34 Electrical Engineering & Allied Courses

Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering courses

The AICTE listed 34 Electrical Engineering & Allied courses. The Candidates can opt for these courses in various engineering colleges under AICTE affiliation. The electrical field of engineering dealing with electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism application and study also.

Electrical Engineering & Allied Courses

Advanced Electrical Power System

Artificer Training (Electrical)

Audiography & Sound Engineering

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Communication & Signal Process

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electrical and Electronics

Power System
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Sandwich)

Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Electrical and Power Engineering

Electrical Energy Systems

Electrical Engineering 

Electronics & Power
Industrial Control
Electrical Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Electrical Power Engineering
Electrical, Electronics and Power

High Voltage and Power Systems Engineering

High Voltage Engineering

Neural Networks

Power Engineering

Power Electronics
Power and Energy Engineering
Power and Industrial Drives
Power Control and Drives
Power Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering
Power Electronics Engineering
Power Systems Engineering

Radar & Communication

Radio Frequency and Microwave Engineering

Sound Recording and Engineering

Technician X-Ray Technology

Tv & Sound Engineering

Job & Scope of Electrical Engineering:

Job Responsibility of electricals engineering is to designs electrical systems by developing and testing components.

The Skills and knowledge required are Electronic Systems, Electronics Troubleshooting, Electronic Testing and Design, Project Management, Focusing on quality, Designing the database, Analysing Info, Research, Emphasising on Excellence, Innovation designing.

What does an electrical engineer do?

A person who starts with concept designing and develops a piece of new electrical equipment. find the solution of problems and also tests hardware. They are multidisciplinary and usually work with all kinds of electronic machines & devices, from the smallest to large. Electrical engineering deals with electricity, electromagnetism and electronics.

Electrical engineers deal with electricity, electronics and electromagnetism.

Salaries vary from location to location and also depends on the size of the organisation and the nature of its business also.

In India a lot of government jobs opening for Electrical engineers at a different level.

Check JEE Main 2020 Exam complete details here.

Source: http://www.aicte-india.org/education/institutions/Universities