Heights and Distances: Angle of elevation, Angle of Depression Mensuration Areas related to circles Surface areas and volumes Statistics and Probability Statistics Probability |
Sikkim Board 10th Social Science Syllabus
Students can check the important chapters and topics of Social Science for class 10th from the table given below:
Subject | Topics |
Social Science |
India and the Contemporary world II
The rise of nationalism in Europe Nationalism in India The making of a global world The age of Industrialization Contemporary India II Resources and Development Water Resources Minerals Agriculture Manufacturing Industries Lifelines of National Economy Democratic Politics II Power-sharing Federalism Political parties Outcomes of Democracy Understanding Economic Development Development Money and Credit Sectors of the Indian Economy Globalization and the Indian Economy |
Sikkim 10th Class Science Syllabus
The syllabus of the Science and Technology textbook prescribed for class 10th in the Sikkim Board is given here. Students can check the important chapters and topics for Science from the table given below:
Subject | Topics |
Science |
Chemical Substances- Nature and Behaviour
Chemical Reactions Acids, Bases, and Salts Metals and Non-Metals Carbon Compounds Periodic Classification of Elements Natural Phenomenon Natural Phenomenon World of Living Life processes Reproduction Heredity and Evolution Effects of Current Magnetic Effects of Current Natural resources Our Environment |
Sikkim Board Class 10th English Syllabus
English Grammar and Literature is an important subject in class 10th. Students must check the syllabus of English Language from the table given below:
Subject | Topics |
English |
Reading skills
Writing Literature Textbook and Supplementary reading text Grammar Tenses Modals Subject-verb concord Reported Speech Statements Command and Speech Questions Determiners |
Syllabus for Hindi Course ‘A’ and Course ‘B’
The chapters prescribed for the Hindi language course in class 10th are given below:
Subject | Topics |
Hindi Course A |
अपदठत गद्यांश ि काव्यांश पर चच ंतन क्षमता एिं अमभव्यष्तत कौशल पर आधाररत बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न । अ एक अपदठत गद्यांश 150 से 200 शब्दों का |(1×5=5) विकल्प सदहत 5 10 ब एक अपदठत काव्यांश 150 से 200 शब्दों का |(1×5=5)विकल्प सदहत
व्याकरण के मलए तनधााररत विषयों पर विषय-िस्तु का बोध, भावषक त्रबदं /ु संरचना आदद पर बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न | (1×16) कुल 20 प्रश्न पछू े जाएँगे ष्जसमें से केिल 16 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने होंगे | 16 व्याकरण िाच्य रस रचना के आधार पर िातय भेद पद पररचय गद्य खंड क्षक्षततज से तनधााररत पाठों में से गद्यांश के आधार पर विषय- िस्तुका ज्ञान बोध, अमभव्यष्तत आदद पर पांच बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न पूछे जाएँगे । क्षक्षततज से तनधााररत गद्य पाठों के आधार पर विद्याचर्थायों की उच्च चच ंतन क्षमताओं एिं अमभव् यष्तत का आकलन करने हेतुदो बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न पछू े जाएगे काव्य खंड क्षक्षततज से तनधााररत कविताओं में से काव्यांश के आधार पर पाँच बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न पछू े जाएग क्षक्षततज से तनधााररत कविताओं के आधार पर विद्याचर्थायों का 2 काव्यबोध परखने हेतुदो बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न पछू े जाएँगपाठ्यपुस्तक क्षक्षततज भाग – 2 ि पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक कृततका भाग – 2 गद्य खंड क्षक्षततज से तनधााररत पाठों में से विषय-िस्तु का ज्ञान बोध, अमभव्यष्तत आदद पर चार प्रश्न पूछे जाएँग काव्य खंड क्षक्षततज से तनधााररत पाठों में से विषय-िस्तु का ज्ञान बोध, अमभव्यष्तत आदद पर चार प्रश्न पूछे जाएँग पूरक पाठ्यपस्ुतक कृततका भाग – 2 कृततका के तनधााररत पाठों पर आधाररत दो प्रश्न पछे ू जाएँग लेखन विमभन्न विषयों और संदभो पर विद्याचर्थायों के तका संगत विचार प्रकि करने की क्षमता को परखने के मलए संकेत त्रबदं ओु ं पर आधाररत समसामतयक एिं व्यािहाररक जीिन से जुडे हुए तीन विषयों में से ककसी एक विषय पर 80 से 100 शब्दों में अनुच्छेद लेखन अमभव्यष्तत की क्षमता पर के ष्न्द्रत औपचाररक अर्थिा अनौपचाररक विषयों में से ककसी एक विषय पर पत विषय से संबंचधत 25-50 शब्दों के अंतगात विज्ञापन लेखन संदेश लेखन (शुभकामना, पिा-त् योहारों एिं विशेष अिसरों पर ददए जाने िाले संदेश) (30-40 शब्दों में) |
Hindi Course B |
अपद्वठत गद्यािंि (द्वचिंतन क्षमता एविं अद्वभव्यक्ति कौिल पर बहुद्ववकल्पात्मक प्रश्न पूछे जाएिं गे)
