JAYPEE 2020 Syllabus: Detailed Information, Important Points

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JAYPEE 2020 gives admission to the engineering aspirants which is conducted by Jaypee Institute of Information Technology which was established in Noida in the year 2001 and has branches in Wakanghat, Guna and Anoopshar. However, the number of seats available, as well as the branches offered, differs in all three institutes. In this page the detailed information of Jaypee 2020 Syllabus. The Syllabus for Jaypee University and Institutes are given here.

JAYPEE 2020 Syllabus

JIIT Noida offers Electronics and Communication, Computer Science, Information Technology and Bio-Technology with an intake of 240, 300, 60, and 60. JUIT, Wakanghat offers Electronics and communication, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Civil engineering with an intake of 160, 160, 30 and 30. JUET, Guna offers Electronics and Communication, Computer Science, Civil, Mechanical and Chemical engineering with an intake of 160, 160, 120, 120 and 60.

Lateral admission is offered to the candidates as well by direct entry to the second year. For this, the University conducts an entrance examination every year, the syllabus of which is given below. One mandatory point is that the exam is different according to the different streams. And therefore, the student needs to study thoroughly beforehand. So as to prepare for the exam a lot better.

There are three sections in the exam. Section A is common for all streams. Section B is meant only for ECE and CSE and Section C is common to CHE, CE, and MEC.

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JAYPEE 2020 Syllabus of Section A


Electromagnetic: Laplace’s equation, Poisson’s equation, Maxwell’s equations, Electromagnetic waves, Poynting vector, Reflection and refraction of EM waves from dielectric surfaces and total internal reflection

Optics: Interference, diffraction, and polarisation

Theory of relativity: Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time dilation, mass-energy relation

Laser: Statistical distribution, spontaneous and stimulated emission, ruby laser and He-Ne laser


Calculus: Limit, continuity, differentiability, integrability of functions of real and complex variables, Taylor’s theorem, ordinary differential equations, multiple integrals with applications

Vector analysis: Differentiation of vectors, gradient, divergence and curl, line and surface integrals, Gauss divergence theorem

Matrices: Algebra of matrices, the inverse of matrix, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors

JAYPEE 2020 Syllabus of Section B

Computer, programming, and basic data structures:

Introduction to computers, structured programming in C, data types, control flow, selection, looping, array, string, pointer.  Apart from these function, structure, union, iteration, file I/O, linked list, number system and representation fall under the syllabus. Fixed and floating point numbers, binary arithmetic, character representation, recursion and its removal, stack, queue and BST are also some of the crucial topics.

Basic electric and electronic circuits:

Analysis of simple AC and DC circuits, resonance, Thevenin and Norton theorems, transformers and electrical machines, basic semiconductor devices including transistors, amplifiers, feedback amplifiers and oscillators, OP-Amps and circuits, Boolean algebra, logic gates and circuits, flip-flops, shift registers, and counters.

JAYPEE 2020 Syllabus of Section C

Section C consists of Engineering Mechanics, workshop practice, engineering graphics and engineering chemistry.

The detailed Syllabus PDF can be download here.

How To Download The Syllabus PDF of JAYPEE 2020

Here, Candidate can easily find the Procedure to download the Syllabus for JAYPEE 2020

  • Initially, the candidate has to visit the official site of JAYPEE
  • Check the website properly and go into the section of Entrance examination, admission etc and scroll for the syllabus.
  • After that click on the syllabus PDF if they have and the file will automatically download on your device.
  • Follow this procedure for website having syllabus PDF, else stay updated With entrancezone.com

 JAYPEE Entrance Exam Paper Pattern

The university and institute admissions are based on JEE Main 2020 entrance exam. The Joint Entrance Examination (Main) scores will be considered for admission into JAYPEE University and Institutes. Read about JAYPEE 2020 Exam Pattern Here.

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