TIFR GS 2023: Dates,Application form, Eligibility Criteria


TIFR GS 2023 is also known as Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Graduate School 2023. This entrance exam is conducted by TIFR Hyderabad at the state level once a year. This exam offers admission for PhD and Integrated M.Sc. – PhD Degree Programmes under the Subject Board of Physics. TIFR, Hyderabad (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) is one of the famous Institution of India which offers education in the field of science & research. Candidates who qualify the exam are called for the interview round and shortlisting of the candidates is done. Interested candidates can go through the following article for detailed information regarding TIFR GS Admissions.

Admission Open 2023

  • Top University & Colleges Official Links, Application & Scholarship Forms. Apply Now

TIFR GS 2023 is an entrance exam for admission to the Ph.D. programs in the areas of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Computer Science at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). The exam will be a computer-based test (CBT). The exam will be conducted in multiple sessions at different centers across India.

TIFR GS 2023 Status

The application form for TIFR GS 2023 is now available online. The last date to apply is April 15, 2023. The TIFR GS 2023 exam will be held on June 17, 2023. The results of TIFR GS 2023 will be announced on July 15, 2023.

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Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
Event Date
Release of application form March 1, 2023
Last date of application April 15, 2023
Exam date June 17, 2023
Declaration of results July 15, 2023

TIFR GS 2023 Important Dates

The important dates of the TIFR GS exam is given below.

Evenst Dates (Tentative)
Application Form Start 04 January 2023
GATE Scored based applications to Systems Science (including Communications and Applied Probability 31 January 2023 – Opens
to be announced – Closes
Last date for application 01 February 2023
Release of admit card 24 February 2023
Entrance Exam 07 March 2023
Results of the Nationwide Entrance Examination (shortlist for interviews) 18 March 2023

Interview Schedule for TIFR, Mumbai

Subject Mode of
DBS, Biology, I-PhD/M.Sc. Online May 31 –  June 3 2023
DBS, Biology, PhD Online Jun 7 – Jun 10 2023
Chemistry Online 31 May – 04 June 2023
Mathematics To be announced May 03 – 07 2023
Computer & Sys.
Online June 14 – 18 2023
Physics Online June 7 – 18 2023

TIFR GS 2023 Result

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Maharashtra, releases the result for TIFR GS 2023 on the official website.

  • TIFR GS Result is made available in the form of a merit list.
  • It consists of the serial number, application form number, title, name and programme.
  • All the qualified candidates need to submit the application form which is further used by the Centres / Institutions to shortlist candidates for on-campus interviews.
  • Thereafter, the call letter/offer letters are issued to the examinees.

TIFR GS 2023 Counselling

The vital information regarding the TIFR GS Counselling is given below.

  • Counselling for admissions will be conducted for the aspirants who will be shortlisted in their respective channels.
  • The seat allotment will be based on factors like the number of seats available, rank of the candidate, and the choice filled.
  • Counselling will be conducted on the same days for each of the three modes of admission.
  • Candidates who are placed higher in the merit rank of TIFR GS will have more preference during the counselling process of TIFR GS.

Documents Required at the time of Counselling

The Candidates need to produce the following original documents along with the photocopy at the time of admission after the clearance of entrance examination:

  1. TC (Transfer Certificate).
  2. 10th/High School Certificate/equivalent Certificate.
  3. 12th(Intermediate (+2)) Certificate/equivalent Certificate.
  4. Migration Certificate.
  5. Mark Sheet of 10th/High School Certificate/equivalent.
  6. Mark sheets of 12th(Intermediate (+2)) Certificate/equivalent.
  7. Mark sheet of the Qualifying Examination.

Courses Offered Through TIFR GS 2023

The detailed information of courses offered through TIFR GS 2023 is given below

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Graduate School Courses
Name of the Subject Name of the programme Offered at 
Mathematics PhD and Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. Programmes 1) School of Mathematics, TIFR Mumbai
2) Centre for Applicable Mathematics (CAM), Bengaluru
3) International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), Bengaluru (Only PhD program).
Physics PhD and Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. Programmes 1) Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics
2) Department of Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science
3) Department of High Energy Physics
4) Department of Nuclear & Atomic Physics
5) Department of Theoretical Physics
6) National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA), Pune
7) TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Hyderabad (TIFR-H
8) International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
Chemistry PhD and Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. Programs 1) Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR, Mumbai
2) TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Hyderabad (TIFR-H)
Biology Ph.D., Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. and M.Sc. Programmes 1) Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR, Mumbai
2) National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bengaluru  – Ph.D.,  Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D., and M.Sc. (Wildlife Biology & Conservation) programmes.
3) TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences (TCIS), Hyderabad – PhD and Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. programs only.
Computer & Systems Sciences (including Communications and Applied Probability) PhD Programme only School of Technology & Computer Science (STCS) – TIFR, Mumbai
Science Education PhD Programme Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), Mumbai

