Silverzone Olympiad 2023: Registration , Dates , Exam Pattern, Result


Silverzone Olympiad 2023 result will be released in January 2023. The exams will commence from 01 November 2022. The Silverzone Foundation is an educational organization that conducts several Olympiads for school children. This organization aims at improving the education quality and taking the minds of school students beyond the school curriculum. The National and International students can take part in Silverzone Olympiad Exams by doing the online registration. Silverzone conducts a series of olympiads to check the reasoning, logical, analytical, and problem-solving skills of the students. Get more details about Silverzone Olympiads Registration dates, how to register, exam pattern, etc from this article.

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Silverzone Olympiad 2023


The Silverzone Olympiads are a series of international-level Olympiads conducted by the SilverZone Foundation for students from classes 1 to 12. The Olympiads are designed to assess students’ knowledge and skills in a variety of subjects, including mathematics, science, English, reasoning, and GK.

The Silverzone Olympiads are a great way for students to challenge themselves and to compete with other students from around the world. The Olympiads also offer a number of benefits, including:

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  • Opportunity to win scholarships and prizes: The top rank holders in the Silverzone Olympiads are awarded scholarships and prizes.
  • Improvement in academic performance: The Silverzone Olympiads help students to improve their academic performance by providing them with an opportunity to practice and to learn new concepts.
  • Boost in self-confidence: The Silverzone Olympiads help students to boost their self-confidence by giving them a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge.

The Silverzone Olympiads are conducted in two levels: Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 is for students from classes 1 to 5, and Level 2 is for students from classes 6 to 12. The exams are held in different time slots, so students can choose the slot that is convenient for them.

The Silverzone Olympiads are a great way for students to challenge themselves and to improve their academic performance. If you are interested in participating in the Silverzone Olympiads, you can visit the SilverZone Foundation website for more information.

Silverzone Olympiad 2022 Exam Status

Here are the details of the Silverzone Olympiads 2023:

  • Exam dates: November 23, 2023 (Level 1) and November 24, 2023 (Level 2)
  • Subjects: Mathematics, Science, English, Reasoning, and GK
  • Eligibility: Students from classes 1 to 12
  • Registration: The registration for the Silverzone Olympiads 2023 is open now. You can register online on the SilverZone Foundation website.
  • Fee: The registration fee for the Silverzone Olympiads 2023 is Rs. 500 for Level 1 and Rs. 1,000 for Level 2.

There are various Olympiad exams conducted by Silverzone Foundation. Therefore, the interested students must check the Silverzone Olympiad Exam Date from the table given below:

Particulars Status
Silverzone Olympiad 2022-23 Registration and Exam Dates for IIO, IOS, IOM, ISSO, IOEL, ABHO, SKGO and IRAO Started

Latest Updates

  • Online Registration for Silverzone Olympiad Exams 2022-23 has been started. The last date of registration has been extended till 31 October 2022. Scroll down the article to get a direct link to apply online.

Silverzone Olympiad Exams 2022-23 Dates

The conducting organization has announced the exam dates of various Silverzone Olympiad exams. Schools may select one date for conducting an Olympiad exam in their school. Change of date is not permitted. Candidates can check the Silverzone Olympiad Dates 2022-23 from the table given below.

Tentative Examination Schedule for the year 2022-23 (For Offline Mode):

Silverzone Olympiad Tentative Exam Schedule
Olympiad Olympiad (First Date) Olympiad (Second Date) Last Date of Registration (Extended)
International Informatics Olympiad 01 November 2022 December 1, 2022 31 October 2022
International Olympiad of Mathematics November 22, 2022 December 22, 2022 31 October 2022
International Olympiad of Science November 17, 2022 December 15, 2022 31 October 2022
International Olympiad of English Language November 15, 2022 December 13, 2022 31 October 2022
Smart Kid GK Olympiad 09 November 2022 09 December 2022 31 October 2022
International Social Studies Olympiad 30 November 2022 18 January 2022 31 October 2022
Akhil Bhartiya Hindi Olympiad 23 November 2022 22 January 2022 31 October 2022
International Reasoning & Mental Ability Olympiad 25 November 2022 23 December 2022 31 October 2022

Tentative Examination Schedule for the year 2022-23 (For Online Mode)

