UPPSC MO Ayurveda/Unani Exam 2021 Answer Keys Released


UPSC has released the final answer keys for the MO Ayurveda/Unani Exam 2021, conducted on 4 and 5 March. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the final answer keys for the Recruitment Test of Medical Officers in Ayurveda/Unani.

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Here is a guide to understanding and using the answer keys.

The answer keys will contain all the correct solutions to the MO Ayurveda/Unani exam 2021 questions.

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  • Candidates can check the answer keys for each question and assess their performance in the examination.
  • Thereafter, candidates can cross-check their responses with the official score revealed by UPSC to calculate an approximate score.
  • This will help them analyse their performance and make preparations accordingly for future examinations.

How to Access the UPSC MO Ayurveda/Unani Final Answer Keys.

Candidates can access the UPSC MO Ayurveda/Unani final answer keys from the UPSC official website.

  • The candidates must first sign in to the portal and go to the relevant link for downloading their answer keys.
  • Once the candidate clicks on it, they will be directed to a new page where they can download the answer keys and compare their answers with it.

Review Your Responses Carefully Against the Keys.

The UPSC MO Ayurveda/Unani exam answer keys are an important tool that candidates can use to review their answers and estimate their probable scores.

  • Candidates must carefully go through the key and compare their responses against it.
  • They should make a note of any discrepancies and inform the conducting authority if there is any difference between their response and the correct answer mentioned in the final answer keys.

If Necessary, File an Objection by the Deadline Given by UPSC.

Candidates must go through the answer key carefully and if they find any discrepancy between their answers and the correct answers provided by UPSC, they can file an objection.

  • To raise an objection, candidates will first have to fill up a form on the official website of UPSC within the deadline given by UPSC.
  • After filling up the form, they can submit their objections with relevant proof to substantiate their claims.
  • The objections received after the stipulated date will not be considered.

Take Note of Important Changes or Corrections in the Key Values Highlighted by UPSC After Objections are Received.

UPSC may make some changes to the answer keys that it releases as per the valid objections filed by candidates after carefully examining them.

  • Therefore, candidates must be keenly aware of and acquiesce with any alterations in the key values that are reflected in the final result.
  • Candidates can take help from legal experts if they require any assistance related to filing objections or understanding the latest updates on their result.

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Abhinandan Singh
Abhinandan is interested in writing and creating articles related to career and admission from past 7 years. His interests lie in mentoring and career counselling.


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