Stipend for Students Pursuing PhD from TIFR

The stipend will be given to the candidates pursuing the degree from TIRF which is:

  • PhD: Students will receive a monthly scholarship of Rs. 25,000/-(increased to Rs. 28,000/- after registration) and an annual contingency grant of Rs. 32,000/-.
  • Integrated PhD: Students will receive a monthly scholarship of Rs. 16,000/-, Rs. 25,000/- from the second year (increased to Rs. 28,000/- after registration) and an annual contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/- (increased to Rs. 32,000/- from second year onwards).

TIFR GS 2023 Application Form

The detailed information regarding the TIFR GS Application Form is given below.

  • The application window is closed for session 2023
  • The application will be released online mode on the official website.
  • No offline mode form will be released by the conducting body.
  • Candidate has to fill separate application for each subject.
  • Multiple forms of a single candidate will be rejected by the conducting body.
  • Applicants have to fill the form carefully because conducting body do not provide any correction window.

TIFR GS 2023 Application Fee

The detailed information regarding the TIFR GS Application fee is given below.

TIFR GS Application Fee
Gender Application Fee
Male Rs. 900/-
Female Rs. 300/-

Mode of Payment: Candidates can pay the application fee by online mode only through Internet banking/Debit/Credit Card.

NOTE: No refund will be entertained by the conducting body.

How to Apply for TIFR GS 2023?

The procedure of filling the application form is given below.

  • First of all, Candidates need to visit the official website at TIFR GS.
  • Candidates must select the Notifications link on the official website.
  • Applicants firstly need to register by clicking on the Admissions Link on the Homepage of the Website.
  • Candidates can fill the online application with all the necessary details required.
  • Fill all the details like Name, Date of Birth and other details in the correct manner as per the rules.
  • Upload thumb impression, signature and photograph and other applicable documents online with the desired Quality, Size.
  • Pay the fees online as described below.
  • After the payment is completed, Review the Application Form and submit it.

TIFR GS 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The following are the eligibility criteria for TIFR GS 2023:

  • The candidate must have passed the 12th standard with a minimum of 50% of marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
  • The candidate must have a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline from a recognized university.

The detailed information regarding the TIFR GS Eligibility Criteria is given below.

  • Nationality: Candidate should be Indian.
  • Educational Qualification: Candidate should clear their 12th from a recognized board.
  • Marks Required: Aspirants must secure 60% aggregate marks.
  • Mandatory Subject: Candidate must have Physics, Mathematics and English subjects in 10+2 level.
  • Age Limit: There is no upper or lower age limit for the examination.
  • The Eligibility Criteria for the different courses are:
    • PhD: Candidates must have completed M.Sc. (Physics) / B.Tech. & B.E. (Engineering Physics) / B.E. / B.Tech/ M.Tech. or equivalent science/engineering/medical degree with a minimum of four years of university training.
    • Integrated Msc-Ph.D:Candidates must have completed B.Sc/ B.E./ B.Tech/ B.Pharm or equivalent science/engineering/medical degree / M.Sc. (other than physics)/ M.Tech/ M. Pharm/ MBBS or equivalent science/ engineering/ medical Masters degree.

TIFR GS 2023 Exam Pattern

The detailed information regarding the TIFR GS Exam Pattern is given below.

TIFR GS Exam Pattern for Mathematics

Duration 03 hours
Type of Questions Objective type MCQ and True/False questions
Number of Questions 20 True/False and 20 MCQs
Standard of the Test B.Sc. course in Mathematics

TIFR GS Exam Pattern for Physics

Type of Questions Objective type MCQ
Standard of the Questions Undergraduate and Masters levels at an Indian University
Marking Scheme For each MCQ 03 marks will be awarded whereas for Numerical and Symbolic 05 marks will be awarded
Negative Marking 01 mark in MCQ section only

TIFR GS Exam Pattern for Chemistry

Type of Questions Objective type MCQ
Number of Questions 40
Duration 3 hours
Marking Scheme 03 Marks will be awarded for each answer
Negative Marking 01 Mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

TIFR GS Exam Pattern for Biology

Type of Questions Objective type MCQ
Standard of the Test Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology

TIFR GS Exam Pattern for Computer & Systems Sciences

Section Three-Part
Duration of the Exam 3 hours
Type of Questions MCQ
Negative Marking 1 Mark will be deducted for each incorrect attempt

TIFT GS 2023 Syllabus

The detailed information regarding the TIFR GS Syllabus is given below.