Silverzone Olympiad Tentative Online Mode
Olympiad Olympiad (First Date) Olympiad (Second Date) Last Date of Registration (Extended)
International Informatics Olympiad November 6, 2022 28 November 2022 31 October 2022
International Olympiad of Mathematics December 18 & December 19, 2022 January 22 and 23, 2023 31 October 2022
International Olympiad of Science December 11 and 12, 2022 January 14 and 15, 2023 31 October 2022
International Olympiad of English Language December 4 and 5, 2022 January 8 and 9, 2023 31 October 2022
Smart Kid GK Olympiad 31 October 2022 27 November 2022 31 October 2022
International Social Studies Olympiad 14 November 2022 02 January 2022 31 October 2022
Akhil Bhartiya Hindi Olympiad 13 November 2022 26 December 2022 31 October 2022
International Reasoning & Mental Ability Olympiad 20 November 2022 30 January 2022 31 October 2022

Silverzone Olympiad 2022 Application Form

Silverzone Foundation conducts the Olympiad exams for school students at the National and INternational levels. The interested students can register online or through their schools. The main aim of the Silverzone Olympiad Exam 2022-23 is to develop a competitive spirit among the school students so that they can get habituated with higher learning skills. The Olympiad exams are totally different from the course-based school exams. Therefore, it is important for the students to participate in the exams. Silverzone offers olympiad exams in various subjects. Students can choose the subject of their interest and sit for the exam. 

How to Register for the Silverzone Olympiad Exam 2022-23?

The students who are interested in giving the Silverzone Olympiad exam must do the registration first. The process of Silverzone Olympiad Registration is very simple. One can register through their respective schools. The link to register online has been provided in this article. However, students can also follow the given steps to do the online registration for Silverzone Olympiad exams:

  • Initially, the students must visit the website of the Silverzone Foundation. Check the latest updates section.
  • However, students can also get information about the Silverzone Olympiad exam from their respective schools. 
  • The prospectus containing the Registration Forms of Silverzone Olympiads is sent to all the schools registered with the SilverZone Foundation. However, it might not have updated information that has been incorporated and updated later in this website regarding changes in syllabus, prizes, and levels, etc.
  • Students must fill in all the information like school and students details in the registration form. 
  • Enter the contact details like email and phone number.
  • Click in the check-in box to agree with the terms and conditions. Now submit your registration forms. 
  • For the offline forms, the students can collect and submit the registration form in their respective schools.
  • The schools must return the Registration Forms, properly filled in and complete in all respects, by the due date to the Foundation.

List of Various SilverZone Olympiad Exams 

The SilverZone Foundation conducts various Olympiad exams in different subjects. These Olympiad exams are for different classes. Also, the levels of the various exams are different according to the difficulty of the exam. These Olympiad exams will be held on different dates. Candidates can apply for more than one Olympiad by doing the registration separately for each exam. Students must check the list of Silverzone Olympiads from the details given below:

International Informatics Olympiad (IIO)

  • The International Informatics Olympiad (IIO) is conducted by the Silverzone Foundation.
  • This olympiad is mainly based on the questions from the subject of Computer Science. So, the students who are interested in Computer Science and Information Technology can appear for the SilverZone IIO Olympiad exam. 


  • Students will have to register for the SilverZone IIO exam through their respective schools only.
  • The registration for IIO 2022-23 has started. The last date to register online is 31 August 2022.
  • A prospectus containing the Registration forms is sent to all schools registered with Silverzone Foundation.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.
  • No individual registration will be accepted.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for various countries are different. Schools must pay the amount of the following fee per student participating in the Olympiad:

Silverzone Olympiad Fees
Schools in Registration Fee per Student per Olympiad Other Charges
India Rs 120 Rs 25 (charged by the schools)
Other Countries US$8 US$2

IIO Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for various levels of the IIO is given below:

Silverzone Olympiad Eligibility
Level 1 • Students from Class 1 to 12 are eligible to appear in International Informatics Olympiad (Level I) examination
Level 2 • Top 500 Olympiad rank holders from each class are eligible

• Topper of each school is also eligible for IIO Level 2 examination given that he/she has scored minimum 75% marks in Level 1

Level 3 • Olympiad 1st Rank Holders of classes VI to XII from Level 2 will be eligible for IIO Level 3 examination

IIO Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 60 Minutes (1 Hour)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 50 questions (for class 1 and 2), 40 questions (for class 3 to 12).
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are three sections in the IIO exam. The details of the sections are given below:
Silverzone Olympiad Exam Pattern
Sections Topics
Section-1 Computer Science
Section-2 Reasoning and Aptitude
Section-3 Scholar’s Section

International Olympiad for Mathematics (IOM)

  • The International Olympiad for Mathematics (IOM) is conducted by the SilverZone Foundation. 
  • The Mathematics Olympiad is to test the mathematical knowledge of the candidates. It will enhance the problem-solving skills of the candidates.
  • It is a three-level exam. The selected candidates will be able to participate in the higher levels of the exam.


