Life at IIT B MUMBAI 70 % Students finds Bathing Burdensome

Campus Life at IIT B MUMBAI

Life at IIT-B MUMBAI 70 % Students finds Bathing Burdensome. 55.7 % are inspired by the James Bond movie Casino Royale where they played poker or blackjack. A survey disclosed that out of 10 students at IIT-B only 6 of them takes a bath in two to three days, Finding burdensome, 30% which is a small number of students took bath daily and around 10% students took bath weekly.

TNN | Sep 1, 2016, 07:22 IST
TNN | Sep 1, 2016, 07:22 IST

These are one of the findings of the second edition of the survey at the IIT-B lead by students. This is collected from 332 passing out class including all the UG, PG students.

The love of hostel life is going to continue to little long after graduation also,40% of the hostelers plan to live with friends or classmates,27% wants to go back to their home immediately after exams,19% students choose to live alone.

On the other hand, 66% maintained close relations with their close friends back home, where as 29.8% had less interaction with their parents.

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Looking at their Bucket list they seem interested in few items only. Around 52.4% had experienced the classy dream of every student

few remember their Road trip to GOA than 70% travelled ticket less in local Mumbai trains and 55.7 % are inspired by the James bond movie Casino Royale where they played poker or blackjack.

On the marital plans, the survey found that 39.15% did not want to marry for next five years, 31% were clueless while 22% wanted to marry within 3-5 years, 39% of them are the religious believer, 21% of them identified themselves as atheists and 39% said they were agnostic.

Looking at their studies 71% of Graduates as B.Tech and 33.75 % out of them got an additional honours degree or minor degree or both.

They were having average CPI of 7.87 where 163 out of 332 had CPI greater than 8, where as 43 had CPI greater than 9, Chief Editor Sheerrang Javadekar added 35.7% wanted a decent CPI whereas 32.6% were unable in reaching their potential. He is Chief Editor of Insight, the IIT-B newspaper which conducted the survey.

In terms of attending the class, 39.75% attended most classes while 32.5% preferred attending few lectures. Some 7.5% said they attended all the classes. Surprisingly 16.2% never visited the central library of the institute.