How States Can Minimise Examination Paper Leakage 

Proper storage of examination papers in secure locations to prevent unauthorized access.

Secure storage

 Use of digital technology to securely store and distribute question papers to reduce the chance of leaks.

Encrypted digital question papers

Close monitoring of examination centers to prevent any unethical activities.

Strict supervision

 Careful screening of exam staff to ensure that individuals with a history of misconduct or unethical behavior are not involved in the examination process.

Background checks

 Strong penalties and consequences for individuals involved in examination paper leaks to act as a deterrent.


 Implementing technology such as biometrics and CCTV cameras to monitor and record activities during exams.


Random checks: Conducting surprise checks and raids to detect and prevent paper leaks.

Random checks

Increasing public awareness and promoting a culture of integrity and ethical behavior in the examination process.

Public awareness