TIFR GS 2023 Syllabus for Mathematics

  • Algebra: Definitions and examples of groups (finite and infinite, commutative and non-commutative), cyclic groups, subgroups, homomorphisms, quotients. Definitions and examples of rings and fields. Basic facts about vector spaces, matrices, determinants, ranks of linear transformations, characteristic and minimal polynomials, symmetric matrices. Integers and their basic properties. Inner products, positive definiteness
  • Analysis: Basic facts about real and complex numbers, convergence of sequences and series of real and complex numbers, continuity, differentiability and Riemann integration of real-valued functions defined on an interval (finite or infinite), elementary functions (polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential and log, trigonometric functions), sequences and series of functions and their different types of convergence, ordinary differential equations.
  • Geometry/Topology: Elementary geometric properties of common shapes and figures in 2 and 3-dimensional Euclidean spaces (e.g. triangles, circles, discs, spheres, etc.). Plane analytic geometry (= coordinate geometry) and trigonometry. Definition and basic properties of metric spaces, examples of subset Euclidean spaces (of any dimension), connectedness, compactness. Convergence in metric spaces, continuity of functions between metric spaces.
  • General: Pigeon-hole principle (box principle), induction, elementary properties of divisibility, elementary combinatorics (permutations and combinations, binomial coefficients), elementary probability theory, elementary reasoning with graphs.

TIFR GS 2023 Syllabus for Physics

The questions in the written test (multiple-choice type) and Interview are distributed over the following areas:

  • Classical Mechanics
  • Mathematics relevant to Physics
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Heat, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
  • General Physics
  • Modern Physics
  • Electronics and Experimental Physics.

TIFR GS 2023 Syllabus for Chemistry

The syllabus for the Written Test in Chemistry is similar to the typical standard syllabus followed in any Indian university for the BSc and MSc degree course. The questions are asked in the areas of physical, organic, inorganic, analytical, electro and quantum chemistry, biophysics, thermodynamics, spectroscopy (NMR, fluorescence, IR, UV and X-ray), logic and statistics and mathematical methods.

TIFR GS 2020 Syllabus for Computer & Systems Sciences

  • Discrete Mathematics: Sets and Relations, Combinatorics (Counting) and Elementary Probability Theory, Graph Theory, Propositional and Predicate Logic.
  • Formal Languages, Automata Theory and Computability
  • Data Structures and Algorithms: Arrays, Lists and Trees, Sorting and Searching, Graph algorithms, Complexity of problems and NP-completeness.
  • Fundamentals of Programming Languages and Compilers: Control structures, Parameter passing mechanisms, Recursion, Parsing and type checking, Memory management.
  • Operating Systems and Concurrency
  • Switching Theory and Digital Circuits
  • Theory of Databases

The topics under System Science are as follows:

  • Engineering Mathematics: Complex Analysis, Linear Algebra, Elementary Numerical Analysis, Basic Optimization Theory and Algorithms, Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics.
  • Electrical and Computer Sciences: Introduction to Signals and Linear Systems Analysis, Control Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Basic Circuit Theory, Introduction to Digital Communications, Digital Computer Fundamentals, Introduction to Computer Programming.

TIFR GS 2023 Preparation Tips

The applicants can check out the following tips on how to prepare for TIFR GS 2023.

  • The applicants should solve the previous year question paper for TIFR GS exam.
  • The candidates should read and revise the NCERT book.
  • Also they should keep a separate formula book for Maths, Physics and Chemistry sections.
  • Candidates can take the IIT JAM syllabus as a guide for the TIFR GS

TIFR GS 2023 Admit Card

The detailed information regarding the TIFR GS Admit Card is given below.

