GITAM GAT 2020 Slot Booking Dates: Book Your Slot Now

GITAM GAT 2018 Slot Booking
GITAM GAT Slot Booking Dates

GITAM GAT 2020 Slot Booking is for Aspirants of GAT 2019. Aspirants should book their slot for the test from 1st week of April 2020. This will follow early bird criteria i.e student should reserve their seat for the test as early as possible in order to seek their desirable test timings. GITAM GAT 2020 is also known as GITAM University Admission Test and for the collective details read more information below.

GITAM GAT 2020 Slot Booking Schedule:

Upcoming Important Events Dates(Tentative)
Commencement of slot booking date 05-07 April 2020
Admit Card Downloading Dates 15 April 2020 onwards
Dates of online test 10-22 April 2020

How to book a slot for GITAM GAT 2020 Online?

Steps for GITAM GAT 2020 Slot Booking:

  1. The student should log in to the GITAM GAT official website page.
  2. Provide the application number, gender, and date of birth.
  3. Provide the test centre details, test date, and test slot.
  4. Then cross check the details and then confirm and click on the submit button.

Hence, the student should be ready with all the information beforehand while booking their slot.

Foremost thing required for slot booking is your application number which should be maintained with the students. And in case any student forgot the application number then he/she should click on the forgot application number. Then enter your registered email id and mobile number, gender and date of birth cautiously. Then, click on proceed and you will receive your application number.

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Things You Should Keep In Your Mind Before Booking Slot for GAT 2019:

  • The applicant can book only one slot on its official website i.e
  • Nobody is permitted to book those slots which have already full.
  • For future convenience and reference as well one should download the slot booking confirmation page.
  • Once the slot is booked then it cannot be changed in any situation.
  • So one should be very cautious while booking their slot.
  • Only after booking is complete, then only one can able to procure his/her admit card.
  • Admit card will not generate prior to slot booking.

Once the candidate reserve the test date and time, the Hall Ticket/Admit card with detailed instructions will be available for downloading. And Candidate can download the same from April to before the scheduled exam. Applicants must visit the official website between these dates to download the Admit card/Hall ticket and instructions for the exam.

Some Important Information related to GITAM GAT 2020, Test Centres, And the downloading of Admit Card:

  • The test will take place in the mid of April 2020. It is under GITAM University administration to decide the test center cities.
  • The student should take two copies of admit card and should cross check the information furnished in it. And it should be matching with what you have mentioned in the application form.
  • Candidates should also bring their ID card issued by Govt. of India.It can be the passport, pan card, Aadhar card, driving license, Voter ID card etc.

Below is the window available for the slot booking system. The student should give a look to it in order to have a complete picture of the slot booking (official)  window. It will assist and ease a student for this process. And kindly follow the steps to slot booking mentioned above.

Stay tuned with EntranceZone for more updates and information related to GITAM GAT 2020.

GITAM slot booking
GITAM slot booking