JAYPEE 2020 Paper Pattern: Jaypee University & Institutes

JAYPEE 2018 Paper Pattern
JAYPEE Paper Pattern

JAYPEE 2020 gives admission to the engineering aspirants which is conducted by Jaypee Institute of Information Technology which was established in Noida in the year 2001 and has branches in Wakanghat, Guna and Anoopshar.  However, the number of seats available, as well as the branches offered, differs in all three institutes. Read detailed information about JAYPEE 2020 Paper Pattern.

JAYPEE 2020 Paper Pattern

JIIT Noida offers Electronics and Communication, Computer Science, Information Technology and Bio-Technology with an intake of 240, 300, 60, and 60. JUIT, Wakanghat offers Electronics and communication, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Civil engineering with an intake of 160, 160, 30 and 30. JUET, Guna offers Electronics and Communication, Computer Science, Civil, Mechanical and Chemical engineering with an intake of 160, 160, 120, 120 and 60.

The candidate must go through the eligibility criteria as well as the important dates so as to keep in mind the deadlines for filling the application form.

No separate entrance examination is conducted by the institutes of JAYPEE to give admission to the students. The admission is given on the basis of the rank that the student has scored in JEE Mains on the basis of which the merit list is made. Pertaining to this list, candidates are called for counselling session post which the admission procedure takes place.

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However, JUET, Guna has proposed admission to the candidates directly to the second year of engineering based on the score of the student in the entrance examination conducted by the institution.

The JIIT exam pattern of the examination is as given below-

  • The exam will be conducted for a duration of 1.5 hours
  • The exam will be of 100 marks maximum
  • The questions will be objective
  • There will be a total of 50 questions carrying 2 marks each
  • No marks will be given if any question is left unanswered
  • For every specialization, a different paper will be made so it is beneficial for the students that they go through the syllabus thoroughly and attempt the correct question paper

We will keep uploading the information as and when required. The exact dates will be communicated as well.

engineering entrance exams pattern.