Unified Council Olympiad 2023 Exam: Registration, Exam Dates, Eligibility Criteria


Unified Council Olympiad 2023-24 Registration for NSTSE, UIMO, UCO, UIEO exams have started online. So, the interested students can do the individual registration or they can also register through their respective schools. This year all the Olympiad exams will be held online. The Unified Council Olympiad exam is the National and International level Olympiad exam for students from classes 1 to 12 from various schools. The eligibility criteria for UCO exams are different for various Olympiads. This Olympiad aims at improving the learning skills of school students. The winners of the Unified Council Olympiads are awarded scholarships and certificates. To get more details about UCO Registration, exam dates, how to apply, eligibility, exam pattern, etc, read the entire article. 

Admission Open 2023

  • Top University & Colleges Official Links, Application & Scholarship Forms. Apply Now

Unified Council Olympiad 2023 Exam Status

There are various Olympiad exams conducted by Unified Council. Therefore, the interested students must check the Unified Council Olympiad Exam Date from the table given below:

Exam Name Offline Exam Date Online Exam Date
NSTSE December 1, 2023 December 15, 2023
January 28, 2024
UCO (Unified Cyber Olympiad) October 4, 2023 January 7, 2024
UIEO (Unified International English Olympiad) November 3, 2023 November 17, 2023
January 21, 2024
UIMO (Unified International Mathematics Olympiad) January 30, 2024 February 4, 2024


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Unified Council Olympiad 2023

The Unified Council is an educational organization that conducts various Olympiad exams for school students. The council aims at developing the younger generations with good education skills for their bright future. The Unified Council Olympiad exams are helpful to build a good research and learning ability among the school students. The students, at a very tender age, can get to know about higher education through these Olympiad exams. The solutions of the Olympiad exams are based on the course and curriculum of the academic education. 

Here is a list of Olympiad exams conducted by the Unified Council:

  1. National Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE): This exam tests students’ knowledge of mathematics and science, helping them develop overall learning abilities and improve their educational performance. NTSE 2023: National Talent Search Exam Date(Postponed)
  2. Unified Council Cyber Exam: This exam motivates students to enhance their mental ability, logical reasoning, and computer knowledge. Proficiency in these areas is valuable for solving software-related issues, cyber challenges, crisis management, decision-making, and judgment.
  3. Unified International English Olympiad: This Olympiad aims to provide students with a comprehensive assessment of their English language skills, preparing them to excel in the global linguistic landscape.
  4. Unified International Mathematics Olympiad (UIMO): UIMO is an international mathematics Olympiad organized by the Unified Council. It assesses students’ mathematical concepts and provides them with a report comparing their skills to their peers.

How to Register for UCO Exams 2023?

The students from classes 1 to 12 can register for various Unified Council Cyber Olympiad exams. The official authority has released the online registration link for various Olympiad exams. Candidates must check the eligibility criteria for each olympiad and then do the registration. There are two methods of applying for UCO exams, Online and Offline. Students can choose either of the modes of registration and apply for the exam. The details are given below:

Individual Registration

The council accepts direct/ individual registrations for various Olympiad exams. For individual registration candidates must follow the steps given below:

  • Initially, the students must visit the website of Unified Council. Check the latest updates section.
  • However, students can also get information about the Unifies Council Olympiad exam from their respective schools. 
  • The prospectus and instructions to apply online will be given on the website of each Olympiad exam.
  • Students must fill in all the information like school and students details in the registration form. 
  • Enter the contact details like email and phone number.
  • Click in the check-in box to agree with the terms and conditions. 
  • Then the candidates will have to apy the registration fees. Online payment facility (Netbanking/ Debit/ Credit) is also available. 
  • Now submit your registration forms after paying the registration fees.

