KCET 2021 Syllabus: Karnataka CET Syllabus PDF

KCET 2018 Syllabus
KCET Syllabus

KCET 2021 Syllabus set according to the PUC of Karnataka. Also, Karnataka Common Entrance Test syllabus contains Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology topics. But, other states candidates can refer NCERT on their state 11th and 12th standard books for the preparation. So, given below are topics that are included in the syllabus of KCET 2021 according to their priority so as to be convenient for the candidates.

KCET 2021 Syllabus

The detailed Karnataka Common Entrance Test 2021 syllabus is written below.


  1. Wave Optics
  2. Heat and thermodynamics
  3. Electrostatics
  4. Ray optics
  5. Modern physics
  6. Current electricity
  7. Electromagnetic induction
  8. Physics of nucleus
  9. Wave motion
  10. Solids and semiconductor devices
  11. Alternating current
  12. Heat and chemical effects
  13. Electromagnetic waves
  14. Fluids
  15. Principles of communication


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  1. Probability
  2. Vectors
  3. 3-D geometry
  4. Sets, relation, and functions
  5. Matrices determinants
  6. Limits
  7. Indefinite integration
  8. Definite integration
  9. Complex numbers
  10. Theory of equation
  11. Permutation and combination
  12. Sequence and series
  13. Binomial theorem
  14. Continuity and differentiation
  15. Trigonometric ratio
  16. Dynamics
  17. Statics


  1. Biomolecules
  2. Principles and processes of extraction
  3. Carboxylic acids and its derivatives
  4. Aldehyde ketone
  5. Alcohol, phenol, ether
  6. 5th- block elements
  7. Alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes
  8. Mole concepts
  9. Chemical equilibrium
  10. Redox reaction
  11. Chemical kinetics
  12. General organic chemistry
  13. Ionic equilibrium
  14. Chemical bonding
  15. Periodic classification of elements
  16. Atomic structure
  17. P-block elements
  18. Co-ordination compound
  19. Transition elements
  20. Surface chemistry
  21. Nuclear chemistry
  22. Gaseous state


  1. Diversity in the living world
  2. Reproduction
  3. Cell structure and function
  4. Genetics and evolution
  5.  Biology in human welfare
  6. Biotechnology and ecology
  7. Plant physiology
  8. Human physiology

Recommended Books for KCET 2021


  1. Resnick and Halliday: An optional book
  2. Dc Pandey and O.P Tandon
  3. C VERMA- its good concept-wise


  1. Numerical Chemistry (Objective book) for Physical Chemistry by P. Bahadur
  2. Arihant Organic Chemistry: Latest edition for practice with the question papers
  3. N Sanyal’s Organic Chemistry book,
  4. NCERTs for Inorganic Chemistry
  5. ABC’s modern chemistry


  1. Coordinate Geometry and Trigonometry book by S.L. Loney
  2. A Das Gupta’s book for subjective and objective practice
  3. G N Berman -For Calculus
  4. Arihant Books

How to Download KCET 2021 Syllabus?

Here, the Candidate can easily find the Procedure to download the Syllabus for Karnataka Common Entrance Test 2021

  • Initially, the candidate has to visit the official site of
  • Check the website properly and go into the section of the Entrance examination, admission etc and scroll for the syllabus.
  • After that click on the syllabus pdf if they have and the file will automatically download.

KCET 2021 Paper Pattern

  • Mode of the exam: offline test where candidates will answer on OMR sheets.
  • Papers in the exam: Candidates can appear for PCM or PCB papers, depending on the selected subject choice.
  • Types of questions: MCQ pattern.
  • Marking scheme: Correct answers attract 1 marks. However, there is no negative marking for wrong answers.
  • Total marks in the exam: The maximum marks in the exam is 180.
  • Total number of questions: The entire paper has 180 questions
Latest Kea Kar KCET Exam Paper Pattern 2021
S.NO Test Type Subject Name No of Questions Total Marks Test Duration
1. Objective Type Mathematics 60 60 80 Min
2. Physics 60 60
3. Chemistry 60 60

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