Sikkim Board 12th Syllabus 2025: Download Textbooks PDF


Sikkim Board 12th Syllabus 2024 for Science, Commerce, and Arts streams is available here for free download. Sikkim Board of Secondary Education has released the complete syllabus for the class 12th board examination. Students can download the Sikkim Board 12th class syllabus in pdf format. Sikkim Board HSC/ Class 12th Syllabus is important for exam preparation. There are compulsory as well as optional subjects in Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination. Students can access the Sikkim Board Intermediate/ Class 12th Syllabus from the pdf links given in this article. Read the article to get more details about exam pattern, study notes, books, model/ sample papers, etc.

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Sikkim Board 12th Syllabus 2024 PDF


Sikkim Board conducts the annual Intermediate examination for students studying in class 12th. The HSC exam is based on the syllabus and curriculum as prescribed by the Sikkim Board of Secondary Education. Students can prepare for the annual HSC examination with the help of the Sikkim Board class 12th Syllabus. Apart from the syllabus, candidates can also take help from the Sikkim Board class 12th Model Papers. With the help of the syllabus, students can equip themselves with an understanding of the exam pattern and marking scheme. The syllabus of Sikkim 12th Class will help the students to know the important topics and types of questions that can be asked in the exam.

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Sikkim Board Class 12th Mathematics Syllabus

Mathematics is one of the Compulsory subjects in class 12th. The syllabus and important topics prescribed for class 12th in Sikkim Board are given below:

Class 12th Syllabus for Mathematics
Subject Paper Code  Topics
Mathematics 41 Relation and Function
Linear Programming
Vectors and 3-Dimensional geometry

Sikkim Board Class 12th Physics Syllabus

Students from the Science stream can check the syllabus for Physics for class 12th from the table given below:

Physics Syllabus for Class 12th
Subject Paper Code Topics
Physics 42 Electrostatics
Electric charges and fields
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Current Electricity
Magnetic effects of current and magnetism
Moving charges and magnetism
Magnetism and matter
Electromagnetic Induction And alternating current
Electromagnetic Induction
Alternating current
Electromagnetic waves
Ray optics and optical instruments
Wave optics
Dual nature of radiation and matter
Atoms and Nuclei
Electronic Devices
Electronics: Materials, devices, and simple circuits

Class 12th Biology Syllabus Sikkim Board

Students from the Science stream can check the syllabus for Biology for class 12th from the table given below:

Class 12th Biology Syllabus
Subject Paper Code Topics
Biology 44 Reproduction
Genetics and evolution
Biology and human welfare
Biotechnology and its applications
Ecology and environment

Sikkim Board Class 12th Chemistry Syllabus

Students from the Science stream can check the syllabus for Chemistry for class 12th from the table given below:

Syllabus for Chemistry Class 12
Subject Paper Code Topics
Chemistry 43 Solutions
Chemical Kinetics
General principles and processes of isolation of elements
Surface chemistry
P block
D and f block
Coordinate compounds
Haloalkanes and haloarenes’
Alcohols, phenols, and ethers
Aldehyde, ketones, and carboxylic acid
An organic compound containing nitrogen
Chemistry in everyday life

Class 12th Business Studies Syllabus of Sikkim Board

Students from the Commerce stream can check the syllabus for Business Studies for class 12th from the table given below:

Syllabus for Class 12th Business Studies
Subject Paper Code Topics
Business studies 54 Principles and functions of management
Nature and significance of management
Business environment
Principles of management
Business finance and marketing
Financial management
Financial market
Consumer protection
Marketing management

Sikkim Board Class 12th Accountancy Syllabus

Students from the Commerce stream can check the syllabus for Accountancy for class 12th from the table given below:

Accountancy for Class 12th Syllabus
Subject Paper Code Topics
Accountancy 55

Accounting for a non-profit organization, Partnership firms, and companies
Financial statements of the not-for-profit organization
Accounting for companies
Accounting for partnership firms
Financial statement analysis
Analysis of financial statement
Cash flow statement
Computerized accounting
Practical work (practical work carrying 4 marks, practical examination carrying 12 marks, and viva-voce carrying 4 marks)