चार अपजठत गद्याांशोांमेंसेकोई दो गद्याांश करनेहोांगे| (200-250 शब्दोांके) 2 गद्याांश पाठ्यपुस्तक स्पिय भाग – 2: काव्य खिंड पजठत पद्याांश पर चार बहुजवकल्पी रश गद्य खिंड दो पजठत गद्याांशोांपर पाँच-पाँच बहुजवकल्पी रश व्याकरण: पाठ्यपुस्तक मेंद्वदए गए भाषा-अध्ययन के आधार पर बहुद्ववकल्पात्मक प्रश्न पद बांध (5 मेंसेजकन्हीां4 के उत्तर) समास (5 मेंसेजकन्हीां4 के उत्तर) रचना के आधार पर वाक् रूपाांतरण (5 मेंसेजकन्हीां4 के उत्तर) मुहावरे(के वल 4 रश्, सभी अजनवायि) पाठ्यपुस्तक स्पियभाग – 2 स्पशिसेजनधािररत पाठोांके आधार पर जवषय-वस्तुका ज्ञान, बोध, अजभव्यक्ति आजद पर 25 -30 शब्दोांवालेतीन मेंदो रश् पूछेिाएां गे। स्पशिसेजनधािररत पाठोांके आधार पर जवद्याजर्थियोांकी उच् जचांतन क्षमताओांएवां अजभव्यक्ति का आकलन करनेहेतु60-70 शब्दोांवाला पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक सिंचयन भाग – 2 पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक सांचयन के जनधािररत पाठोांसेतीन मेंसेदो रश् पूछेिाएगेंजिनका उत्तर 40-50 शब्दोांमेंदेना होगा लेखन सांके त जबांदुओां पर आधाररत समसामजयक एवां व्यावहाररक िीवन सेिुड़ेहुए जकन्हीांतीन जवषयोांमेंसेजकसी एक जवषय पर 80 से100 शब्दोांमेंअनुच्छे द| व्यावहाररक िीवन सेसांबांजधत जवषयोांपर आधाररत 30-40 शब्दोांमेंसूचना लेखन लघुकर्था लेखन – जदए गए रस्र्थान जबांदुके आधार पर 100-120 शब्दोां मेंलघुकर्था लेखन औपचाररक जवषय सेसांबजधत पत्र। वषय सेसांबांजधत 25-50 शब्दोां के अांतगित जवज्ञापन लेखन |
Sikkim Board Class 10th Syllabus for Other Subjects
Apart from the main subjects, there are various other subjects prescribed under Sikkim Board. Students can check the Sikkim board class 10th syllabus for various other subjects from the table given below:
Subject | Topics |
Computer Application | Networking HTML Cyberethics Practicals |
Elements of Business |
Joint Stock Company
Sources of Business finance Selling in Distribution Communication in Business Organization Selling Large Scale Retail Trade |
Elements of Book-Keeping and Accountancy |
Capital and Revenue
Depreciation Bills of Exchange Bank Reconciliation Statement Accounting from incomplete records Final Accounts |
Painting |
Fundamentals of Visual Art
Methods and Materials of painting Understanding and Appropriate use of:- Painting materials (Water Colours, Poster Colours, oil Pastels, Pencils) Tools Story of Indian Art Appreciation of Indian Art covering sculpture, selected paintings, and architectural glimpses) Indian Folk Art- Paintings (Madhubani and Warli) External Assessment for Practical Painting (Composition Painting from memory) Simple composition in water/poster/pastel colours on given subjects based on sketching from life and nature |
How to Download Sikkim Board 10th Syllabus 2024?
The syllabus of the Sikkim Board for the class 10th examination will be available online. Students can download the Sikkim Board SSC Exam Syllabus for Maths, Science, Hindi, English, subjects. The syllabus will be available in pdf format. In this section, we have explained the steps to download the Sikkim 10th class syllabus for all subjects. Follow the steps given below:
- Initially, the candidates must visit the website of the Sikkim Board of Secondary Education.
- Then in the “Downloads” section candidates must click on the “Syllabus” option.
- Candidates must choose the “Sikkim Board 10th Class Syllabus” and a drop-down list will appear on the screen.
- After that click on the respective subjects to download the pdf of the syllabus.
- Students can click on each pdf link and download a copy of the syllabus. They can also take a printout of the syllabus for future references.
- Candidates can download and save a copy of the Sikkim Board class 10th syllabus.
- The syllabus is prescribed for the Secondary School Board examination.
Sikkim Board 10th Class Syllabus 2024- Download Links
Students who are aspiring to sit for the 10th/ SSC board exam must download and check the Sikkim Board class 10th syllabus. The syllabus is designed by the core committee of the teachers and academicians. Therefore, students must follow the syllabus and exam pattern. The pdf links to download the Sikkim class 10th exam syllabus for various subjects are given below:
Subjects | Download Link |
English | Click Here |
Second Language – Indian Language | Click Here |
Second Language – Sanskrit | Click Here |
Modern Foreign Languages | Click Here |
French | Click Here |
Computer Applications | Click Here |
History and Civics | Click Here |
Geography | Click Here |
Mathematics | Click Here |
Economics | Click Here |
Environmental Science | Click Here |
Sikkim Board 10th Syllabus 2024 Highlights
Exam Conducting Board |
Sikkim Board of Secondary Education
Exam Mode | Written Exam |
Class / Standard | 10th/SSC |
Exam Month |
February / March
State Name | Sikkim |
Article About | Sikkim Board 10th Syllabus 2024 |
Official Address |
Other Relevant Links
Sikkim Board 12th Model Paper |
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