Registration through School

Students can also register for the UCO Olympiad exams through their respective schools. In order to apply through the schools, candidates must follow the steps given below:

  • The information about the UCO Olympiad exams will be displayed on the notice board. Students can check the information and contact the concerned authority.
  • For school registration, candidates will have to take the registration forms from the office and fill in all the required details. 
  • Then, submit the registration form along with the fees to the school authorities.
  • Schools will then send a single consolidated Demand Draft for the exam fee of all the students appearing for the NSTSE from your school.
  • D.D. should be drawn in favor of UNIFIED COUNCIL payable at HYDERABAD.
  • Schools must frame the list of students in the FORMAT (preferably typed and send it to our address along with the D.D by Courier Service/Register post / Speed Post.

List of Various Unified Council Olympiad Exams 2023

The Unified Council conducts various exams by different names and for the students from various classes. Therefore, the students must check their eligibility before applying for the exam. These Olympiad exams will be held on different dates. Candidates can apply for more than one Olympiad by doing the registration separately for each exam. Students must check the list of Unified Council Olympiads from the details given below:

National Level Science Talent Search Examinations (NSTSE)

  • NSTSE is one of the most popular olympiad exams conducted by the UCO. This exam focuses more on building the concepts rather than making the students memorize the chapters. 
  • This exam helps the students to get more acquainted with the fundamental concepts of the subjects.
  • The questions are based more on applied concepts rather than theoretical knowledge. 

NSTSE Registration

  • Students can register for the UCO NSTSE exam individually through online mode or through their respective schools.
  • The online/ offline registration for NSTSE 2023-24 has started. 
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for NSTSE individual registration/ school registration are given below:

NSTSE Registration Fees
NSTSE Registration Registration Fees
NSTSE Registration Through School Rs.150/- +15 (SPR Report)
NSTSE Individual Registration Rs.300/-
NSTSE Online (only individual registration) Rs.354/- (including GST)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students of classes 1 to 12 are eligible to participate in the NSTSE exam.
  • For classes 11 and 12, students must be having PCM (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) or PCB (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) as the main subjects in their curriculum.
  • However, there is no exam for the classes 11 and 12 PCMB (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology) stream students.

NSTSE Exam Pattern & Syllabus

  • Duration of the Exam: 60 Minutes (1 Hour)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 40 questions (for class 1), 50 questions (for class 2), 60 questions (for class 3 to 12).
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are class-wise sections in the Unified Council NSTSE exam. The details of the sections are given below:
NSTSE Class Wise Syllabus
Classes Section Marks
I Mathematics 15
General Science 25
II Mathematics 20
General Science 30
III to V Mathematics 25
General Science 30
Critical Thinking 5
VI to X Mathematics 25
Physics 10
Chemistry 10
Biology 10
Critical Thinking 5
For Class XI and XII (PCM) Mathematics 25
Physics 15
Chemistry 15
Critical Thinking 5
For Class XI and XII (PCB) Biology 25
Physics 15
Chemistry 15
Critical Thinking 5

NSTSE Awards

  • NSTSE Topper is awarded Rs. 2,00,000 cash prize. The student who achieves the 1st rank and highest percentage of marks among all the classes is declared as NSTSE Topper.
  • The Top Rankers and the next 2 Rankers in each class are awarded a Laptop and a Tablet PC respectively + a Memento to, each.
  • Ranks 4 to 10 and 11 to 25 of each class, are each awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2000 and Rs. 1000 respectively each.
  • Rankers 26 to 100 of each class are each awarded BMA’s Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book from M/s. Brain Mapping Academy, each.
  • All the Rankers (1 to 100) are each awarded Olympiad Coach Online Subscription worth Rs. 1198, a Medal, and a Certificate of Appreciation.
  • Participation certificates are offered to all students who appear for the examination.

List of Selected Cities

Bangalore, Bareilly, Bhubaneswar+Cuttack, Chandigarh+Mohali+Panchkula, Chennai, Faridabad+ Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kota, Lucknow, Mumbai, Indore, Jalandhar, Jaipur, Kolkata, Nagpur, Nasik, Noida+Ghaziabad, Pune, Varanasi, Yamuna nagar+Karnal+Ambala+Kurukshetra, Vadodara and Visakhapatnam.