Sikkim Board Class 12th Economics Syllabus

Students from the Commerce stream can check the syllabus for Economics for class 12th from the table given below:

Class 12th Econimics Syllabus
Subject Paper Code Topics
Economics 30 Introductory Macroeconomics
National Income and related aggregates
Money and Banking
Government budget and the economy
Determination of Income and Employment
Balance of payments
Indian Economic development
Development experience (1947-1990)
Economic reforms since 1991
Current challenges facing the Indian economy
Development experience in India (A comparison with neighbors)

Class 12th Physical Education Syllabus of Sikkim Board

Physical Education (PE) is one of the optional subjects in class 12th. Students can check the syllabus for Physical Education for class 12th from the table given below:

Syllabus of Physical Education Class 12th
Subject Paper Code Topics
Physical Education 48

Planning in sports
Meaning and objective of planning
Various committees and their responsibilities
Procedure to draw fixtures
Tournament- Knockout, league or round-robin & combination
Intramural & Extramural- meaning, objectives, and its significance
Specific sports programme (Sports day, run for fun, Health run, run for specific cause & run for unity)
Sports and nutrition
Balanced diet and nutrition: Macro and micronutrients
Nutritive and non-nutritive components of a diet
Eating for weight control- A healthy weight, Food intolerance and food myths, the pitfalls of dieting
Yoga and Lifestyle
Asanas as preventive measures
Diabetes: procedure, benefits and contraindications for bhujangasana, Pavan muktasana, Pachimottasana, Ardha matsyendrasana
Obesity: procedure, benefits and contraindications for vajrasana, hastasana, Trikonyasana, Ardha matsyendrasana
Asthma: procedure, benefits and contraindications for sukhasana, Gomukhasana, chakrasana, Bhujanagasana, parvatasana, matsyasana
Back Pain: Tadasana, Ardha matsyendrasana, Shalabhasana, vakrasana, bhujangasana
Hypertension: Tadasana, Pavan muktasana, vajrasana, ardha chakrasana, bhujangasana, Sharasana
Children and women in sports
Motor development and factors affecting it
Common postural deformities: Flat foot, knock knee, Kyphosis, lordosis, round shoulders, bow legs and scoliosis and their corrective measures
Exercise guidelines at different stages of growth and development
Sports participation of women in India
Female athletes triad (osteoporosis, eating disorders)
Special consideration (Menarche and menstrual dysfunction)
Physical education and sports for CWSN
Concept of disability and disorder
Types of disability, its causes, and nature (cognitive disability, physical disability, intellectual disability)
Disability etiquettes
Types of disorder, its causes, and nature (SPD, ADHD, ODD, ASD, OCD)
Strategies to make physical activities accessible for children with special needs
Advantages of physical activities for children with special needs
Test and measurement in sports
Motor fitness test- 50M standing start, 600M run/walk, partial curl up, sit and reach, Push-ups (boys), standing broad jump, modified push-ups (girls), agility
General motor fitness: barrow three-item general motor ability (standing jump, zig-zag run, medicine ball put- for boys: 03 kg and girls: 01kg)
Rikli and Jones: Senior citizen fitness test:
Chair stand test for lower body strength
Back scratch test for upper body flexibility
Arm curl strength for upper body strength
Chair seat and reach test for lower body flexibility
Six-minute walk test for aerobic endurance
Eight-foot up and go test for agility
Biomechanics and sports
Types of movements (flexion, extension, abduction and adduction)
Meaning and importance of biomechanics in sports
Friction and sports
Newton’s law of motion and its application in sports
Physiology and injury in sports
The physiological factor determining component of physical fitness
Effect of exercise on the muscular system
Effects of exercise on the cardiorespiratory system
Physiological changes due to aging
Sports injuries: classification (Soft tissue injuries (laceration, abrasion, contusion, etc.)), Bone and joint injuries (Dislocation, fractures (Greenstick, stress fractures, transverse oblique, comminuted and impacted))
First aid: aims and objectives
Psychology and sports
Personality: its definition and types- traits and types (Sheldon and Jung classification, and big five theory)
Motivation, its types, and techniques
Strategies for enhancing adherence to exercise
Exercise adherence: reasons to exercise, benefits of exercise
Meaning concept and types of aggression in sports
Training in sports
Strength- Definition, types, and methods of improving strength
Speed: Definition, Types, and methods to develop speed- acceleration run & pace run
Flexibility- Definition, types, and methods to improve flexibility
Endurance: definition, types, and methods to improve endurance- Continuous training, interval training and fartlek training
Coordinative abilities
Circuit training- Introduction and its importance