  • Students will have to register for the SilverZone IOM exam through their respective schools only.
  • The registration for IOM 2022-23 has started. The last date to register online is 31 October 2022.
  • A prospectus containing the Registration forms is sent to all schools registered with Silverzone Foundation.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.
  • No individual registration will be accepted.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for various countries are different. Schools must pay the amount of the following fee per student participating in the Olympiad:

International Olympiad for Mathematics Fees
Schools in Registration Fee per Student per Olympiad Other Charges
India Rs 120 Rs 25 (charged by the schools)
Other Countries US$8 US$2


The eligibility criteria for International Olympiad for Mathematics (IOM) conducted by the Silverzone Foundation is given below:

International Olympiad for Mathematics Eligibility Level Wise
Level 1 All the students of classes 1st to 12th are eligible to take part in Level 1.
Level 2 Top 1000 International Olympiad Rank holder’s (iOM, iOS, iOEL) of first level from each class will compete for the top position in 2nd level examination provided they secure minimum 50% marks. In addition to the above criteria, all Class 1st Rank holders having more than 75% marks (In Level 1) for schools having more than 100 participants in (iOM, iOS, iOEL) are also eligible for Level 2.
Level 3 Olympiad 1st Rank Holders of classes 6th to 12th from 2nd level will be eligible for Level 3. Level 3 will be conducted at New Delhi, India.

Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 40 Minutes (for Class 1 and 2), 50 Minutes (for classes 3 to 12).
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 25 questions (for class 1 and 2), 30 questions (for class 3 to 5), 35 questions (for class 6 to 8), 40 questions (for class 9 to 12).
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are three sections in the Silverzone IOM exam. The details of the sections are given below:
International Olympiad for Mathematics Pattern
Sections Topics
Section 1 Mathematics
Section 2 Reasoning and Aptitude
Section 3 Scholar’s Section

International Olympiad of Science (IOS)

  • The International Olympiad of Science (IOS) is conducted by the SilverZone Foundation. 
  • The Science Olympiad is to test the basic knowledge of Science and Technology among the school students.  
  • Apart from syllabus, a part of the test paper is based on Applied Science. 
  • It is a three level exam. The selected candidates will be able to participate in the higher levels of the exam.


  • Students will have to register for the SilverZone IOS exam through their respective schools only.
  • The registration for IOS 2022-23 has started. The last date to register online is 31 August 2022.
  • A prospectus containing the Registration forms is sent to all schools registered with Silverzone Foundation.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.
  • No individual registration will be accepted.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for various countries are different. Schools must pay the amount of the following fee per student participating in the Olympiad:

International Olympiad of Science Fees
Schools in Registration Fee per Student per Olympiad Other Charges
India Rs 120 Rs 25 (charged by the schools)
Other Countries US$8 US$2

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for the International Olympiad Of Science (IOS) conducted by the Silverzone Foundation is given below:

International Olympiad of Science 
Level 1 All the students of classes 1st to 12th are eligible to take part in Level 1.
Level 2
  • Top 1000 Olympiad rank holders of the 1st Level from each class who score a minimum of 50% marks will compete for top positions in a 2nd level examination.
  • All Class 1st rank holders with minimum 75% of marks with minimum 100 students from a particular school are also eligible for the Level 2 exam.
Level 3 Olympiad 1st Rank Holders of classes 6th to 12th from 2nd level will be eligible for Level 3. Level 3 will be conducted at New Delhi, India.