  • The admit card will be released through online mode on the official website.
  • To download the admit card, candidates have to log in by entering their user id and password.
  • It is a mandatory document to carry on the day of the test.
  • Admit card will consist of personal details of the candidate as well as exam details like date of the test, reporting timings, address of the test.

TIFR GS 2023 Examination Centres

The list of the exam centres for TIFR GS 2023 are given below.

TIFR GS 2023 Examination Centres
Examination Centre Location
St. Xavier’s College Ahmedabad
Punjab University Chandigarh
University of Agricultural Sciences Bhubaneshwar
Indian Institute of Technology Chennai
Kendriya Vidyalaya (JNU Old Campus) New Delhi
Cochin Univ. of Science & Technology Cochin
SGTB Khalsa College New Delhi
Kendriya Vidyalaya (Pragati Vihar) New Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Kendriya Vidyalaya (R.K. Puram) New Delhi
Indira Priyadarshini Govt. Girls P.G. College of Commerce Haldwani
Hyderabad University Hyderabad
India International School Jaipur
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Indore
Kendriya Vidyalaya (Salt Lake) Kolkata
Jammu University Jammu
Kendriya Vidyalaya (Fort William) Kolkata
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
South Calcutta Girls’ College Kolkata
Basanti Devi College Kolkata
The Madura College Madurai
University College, Hampanakatta Mangalore
Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Colaba Mumbai
Dr D.Y. Patil Pushapalata Patil International School Patna
Shri Ramdeo Baba Kamla Nehru Eng. College Nagpur
Loyola High School and Junior College Pune
Banaras Hindu University Varanasi
GITAM Institute of Science Visakhapatnam

Participating Institutes Available under TIFR GS 2023

Mathematics (PhD & Integrated M.Sc.-PhD Programs)

S.No. Center Name Location Website Link
1. School of Mathematics, TIFR Mumbai www.math.tifr.res.in
2. Centre for Applicable Mathematics (CAM) Bengaluru www.math.tifrbng.res.in
3. International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) (Only PhD) Bengaluru www.icts.res.in

Physics (PhD & Integrated M.Sc.-PhD Programs)

S.No. Center Name Location Website Link
1. National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) Pune www.ncra.tifr.res.in
2. TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences (TCIS) Hyderabad www.tifrh.res.in
3. International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) (Only PhD) Bengaluru www.icts.res.in
4. TIFR Mumbai www.tifr.res.in

NOTE: In addition to the admissions through this nation-wide examination which will be held on December 2023, some admissions in Physics based on GATE/NET/JEST scores are also possible for admissions.

Chemistry (PhD and Integrated M.Sc.-PhD Programs)

S.No. Center Name Location Website Link
1. Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR Mumbai www.tifr.res.in
2. TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences (TCIS) Hyderabad www.tifrh.res.in

Biology (Ph.D., Integrated M.Sc.-PhD & M.Sc. Programs)

S.No. Center Name Location Website Link
1. Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR Mumbai www.tifr.res.in
2. NCBS Bengaluru www.ncbs.res.in
3. TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences (TCIS) Hyderabad www.tifrh.res.in

Computer & Systems Sciences (PhD program including Communications and Applied Probability)

S.No. Center Name Location Website Link
1. School of Technology & Computer Science (STCS), TIFR Mumbai www.tifr.res.in

Science Education (PhD Program)

S.No. Center Name Location Website Link
1. Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) Mumbai www.hbcse.tifr.res.in

TIFR GS 2023 Highlights

The detailed information regarding the TIFR GS is given below.

TIFR GS Basic Details 2023
Exam Name TIFR GS
Full Name Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Graduate School
Conducting Body TIFR Hyderabad
Level State-level
Courses Offer PhD and Integrated M.Sc. – PhD Degree Programs
Official website http://gsadmissions.tifrh.res.in/


What is TIFR GS exam?

TIFR GS is a nationwide entrance exam conducted by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in order to provide admission to candidates in postgraduate Science courses offered by it.

Is TIFR online exam?

TIFR GS (TATA Institute of Fundamental Research Graduate Studies) is an online entrance exam conducted every year in December.

Is TIFR a government?

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) is a public deemed research university located in Mumbai, India that is dedicated to basic research in mathematics and the sciences.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


  1. There is a problem with 10th standard year of passing. The maximum year it is showing 2010. Did anyone else faced the same issue?

  2. I have done my 12th class with physics, chemistry and biology, English only .
    am I eligible to give tifr entrance exam for msc in wildlife sciences.


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