UPSEE 2020 Cutoff: Uttar Pradesh Engineering Exam

UPSEE 2020 CutOff
UPSEE 2020 CutOff

UPSEE 2020 Cutoff will be released after the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination. And, the results will be available in the last week of May 2020. And, along with the results, there will be a release of merit list or UPSEE 2020 Cutoff and Candidates will get the call for counselling process according to this list.

Also, there is an expected cut off marks list that can be used as a reference to know whether the candidate is eligible to get admission in the desired college and branch. UPSEE 2020 cut off the list gives the minimum marks that the candidate must score in order to get considered for admission in colleges present under the AKTU, Lucknow. The candidate can use this cut-off list along with the official answer key of the exam to predict the results as well as the final admission in his/her desired college or course.

This exam is very important for aspirants willing to take admissions in the state of UP.  There are more than 20 institutes in the state which accept admissions through UPSEE. So it is a very important exam for the candidates residing in the state of up.

UPSEE 2020 Cutoff Details

For the cut-off list, various considering factors are namely:

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  • A total number of students appeared in the exam.
  • A total number of students who qualified for the exam.
  • Total marks scored by the candidates.
  • The difficulty level of the exam.
  • Total available seats.

 UPSEE Qualifying Percentage in Category wise

Category General/ST/OBC SC
Minimum Qualifying Percentage 25% 20%

Candidates who will score more than this qualifying percentage will be eligible to participate in counselling UPSEE 2020.

By going through this year’s cut off list, we can predict the cut off list for UPSEE 2020. 

Marks obtained Rank 
Above 500 1-700
475-499 700-1050
399-475 1100-7050
350-399 8001-16000
310-349 16500-25000
250-299 25001-30000
200-249 30001-50000
120-199 50001-90000
Below 120 Above 90000

Uttar Pradesh Entrance Examination Cutoff score

Further, those candidates whose score is above these cutoff lists and fall under the described criteria get the call for the counselling process. Moreover, these ranks are used to created further cutoff lists for various branches of various courses which can be expected as for UPSEE 2020 Cutoff:

Branches of Engineering Closing Rank on the Cut off List
Computer science 586
Mechanical 630
electrical 777
Civil 957
electronics 1059
Information technology 1091
Chemical 1139
Computer science (Lower-ranked colleges) 1395
Mechanical (Lower-ranked colleges) 1451
Electronics and communication 1740

NOTE: This is an expected cut off list for UPSEE 2020 based on this year’s list. However, candidates should check the official website for any changes in this list after the exam occurs.

The link for any updates to the official link is given here.

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