International Olympiad of Science Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 40 Minutes (for each class)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 25 questions (for class 1 and 2), 30 questions (for class 3 to 5), 35 questions (for class 6 to 8), 40 questions (for class 9 to 12).
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are three sections in the Silverzone IOS exam. The details of the sections are given below:
International Olympiad of Science Sections
Sections Topics
Section 1 Science
Section 2 Reasoning and Aptitude
Section 3 Scholar’s Section

International Olympiad of English Language (IOEL)

  • The International Olympiad of English Language (IOEL) is conducted by the SilverZone Foundation. 
  • The English Language Olympiad is to test the basic knowledge of the English Language, its usage, grammar, vocabulary, etc. among the school students.  
  • It is a three-level exam. The selected candidates will be able to participate in the higher levels of the exam.


  • Students will have to register for the SilverZone IOEL exam through their respective schools only.
  • The registration for 2022-23 has started. The last date to register online is 31 August 2022.
  • A prospectus containing the Registration forms is sent to all schools registered with Silverzone Foundation.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.
  • No individual registration will be accepted.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for various countries are different. Schools must pay the amount of the following fee per student participating in the Olympiad:

International Olympiad Of English Language (IOEL) Fees
Schools in Registration Fee per Student per Olympiad Other Charges
India Rs 120 Rs 25 (charged by the schools)
Other Countries US$8 US$2


The eligibility criteria for the International Olympiad Of English Language (IOEL) conducted by the Silverzone Foundation is given below:

International Olympiad Of English Language (IOEL) Eligibility
Level 1 All the students from various CBSE/ICSE/State Board schools from classes 1st to 12th are eligible to take part in Level 1.
Level 2
  • Top 1000 Olympiad rank holders of the 1st Level from each class who score a minimum of 50% marks will compete for top positions in a 2nd level examination.
  • All Class 1st rank holders with minimum 75% of marks with minimum 100 students from a particular school are also eligible for the Level 2 exam.
Level 3 Olympiad 1st Rank Holders of classes 6th to 12th from 2nd level will be eligible for Level 3. Level 3 will be conducted at New Delhi, India.

Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 40 Minutes (for each class)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 25 questions (for class 1 and 2), 30 questions (for class 3 to 5), 35 questions (for class 6 to 8), 40 questions (for class 9 to 12).
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are class-wise sections in the Silverzone IOEL exam. The details of the sections are given below:

For Class 1 and 2

International Olympiad Of English Language (IOEL) Class 1st & 2nd
Sections Topics
Section-1 General English
Section-2 Comprehension and Composition
Section-3 Meritorious  Zone

For Class 3 to 6

International Olympiad Of English Language (IOEL) Class 3 to 6
Sections Topics
Section-1 Grammar and Vocabulary
Section-2 Comprehension and Composition
Section-3 Excellence Zone

For Class 7 to 12

International Olympiad Of English Language (IOEL) Class 7 to 12
Sections Topics
Section-1 Comprehension and Composition
Section-2 Grammar and Vocabulary
Section-3 Brilliance Zone

Akhil Bhartiya Hindi Olympiad (ABHO)

  • The Akhil Bhartiya Hindi Olympiad (ABHO) is conducted by the SilverZone Foundation. 
  • Registration of SilverZone ABHO has started. 
  • The Hindi Language Olympiad is to test the basic knowledge of Hindi Language, its usage, grammar, vocabulary, etc. among the school students.  
  • This Olympiad is open for students from class 1 to 10.


  • Students will have to register for the SilverZone ABHO exam through their respective schools only.
  • The registration for 2022-23 has started. The last date to register online is 31 August 2022.
  • A prospectus containing the Registration forms is sent to all schools registered with Silverzone Foundation.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.
  • No individual registration will be accepted.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for various countries are different. Schools must pay the amount of the following fee per student participating in the olympiad:

Schools in Registration Fee per Student per Olympiad Other Charges
India Rs 120 Rs 25 (charged by the schools)


The students applying for Akhil Bhartiya Hindi Olympiad (ABHO) must check the eligibility criteria before doing the registration. Only the eligible students from classes 1 to 10 must apply for the SilverZone ABHO exam. Check the details about the eligibility criteria given below:

  • Students who are studying in the Class 1st to class 10th, are eligible to register for the SilverZone ABHO examination. 

