IITs Lower Cutoff to fill up the in Under Graduate B.Tech

IITs Lower Cutoff
Indiatimes - IITs Lower Cutoff

IITs Lower  Cutoff: The IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology) are making every effort to get the best students. The cut-off marks have been lowered in the last 2 years to fill up the vacant seats in the country’s premier engineering institutes.

If a general category student scored 75 out of 372 marks in the JEE Advanced this year, he or she got a rank to get admission in one of the 23 IITs. Reserved category students – ST/SC and people with a disability had to secure only 38 marks to secure admission.

This is happening at the same time when the HRD Ministry has decided to increase the intake in IITs from around 70,000 to 100,000 incoming three consecutive years, allowing even Non-Residential to study at IIT.

Looking at IIT-Roorkee decision of expelling 11 B.Tech students early this year for poor academic performance and the lowering the cutoff at admission in IITs has raised questions about the academic quality in IITs. Last year, the institute had expelled 72 students for a lower academic record, but they were later re-admitted on signing a strict condition to improve their results.

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Few experts say that tough question pattern and negative marking in the JEE resulted in the shortfall of candidates meeting the Cut off Marks, and to fill up the seats IIT management have to lower the bar.

One of the Directors quoted that there is no decrease in the standard of IITs on the account of lowering cutoffs. “IITs teaching-learning process is intense, and many students who got admission to low ranks in JEE turn out ‘gems’ when they pass out of the undergraduate programme,”.

Whereas one of former IIT director said that the Govt. need to improve the level of School education so that students appearing for the JEE MAIN qualifying examination will not require so much of relaxation.

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  1. Lowering entrance standards for IITs is a bad news in the long run. I was aware that students from “reserved” groups are admitted with lower scores but not the extent of it; 38 for them and 75 for others. Truly pathetic and a downward spiral in the quality of education and poorly trained professionals.
    Regarding the comment by one of the former Director, “the Govt. need to improve the level of education…”, I must ask why Govt. and not him offering his time and efforts in improving school education. Talk is certainly cheap and asking the Govt. is easy. Let us recall what Kennedy once said, something like- Ask not what nation can do for you but ask what you can do for the nation. It is time that we rise above the blaming game and get involved.