Note: City-wise topper is declared after the 100 ranks across the country and state toppers.

Unified International Mathematics Olympiad (UIMO)

  • UIMO is a curriculum-based examination for school students to test their ability in Maths.
  • The UIMO Olympiad exam will help young minds to develop competitive spirits.


  • The interested students will have to register through their respective schools only.
  • Individual/ Direct application forms for UIEO will not be accepted.
  • However, the schools should send a single consolidated Demand Draft towards the exam fee of all the students appearing for the UIEO from your school.
  • The Demand Draft (D.D.) should be drawn in favor of UNIFIED COUNCIL payable at HYDERABAD.
  • The venue of the UIMO will be respective schools only. There is no open center facility for this examination.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for UIMO individual registration/ school registration are given below:

Unified International Mathematics Olympiad (UIMO) Fees
UIMO Registration Registration Fees
Registration Through School Rs.150/-
Olympiad Power Pack  Rs.80/- (for a set of model/ previous question papers)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students of classes 1 to 10 from any CBSE/ICSE/State Board schools are eligible to participate in the UIMO exam.

Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 60 Minutes (1 Hour)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 40 questions (for class 1 & 2), 50 questions (for class 3 to 5), 60 questions (for class 6 to 10).
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are class-wise sections in the Unified Council UIMO exam. The details of the sections are given below:
Unified International Mathematics Olympiad (UIMO) Class Wise Syllabus 
Classes Section Marks
I & II Mathematics 30
Logical Reasoning 10
III to V Mathematics 35
Logical Reasoning 10
Critical Thinking 5
VI to XII Mathematics- I 30
Mathematics- II 15
Logical Reasoning 10
Critical Thinking 5


Unified International Mathematics Olympiad (UIMO) Awards

  • UIMO Topper is awarded Rs. 2,00,000 cash prize*. The student who achieves the 1st rank and highest percentage of marks among all the classes is declared as UIMO Topper.
  • The Top Rankers and the next 2 Rankers in each class are awarded a Laptop and a Tablet PC respectively + a Memento to, each.
  • Ranks 4 to 10 and 11 to 25 of each class, are each awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1500 and Rs. 1000 respectively each.
  • Rankers 26 to 100 of each class are each awarded BMA’s Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book from M/s. Brain Mapping Academy, each.
  • All the Rankers (1 to 100) are each awarded Olympiad Coach Online Subscription worth Rs. 1198, a Medal, and a Certificate of Appreciation.
  •  Rs. 1198, a Medal, and a Certificate of Appreciation.
  • Participation certificates are offered to all students who appear for the examination.

Unified International English Olympiad (UIEO)

  • UIEO is an Olympiad exam for the students to test their ability in English learning.
  • The UIEO Olympiad exam will help young minds to develop competitive spirits and learn the language of the world for better future endeavours.


  • Students will have to register through their respective schools only.
  • Individual/ Direct application forms for UIEO will not be accepted.
  • Schools should send a single consolidated Demand Draft towards the exam fee of all the students appearing for the UIEO from your school.
  • D.D. should be drawn in favor of UNIFIED COUNCIL payable at HYDERABAD.
  • The venue of the UIEO will be respective schools only. There is no open center facility for this examination.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for UIEO individual registration/ school registration are given below:

Unified International English Olympiad (UIEO) Fees
UIEO Registration Registration Fees
Registration Through School Rs.150/-
Olympiad Power Pack  Rs.80/- (for a set of model/ previous question papers)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students from classes 2 to 10 are eligible to participate in the Unified International English Olympiad Exam 2023-24.

Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 60 Minutes (1 Hour)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 35 questions (for class 2 & 4), 50 questions (for class 5 to 10).
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are class-wise sections in the Unified Council UIMO exam. The details of the sections are given below:
Unified International English Olympiad (UIEO) Class Wise Syllabus
Classes Section Marks
I to IV Vocabulary Á Functional Grammer 25
Reading Comprehension 05
Interactive English 05
V to X Vocabulary Á Functional Grammer 35
Reading Comprehension 10
Interactive English 05


Unified International English Olympiad (UIEO) Awards

  • The top Rankers and the next 2 Rankers in each class are awarded a Laptop and a Tablet PC + Memento + Medal, each.
  • The next 12 rankers of each class (Ranks 4-15) are awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1000 each.
  • Top 100 rankers in each class are awarded Olympiad Coach Online Subscription worth Rs. 1198/-.
  • Top 100 rankers from each class (2-4) will be awarded Hand Book of Science – Junior and from classes (5-10) will be awarded Awesome English, a Medal, and a Certificate of Appreciation.

Unified Cyber Olympiad (UCO)

  • UCO is an Olympiad exam for the students to test their ability in IT and Computer learning.
  • The UCO Olympiad exam will help young minds to develop their mental ability, logical reasoning, and computer knowledge.


  • Students will have to register through their respective schools only.
  • Individual/ Direct application forms for UCO will not be accepted.
  • Schools should send a single consolidated Demand Draft towards the exam fee of all the students appearing for the UCO from your school.
  • D.D. should be drawn in favor of UNIFIED COUNCIL payable at HYDERABAD.
  • The venue of the UCO will be respective schools only. There is no open center facility for this examination.
  • Students can do the registration by filling in all the basic details like name, school name, parent’s name, class, subject applied for, etc.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for UCO school registration are given below:

Unified Cyber Olympiad (UCO) Fees
UCO Registration Registration Fees
Registration Through School Rs.150/-
Olympiad Power Pack  Rs.80/- (for a set of model/ previous question papers)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students from classes 2 to 10 are eligible to participate in the Unified Cyber Olympiad Exam 2023-24.

Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Exam: 60 Minutes (1 Hour)
  • Type of Questions: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • Number of Questions: 50 questions (for class 2 & 10)
  • Medium of Test: English
    • No Negative Marking
    • Syllabus:  CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers. 
  • Number of Sections: There are class-wise sections in the Unified Cyber Olympiad (UCO) exam. The details of the sections are given below:
Unified Cyber Olympiad (UCO) Syllabus & Patter
Sections Marks
Mental Ability 15 Marks
Reasoning 15 Marks
Computers 15 Marks
English 05 Marks

Unified Cyber Olympiad (UCO) Awards

  • The Top Rankers and the next two Rankers in each class are awarded a Laptop and a Tablet PC respectively and a Memento to, each.
  • The next 7 rankers of each class (Ranks 4-25) are awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1000 each.
  • Top 100 rankers in each class are awarded Olympiad Coach Online Subscription worth Rs. 1198.
  • Top 100 rankers from each class are also awarded each with a Medal, Reasoning Trainer Plus Book, from M/s Brain Mapping Academy.
  • All the top rankers from 1-100 are awarded a Medal and a Certificate of Appreciation

Unified Council Olympiad Exam Result 2023

Once the Unified Council Olympiad gets over, the official authority will declare the result for all the Olympiads. So, the students who have appeared for the Unified Council Olympiad Exam can check their results online. The merit/ participation certificates will be given to all the participants on the basis of their marks in the exam. Students can check their result/ scorecard by entering their Registration Number, Name, Date of BIrth, or Parents’ Name. The certificates or awards will be given to all the toppers once the results are announced. 

Tie-Breaking Criteria

When more than one student gets an equal top score, priority for awarding ranks will be according to the marks acquired in the order to the Main sections in the exam. For example for the Unified Cyber Olympiad (UCO), the rank will be the in following specified order of subjects: Mental Ability, Reasoning, Computers, and English.

  • In case of a tie in deciding a rank because of the same marks, the time taken for completing the test is considered for deciding the rank. 
  • One who has taken less time for completing gets the upper rank.