International Olympiad Of English Language (IOEL)Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 40 Minutes (for each class)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 25 questions (for class 1 and 2), 30 questions (for class 3 to 5), 35 questions (for class 6 to 8), 40 questions (for class 9 and 10).
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Medium of Test: Hindi
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are class-wise sections in the Silverzone IOEL exam. The details of the sections are given below:
Akhil Bhartiya Hindi Olympiad (ABHO) Exam Pattern
Class Total Questions Exam Duration
Class 1 & 2 25 40 Minutes
Class 3 to 5 30 40 Minutes
Class 6 to 8 35 40 Minutes
Class 9 & 10 40 40 Minutes

Smart Kid General Knowledge Olympiad (SKGKO)

  • The Smart Kid General Knowledge Olympiad (SKGKO) is conducted by the SilverZone Foundation. 
  • The General Knowledge Olympiad is to test the basic knowledge of general awareness, current affairs, etc. among the school students.  
  • It is a two-level exam. The selected candidates will be able to participate in the higher levels of the exam.


  • Students will have to register for the SilverZone SKGKO exam through their respective schools only.
  • The registration for 2022-23 has started. The last date to register online is 31 August 2022.
  • A prospectus containing the Registration forms is sent to all schools registered with Silverzone Foundation.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.
  • No individual registration will be accepted.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for various countries are different. Schools must pay the amount of the following fee per student participating in the olympiad:

Smart Kid General Knowledge Olympiad Fees
Schools in Registration Fee per Student per Olympiad Other Charges
India Rs 120 Rs 25 (charged by the schools)
Other Countries US$8 US$2


The eligibility criteria for Smart Kid General Knowledge Olympiad (SKGKO) conducted by the Silverzone Foundation is given below:

  • Any student from class 1 to 10 can participate in the SKGKO 2022-23.
  • Students can belong from any recognized board like CBSE, ICSE, or any other.
  • Individual registration is not allowed. The school must be registered for the Olympiad.

Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 40 Minutes (for each class)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 25 questions (for class 1 and 2), 30 questions (for class 3 to 5), 35 questions (for class 6 to 8), 40 questions (for class 9 and 10).
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are class-wise sections in the Silverzone IOEL exam. The details of the sections are given below:

Smart Kid General Knowledge Olympiad Sections

For Class 1 to 5

Sections Topics
Section-1 General Awareness
Section-2 Scholar’s  Zone

For Class 6 to 10

Sections Topics
Section-1 General Awareness
Section-2 Current Affairs
Section-3 Scholar’s Zone

Stage 2

SilverZone may, at its discretion, conduct audio/ video/ in person interviews of top 5% or a maximum of 10 students per class to validate marks/ranks achieved in the exams. Therefore, only the selected candidates can participate in the stage 2 of the SKGKO exam conducted by SilverZone.

International Social Studies Olympiad (ISSO)

  • The International Social Studies Olympiad (ISSO) is conducted by the SilverZone Foundation. 
  • The Social Studies Olympiad is to test the basic knowledge of subjects like History, Political Science and Geography among the school students.  
  • The selected candidates will be able to participate in the higher levels of the exam.


  • Students will have to register for the SilverZone ISSO exam through their respective schools only.
  • The registration for ISSO 2022-23 has started. The last date to register online is 31 August 2022.
  • A prospectus containing the Registration forms is sent to all schools registered with Silverzone Foundation.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.
  • No individual registration will be accepted.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for various countries are different. Schools must pay the amount of the following fee per student participating in the Olympiad:

International Social Studies Olympiad (ISSO) Fees
Schools in Registration Fee per Student per Olympiad Other Charges
India Rs 120 Rs 25 (charged by the schools)
Other Countries US$8 US$2

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for International Social Studies Olympiad (ISSO) conducted by the Silverzone Foundation is given below:

  • Candidates from classes 1 to 10 are eligible to take the exam.
  • Indian and Foreign candidates can also fill the application form.

Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 60 Minutes (for each class)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 40 questions (for class 1 and 2), 50 questions (for class 3 to 10).
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are class-wise sections in the Silverzone ISSO exam. The details of the sections are given below:
International Social Studies Olympiad (ISSO) Exam Pattern
Class Marks per question Total no of Questions
1 – 2 2 (Social Studies)

4 (Scholar’s Zone)

3 – 10 1.75 (Social Studies)

3 (Scholar’s Zone)

Total Marks 100

International Reasoning and Mental Ability Olympiad (IRAO)

  • The International Reasoning and Mental Ability Olympiad (IRAO) is conducted by the SilverZone Foundation. 
  • The Science Olympiad is to test the basic knowledge of Mental ability, quantitative aptitude, and logical reasoning among the school students.  
  • Apart from syllabus, a part of the test paper is based on Applied Science. 
  • It is a two level exam. The selected candidates will be able to participate in the higher levels of the exam.