Sikkim Board Class 12th Political Science Syllabus

Students from the Arts stream can check the syllabus for Political Science for class 12th from the table given below:

Political Science Syllabus for Class 12
Subject Paper Code Topics
Political Science 28 Contemporary world politics
Cold War Era
The end of bipolarity
Alternative centers of power
US hegemony in world politics
Contemporary South Asia
Security in the Contemporary world
International organization
Environment and natural resources
Politics in India since Independence
Challenges of Nation-building
India’s external relations
Politics of planned development
Crisis of democratic order
Challenges to the congress system
Rise of popular movements
Regional aspirations
Recent developments in Indian politics

Sikkim Board Class 12th Geography Syllabus

Students from the Arts stream can check the syllabus for Geography for class 12th from the table given below:

Syllabus for Geography Class 12
Subject Paper Code Topics
Geography 29 Fundamentals of Physical Geography
Human Geography
Human activities
Transport, communication and trade
Human settlements
India: People and economy
Human settlements
Resources and development
Transport, communication and international trade
A geographical perspective on selected issues and problems
Practical work
Processing of work and thematic mapping
Field study or spatial information technology

Syllabus for Class 12th History Sikkim Board

Students from the Science stream can check the syllabus for History for class 12th from the table given below:

Class 12th History Syllabus
Subject Paper Code Topics
History 27 Themes in Indian History Part I
The story of the first cities (Harappan Archaeology)
Political and Economic History (How Inscriptions tell a story)
A History of Buddhism (Sanchi Stupa)
Social histories (using the Mahabharata)
Themes in Indian History part II
Medieval society through traveler’s accounts
Religious histories: The Bhakti Sufi tradition
New Architecture: Hampi
Agrarian relations
The Ain-i-Akbari
The Mughal court: Reconstructing histories through chronicles
Themes in Indian History part III
Colonialism and rural society: Evidence from official reports
Representations of 1857
Mahatma Gandhi through contemporary eyes
Colonialism and Indian towns: town plans and municipal reports
Partition through oral sources
The making of the constitution

Sikkim Board Class 12th Sociology Syllabus

Students from the Arts stream can check the syllabus for Sociology for class 12th from the table given below:

Syllabus for Class 12 Sociology
Subject Paper Code Topics
Sociology 39
Introducing Indian society
Colonialism, nationalism, class and community (non-evaluative)
The demographic structure of the Indian society
Theories and concepts in demography
Rural-urban linkages and divisions
Social Institutions; Continuity and change
The caste system
The community
Family and kinship
The market as a Social Institution
Sociological perspectives on markets and the economy
Globalization (Interlinking of local, regional, national and international markets)
Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion
Social Inequality and social exclusion
Caste prejudice, scheduled caste, and other backward classes
Adivasi struggles
The struggle for women’s equality and rights
The struggles of the differently-abled
The challenges of cultural diversity
Cultural communities and the nation-states
Problems of regionalism
Communalism, secularism, and the nation-state
The nation-state, religion-related issues and identities
State and civil society
Change and development in India
Colonialism, industrialization and Urbanization
Social reforms, movements and laws
Different kinds of social changes (Sanskritization, westernization, secularization and modernization)
The story of Indian Democracy
The constitution as an instrument of social change
Panchayati raj and the challenges of social transformation
Political parties, pressure groups and Democratic politics
Change and development in rural society
Land reforms, green revolution and emerging agrarian society
Agrarian structure: Caste and class in rural India land reforms
Transformation in rural society
Green revolution and its social consequences
Globalization, Liberalization and rural society
Globalization and social change
Dimensions of globalization
Change and Development in Industrial society
From planned Industrialization to liberalization
Getting a job
Work processes
Mass media and communication
Types of mass media: radio, television and print media
Changing nature of mass media
Social Movements
Theories and classification of social movements
Environmental movements
Class-based movements: Workers, peasants
Caste-based movements: Dalit movement, backward caste, Trends in upper-caste responses