Unified Council Olympiad 2023 Highlights

Unified Council Olympiad (UCO) Details
Name of the Exam Unified Council Olympiad 2023-24
Organizing Body Unified Council Organization (UCO)
Purpose of Exam To promote competitive spirits and develop higher learning among the students of classes 1 to 12
Exam Level National and International level exam
Mode of Exam Online OMR Based (due to Covid-19 impact)
Registration Started Apply Here
Mode of Registration Online/ Offline
Number of Olympiads  04 (NSTSE, UCO, UIEO, UIMO)
Official Website unifiedcouncil.com

About Unified Council

The UC conducts the Unified Council Olympiads (UCO) for students from various schools across National and International levels. The council is responsible to conduct various Olympiad exams. It also conducts the tests that are designed to test the student’s fundamentals, their understanding of concepts, and application skills, rather than their memory skills. The Council gives the questions that will enable the students to think and analytically solve the questions, rather than just theoretical learning. It also distributes free motivational books to all the participating students. In a way, the council is working towards the holistic development of the students from a very tender age. 

The Unified Council Olympiad Exams offer several features and advantages:


  1. Skill-based Assessment: The exams are designed to test students’ skills in each subject, evaluating their comprehensive understanding of the concepts learned.
  2. National Benchmark: Unified Council exams provide a benchmark for students across India, allowing them to gauge their performance at the national level.
  3. Detailed Analysis: The exams provide detailed analysis and feedback, helping students identify their strengths and weaknesses in specific areas of the subjects.
  4. Affordability: Unified Council Olympiad exams are cost-effective, making them accessible to all candidates, whether they register through their schools or individually.


  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Students receive a well-rounded assessment of their knowledge and skills in subjects like mathematics, science, and English.
  2. National Comparison: The exams enable students to compare their performance with peers from across the country, giving them a broader perspective on their academic abilities.
  3. Personalized Feedback: Detailed reports highlight areas where students excel and areas that require improvement, allowing for targeted study and skill development.
  4. Accessibility: The affordability and accessibility of Unified Council exams ensure that a wide range of students can participate, regardless of their financial background.

Overall, Unified Council Olympiad Exams are a valuable tool for students to enhance their subject knowledge, gain national exposure, and receive personalized feedback for academic improvement.

FAQs on Unified Council Olympiad 2023

Q1. How can I apply for NSTSE Olympiad Exam?

Ans: Students can apply for NSTSE Olympiad through individual registration or registering through their respective schools.

Q2. Does Unified Council accept individual applications?

Ans: The UCO accepts the individual/ separate applications only for NSTSE Olympiad. Whereas, for UCO, UIMO, UIEO, individual/direct applicants is not accepted.

Q3. Can I apply for more than one Unified Council Olympiad?

Ans: Yes, you can apply for more than one Olympiad exam by doing the individual registration for each exam.

Q4. What is the syllabus for the Unified Council Olympiad exam 2023?

Ans: The Syllabus of the Unified Council Olympiad follows the CBSE / ICSE / ISC and various other State Board syllabi.

Q5. Will I get the Certificate of Participation for the Unified Cyber Olympiad?

Ans: Yes, the participants will get an acknowledgment Certificate of Participation by the authority of UCO.

Q6. What is the venue for the Unified Council Olympiad exam 2023?

Ans: There is no open centre for this exam. The venue for UCO will be the respective schools only.

Q7. What is the medium of Unified Council Olympiad Exams? 

Ans: The medium of question papers for UCO exams is only in English.

Q8. Is there any admit card for the Unified Cyber Olympiad?

Ans: Yes, the admit card of Unified Olympiad is issued two weeks before the exam.

Q9. Which are the selected cities for Unified Council Olympiad 2023?

Ans: The selected cities for UCO are: Bangalore, Bareilly, Bhubaneswar+Cuttack, Mohali+Panchkula, Chennai, Faridabad+Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Indore, Jalandhar, Jaipur, Kolkata, Kanpur, Kota, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Noida+Ghaziabad, Pune, Varanasi, Yamuna nagar+Karnal+Ambala+Kurukshetra, Vadodara and Visakhapatnam.

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