  • Students will have to register for the SilverZone IRAO exam through their respective schools only.
  • The registration for IRAO 2022-23 has started. The last date to register online is 31 August 2022.
  • A prospectus containing the Registration forms is sent to all schools registered with Silverzone Foundation.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.
  • No individual registration will be accepted.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for various countries are different. Schools must pay the amount of the following fee per student participating in the Olympiad:

International Reasoning and Mental Ability Olympiad (IRAO) Fees
Schools in Registration Fee per Student per Olympiad Other Charges
India Rs 120 Rs 25 (charged by the schools)
Other Countries US$8 US$2

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for International Reasoning and Mental Ability Olympiad (IRAO) conducted by the Silverzone Foundation is given below:

International Reasoning and Mental Ability Olympiad (IRAO) Eligibility
Stage 1 All the students of classes 1st to 12th are eligible to take part in Level 1.
Stage 2 SilverZone may, at it’s discretion, conduct audio/ video/ in person interviews of top 5% or a maximum of 100 students per class to validate marks/ranks achieved in the exams.

Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 40 Minutes (for each class)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 25 questions (for class 1 and 2), 30 questions (for class 3 to 5), 35 questions (for class 6 to 8), 40 questions (for class 9 to 12).
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections:  There are class-wise sections in the Silverzone IRAO exam. The details of the sections are given below:

For Class 3 to 8

Exam Pattern for Class 3 to 8
Sections Topics
Section-1 Mental Ability Test
Section-2 Quantitative Aptitude
Section-3 Scholar’s  Zone

For Class 9 to 12

Exam Pattern for Class 9 to 12
Sections Topics
Section-1 Mental Ability Test
Section-2 Quantitative Aptitude
Section-3 Quantitative Aptitude
Section-4 Scholar’s Zone

SilverZone Olympiad 2022 Result

Once the Silverzone olympiad exam is over, the official authority will announce the result of all the participants. Candidates can check their result online or they can also get to know the Silverzone Olympiad Result from their respective schools. Those students who qualify the Stage I of the olympiad can take part in the further stages (if any). They can check the result by entering the registration number, name, parent’s name or date of birth. The official authority will also reward the students with a Certificate of Participation.  

Silverzone Olympiads 2022 Highlights

SilverZone Foundation Olympiad Overview
Name of the Exam SilverZone Foundation Olympiad 2022-23
Organizing Body SilverZone Foundation
Purpose of Exam To promote competitive spirits among the students of classes 1 to 12
Exam Level National and International level exam
Mode of Exam Online (as a Covid precautionary measure)
Registration Started Apply Here
Mode of Registration Online/ Offline
Number of Olympiads  08 (IIO, IOM, IOS, IOEL, IFLO, ABHO, SKGKO, ITHO, ISSO, IRAO )
Official Website

About SilverZone Olympiad Foundation

SilverZone Foundation is an education organization, headquartered in New Delhi, India. This organization conducts several Olympiad exams for National and International school students from classes 1 to 12. The aim of this organization is to enhance the learning capability of the school students and help them for a better future in higher learning. 

FAQs on SilverZone Olympiad 2022-23

Q1. How can I apply for the SilverZone Olympiad exams 2022-23?

Ans: Students from classes 1 to 12 can apply for the olympiad exam through offline/ online registration. Registration has started for various exams. 

Q2. What is the purpose of Silverzone Olympiad exams?

Ans: The Silverzone olympiad exams are helpful to develop competitive spirits among the students. The successful students will also receive awards and scholarships for higher learning.

Q3. Can I register for the SilverZone Olympiad on my own and not through schools?

Ans: No, one can register for Silverzone Olympiad only through their respective schools.

Q4. Can I register for more than one Silverzone Olympiad?

Ans: Yes, you can apply for one or more Olympiads under the SilverZone Olympiad Foundation.

Q5. What is the syllabus of the Silverzone Olympiad exams?

Ans: The question papers of Science Olympiads are based on the syllabus of ICSE/ ISC, CBSE, and State boards syllabi.

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    • The first date of SKGK is 09 November 2021 and the second date is 09 December 2021. The dates have also been provided in our article. kindly check the same.


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