Syllabus for Psychology Class 12th

Students from the Arts stream can check the syllabus for Psychology for class 12th from the table given below:

Class 12 Psychology Syllabus
Subject Paper Code Topics
Psychology 37 Variation in psychological attributes
Meeting life challenges
Self and personality
Psychological disorders
Therapeutic approaches
Social influence and group processes
Attitude and social cognition
Psychology and life
Developing psychological skills

Sikkim Board Class 12th Syllabus for Other Subjects

Apart from the main subjects, there are various other subjects prescribed under Sikkim Board. Students can check the Sikkim board class 12th syllabus for various other subjects from the table given below:

Syllabus for Various Other Subjects Class 12
Subject Paper Code Topics
Computer Science 83 Programming and Computational thinking-2
Computer Networks
Data management 2
Society, law, and ethics- 2
Biotechnology 45 Protein and gene manipulation
Recombinant DNA technology
Protein structure and engineering
Genomics, proteomics, and Bioinformatics
Cell culture and genetic manipulation
Microbial cell culture and its applications
Plant cell culture and applications
Animal cell culture and applications
Engineering graphics Isometric projections of solids
Machine Drawing
Drawing of machine parts
Assembly drawing and dis-assembly drawings
Rod’s joints
Tie-rod and pipe joints

How to Download Sikkim Board Class 12th Syllabus 2024?

The syllabus of the Sikkim Board for the class 12th examination will be available online. Students can download the Sikkim Board SHC Exam Syllabus for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Hindi, English, Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies, History, Geography, etc. subjects. The syllabus will be available in pdf format. In this section, we have explained the steps to download the Sikkim 10th class syllabus for all subjects. Follow the steps given below:

  • Initially, the candidates must visit the website of the Sikkim Board of Secondary Education.
  • Then in the “Downloads” section candidates must click on the “Syllabus” option.
  • Candidates must choose the “Sikkim Board HSC/ Class 12th Syllabus” and a drop-down list will appear on the screen.
  • After that click on the respective subjects to download the pdf of the syllabus.
  • Students can click on each pdf link and download a copy of the syllabus. They can also take a printout of the syllabus for future references.
  • Candidates can download and save a copy of the Sikkim Board class 12th syllabus.
  • The syllabus is prescribed for the Higher Secondary Certificate examination.

Download Sikkim Board Intermediate/ Class 12th Syllabus- 2024 PDF Links

The syllabus is designed by the core committee of the teachers and academicians. Therefore, students must follow the syllabus and exam pattern. Students can download the Sikkim Board 12th syllabus for all subjects. The syllabus is available for free download. The pdf links to download the Sikkim class 12th syllabus for various subjects are given below:

Download Sikkim Board Class 12th Syllabus PDF
Subjects Download Links
Mathematics Download
Physics Download
Chemistry Download
Biology Download
Business Studies Download
Accountancy Download
Physical Education Download
Computer Science Download
Political Science Download
Geography Download
Economics Download
History Download
Sociology Download
Psychology Download
Biotechnology Download
Engineering Graphic Download

Sikkim Board HSC Syllabus 2024 Highlights

Basic Overview of Sikkim Board HSC/ 12th Syllabus 2024
Exam Conducting Board
Sikkim Higher Secondary Education Board
Exam Mode Written Exam
Class / Standard Class 12th/ Higher Secondary Certificate Examination
Exam Month
February / March
State Name
Jammu and Kashmir
Page Info Sikkim Board HSC / Class 12th Syllabus 2024
Official Address

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